Chapter 41

Shaoya and I gathered on the playground and waited for the flag raising ceremony. From a distance, we saw Zhang Qingqing, the head teacher standing in the crowd. Today, she wore a soft white dress, a pair of high heels and long hair. What's different from usual is that she didn't make up today. She was a little less charming and more elegant. She didn't seem to have a good rest, and her face looked a little pale.

She was looking around in front of the team in our class, as if looking for a classmate, and then she turned around and saw me. When she saw me, her eyes lit up and seemed relieved, but she soon turned a black face and didn't give me a good face.

"Good morning, Miss Zhang"

When shaoya and Da Luo and Xiao Luo passed by Zhang Qingqing, they all said hello to Zhang Qingqing. I pretended not to see her and went over, while Zhang Qingqing pretended not to see me. They only said hello to shaoya, but ignored me.

The Whistler's heart was thin. He seemed to find something wrong. He whispered in my ear, "Hey, Chen Yu, why didn't you say hello to Mr. Zhang, and it's strange that Mr. Zhang didn't call you."

I couldn't help glancing at him and said, "didn't you say hello? What's strange?"

Shaoya said, "it's not strange if it's other students, but you and the head teacher are from the same hometown. It seems that they are still relatives. She is very kind to you on weekdays. Of course, it's a little strange not to say hello today."

I was a little stunned: "when was she good to me?"

Shaoya said, "don't you feel it? On weekdays, she often asks you to go to the office, get some information questions for you, and open a small stove for you. Moreover, even in self-study class, she often stays with you for half a day, patiently asks and teaches you all kinds of learning problems. Who has such a good treatment except you?"

I was a little stunned when I heard the speech. I couldn't help turning my head and looking at Zhang Qingqing not far away. An unspeakable complex emotion filled my heart and began to regret. However, this regret lasted only a few seconds. After I thought of the cover in Zhang Qingqing's handbag, it immediately disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing is pulling a pretty face, asking everyone not to slow down and quickly line up. Boys line up and girls line up. I'm tall and ranked behind the boys, while Tang Anning, 162cm, is also tall among the girls in the class. I'm also behind the girls and just next to me.

Tang Anning took the initiative to say hello to me: "morning."

She wore a ponytail today. She looked energetic and charming. I also noticed that two fingers on her left hand were pasted with band aids. Could it be that she was pierced by a needle when she mended my clothes yesterday?


When I said hello to Tang Anning, I subconsciously wanted to cover up the breach of my right sleeve, but Tang Anning saw the breach at a glance. The smile on her face solidified. She looked at me and asked calmly, "didn't you sew the clothes for you?"

"I tore it off." I was a little panicked by Tang Anning's expressionless look. I felt sorry for her and wanted to explain the reason.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing's cold voice came from the head teacher: "silence, the flag raising ceremony is about to begin. Don't whisper below."

I wanted to explain to Tang Anning, but now I don't have a chance, because the national anthem has sounded and the flag raising ceremony has begun.

At the end of the flag raising ceremony, the headmaster took the stage to lecture again. It was not easy. When he finished speaking and could be dissolved, Tang Anning ignored me and directly turned around and left. Needless to ask, she must be angry.

When shaoya and Da Luo and Xiao Luo met, they came to laugh at me and said I didn't know what to do. Now I'm flat, right?

I didn't expect this to happen, especially when I thought of the band aid on Tang Anning's finger. I felt more guilty. I asked shaoya if there was any way to save it?

Sentinel teeth said with a smile: "you want to save, want her to forgive you?"

I said, "well, what can I do?"

Sentry tooth said, "yes, and it's very simple."

I hurriedly asked, "how?"

Whistle teeth said: "she is angry because you tore off the kitty cat patch she mended. As long as you sew the patch back honestly, and then apologize to her, I think she will forgive you. After all, the monitor is not a stingy person."

"Do you want me to sew back the pink Kitty patch?" I shook my head again and again. "Why don't I just apologize to her?"

If I sew that patch, the school uniform coat will look like a girl's dress, and they will laugh at me for a lifetime.

The sentinel teeth said directly, "it seems that you don't understand the psychology of girls. Forget it. We don't care about you. You can do it yourself."

All morning, I didn't find a chance to apologize to Tang Anning. After school at noon, I had the cheek to ask her, "Tang Anning, do you still help me make up classes at noon?"

Tang Anning was sitting at the same table with her. Xu Jie joked and packed up his things. When he saw me coming, he immediately raised his face, looked at me, and calmly said, "your learning progress has kept up. I don't think I need to help you make up lessons."

When she finished, she left the classroom with Xu Jie. I stood in place foolishly.

Sentry teeth came and patted me on the shoulder and said, "young man, I advise you to find a chance to beg others for forgiveness."

I think shaoya is right. After all, it's my fault that made her angry. After lunch at noon, I climbed the wall and bought a box of chocolates at Sony Ericsson Belgium handmade chocolate store. The box is heart-shaped. There are 12 chocolates with different flavors in the box, which looks very delicate and beautiful.

Then I asked the clerk for a card. After thinking for a long time, I didn't know what to write. Finally, the saleswoman selling chocolate asked about the situation and suggested that I only write three words: sorry.

After that, I went back to school happily. Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the classroom during the lunch break, I sneaked back to the classroom and put the gift in Tang Anning's desk. Then I went back to my bedroom to have a rest.

In the bedroom, both shaoya and brother Da Luo and Xiao Luo didn't sleep. Seeing me back, shaoya complained, "where are you, Chen Yu? We're discussing how to help you apologize to Miss Tang."

I said proudly, "don't worry, I've done it."

They all asked curiously, "Tang Anning forgives you. How did you do it?"

I said, "I haven't forgiven yet, but it's estimated that she will forgive me at noon."

When I returned to the classroom in the afternoon, my first reaction was to look at Tang Anning's seat. Where is she already? She was bowing her head to preview her lessons. Her face was normal. I couldn't see any difference. When I walked past her, I deliberately said hello to her. Tang Anning heard my voice, looked up at me and said faintly, "Oh, good afternoon."

I saw her face calm as usual. I couldn't touch my head. I thought: hasn't she found the chocolate gift in the table, or has the chocolate been taken away by others?

I returned to my seat with a depressed face. What I didn't see at that time was that as soon as I walked away, Tang Anning's small mouth rose slightly and showed a sweet smile, but soon she restrained her joy and pretended to be nothing.

Sentinel teeth saw my dejected appearance and asked me what was going on?

I told him about buying chocolate at noon and asked, "sentry teeth, do you think the chocolate I apologized to Tang Anning was taken away by others?"

The whistle tooth hesitated and said, "shouldn't it?"

I looked at Tang Anning in front of me and said depressed, "what's the situation now? She didn't forgive me, but she made a noise."

Shaoya said, "it's not easy. Go to her and try again. If she's no longer angry, it means that she forgives you."

I think shaoya makes a lot of sense. When school is over in the afternoon, I have the cheek to say hello to Tang Anning, and then ask, "monitor, what, I find that I still can't keep up with my study without you helping me make up lessons. Can you continue to help me make up lessons?"

Tang Anning said, "the monthly exam will be in a few days. I have to review my lessons. I don't have much time."

Although she was not as angry as she was in the morning, it seemed that she had not completely forgiven me, gifts were given, and it was useless to apologize.

When I returned to my bedroom, I found that none of the sentinel teeth were there. I guess I went to play basketball. Frustrated, I sat down by the bed and thought about how to make Tang Anning forgive me. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of the pink Kitty patch in the garbage basket.

I picked up Kitty's cat patch, took it in my hand and looked over and over for a while. I thought of the band aid on Tang Anning's finger. It is estimated that she must have been stabbed by an embroidery needle when she was helping me mend my clothes.

After hesitating for a long time, I finally made a decision: Damn it, isn't Tang Anning angry because I tore off this pink Kitty patch? Can I sew it back?

I went out to find the dormitory management aunt to borrow a needle and thread, and then sewed the pink kitty cat back one by one. Just sewed, shaoya and Da Luo and Xiao Luo came back after playing basketball. When they saw the school uniform coat that was mended in my hand, they looked at each other, stunned, and then suddenly laughed.

While laughing, shaoya still teased me, put his arm around my shoulder and said, "ha ha, Chen Yu, don't you dislike pink sissy? Why did you sew it back by yourself now?"

My face was hot and I clapped his hand: "go away, it's none of your business."