Chapter 372

Zhang Qingqing glanced at me obliquely. The expression on her face seemed to hesitate for a moment. She might be thinking whether to push my hand away?

But I may feel afraid of being found abnormal by Tu Wenxuan and others outside the window, and she just promised to let me touch my leg, so she didn't pull my hand away in the end. This result made me feel a little angry at once. Hei hei, this is Zhong Jinlan. She took out her checkbook, brushed a $5 million cash check, patted it on the chair and said, "five million. After being disabled, you can cure slowly. There's plenty of medicine. Li Dachun, don't you do it yet?"

When the four bodyguards heard the order, they rushed towards Zhang Qingqing and me without hesitation. Zhang Qingqing gave a cry of surprise.

I pushed Zhang Qingqing behind me with my backhand, and then took the initiative to meet the four bodyguards. With a cannon in front of me, I hit the chest of the person in front. The guy suddenly snorted, covered his chest in pain and squatted down. I screamed. Unfortunately, if I wasn't physically weak now, this punch would break several of his ribs.

The remaining three bodyguards rushed up to fight with me. I won't play empty games with them and fight my fist directly. It's that I stick to each other's fist and throw a gun punch to each other at the same time. The fist strength of several security guards is not small, which makes my nose and mouth bleed, but my anti beating ability has always been my strength. This is very serious for others, but it's nothing for me.

They hit me a few punches, I can bear it, but they can't bear my gun punches. The gun punches are exquisite, but they are one distance, explosive power and instant lethality. I hit a horse faced bodyguard's left eye directly.

Another man with a bad nose also took my fist and fired a mountain gun, and the bridge of his nose collapsed directly.

The last skinhead bodyguard rushed up to work around and punched me for several times. It made me angry. My hands were like pliers around his neck. He immediately lost his resistance.

"Get down on your knees!"

Before he could break my hands, my head hit him hard. His head was obviously not as hard as mine. With a bang, our heads hit hard. Then I loosened this guy's neck, and then the guy knelt down on the ground dizzy.

"Chen Yu, are you okay?"

Zhang Qingqing rushed up and helped me. I shook my head and said to her, "it's all right."

The doctors and nurses around me were a little stunned when they saw that I was so fierce, and the fat woman Zhong Jinlan also looked at me with wide eyes and fear. Only Tu Wenxuan still looked at me with calm but hate eyes. About his heart was full of hate for me, which made him even fearless of me.

I was very angry with Tu Wenxuan's eyes and felt that I was stared at by a cobra, so I went directly up and stretched out my hand to mess his hair. Leng hum said, "if you want to continue playing, I'll play with you to the end, but I'm afraid you tu family can't afford to lose."

Then I took Zhang Qingqing and left. When I passed Zhong Jinlan and the doctors and nurses, my eyes fell on the five million check on the chair. I smiled at the doctors and nurses and said, "I helped you get some business. According to others, you can get medical treatment."

The doctors and nurses couldn't help looking at Zhong Jinlan when they heard the speech. Zhong Jinlan's face was very ugly. She just took the money out to cure me, but she didn't expect to become several of her subordinates now.