Chapter 445

The sound of the flute is like crying and complaining. It's ethereal and uncertain. I can't even figure out which direction it came from. Although it's only less than half a minute since the sound of the flute, Xiao Mei is dying. I dare not blindly drill into the half man tall grass to find the mysterious Piper, because I'm afraid Xiao Mei can't support it before I find the guy.

The only way is to quickly let Xiao Mei escape from here and prevent her from hearing the strange sound of the flute again. I opened the door, took Xiao Mei to the co driver's seat, and then quickly got on the other door. However, when I hurriedly started the car engine to escape here, the car engine roared weakly for several times, and I just failed to start the engine successfully. I was shocked and angry to find that when the two killers shot Xiao Mei just now, Xiao Mei used a BMW as a shelter. The bullet may have accidentally damaged an important part of the car, so that the car can't start now.

"Fake, you fucking start it for me!"

I tried several times and failed to start the car engine, which made me anxious and angry. I hit the car hard and scared the car.

At this time, the sound of the flute became more and more sharp. I was just about to get out of the car and run away with Xiao Mei on my back, but I heard a small sound like a bullet through the body. A ferocious bug the size of a nail cap suddenly broke out of Xiao Mei's heart and made a sharp sound of wing fluttering and chirping, flying around the car like a beetle. And Xiao Mei's chest directly blew out a blood arrow. The bright red blood sprayed the windshield in front of her, which was shocking.

"My God!" I threw down Xiao Mei and stretched out my hand to press her on her chest, which was frantically bleeding, but the blood supply pressure to the heart was very strong. Even if I pressed her wound with my hand, the blood still seeped out from my fingers. I have already cried into a tearful person. I watched the blood flowing out of my fingers. I watched Xiao Mei die, but I was powerless.

At this moment, my mood completely collapsed. I pressed on Xiao Mei's wound. My voice was weak and sad. I repeated with begging: "don't flow, I beg you not to flow, please..."

I don't know whether it's because of hearing my desperate voice or the reflection. Xiao Mei, who was already unconscious, trembled her eyelashes twice, and then opened her eyelids hard. She looked at me and cried like a helpless child. She struggled to raise one hand and wiped the tears on my face with her fingers, weakly said, "child... Don't cry..."

As soon as I listened to her words, my tears became more urgent. I was not willing to watch Xiao Mei die, bite my lips and say, "no, you can't die, you must not die."

I looked left and right, then found Xiaomei's handkerchief to press the wound on Xiaomei's chest, and then directly blocked the bandage with my own belt. I just strangled the handkerchief and fixed it on Xiaomei's wound. Then I was ready to get out of the car and said, "even if I carry you, I will carry you to the hospital."

However, Xiao Mei grabbed my hand and eyes: "don't struggle in vain, I can't... Chen Yu, I know I'm not a good mother, but I still want to hear you call me mom before I die. Can you promise me?"

I looked at Xiao Mei's eyes, whose expression was disappearing constantly, which showed that her life was passing quickly. Just as she said, after the reflection, she would die. I burst into tears, bit my lips like a wayward child, shook my head and refused to say, "no, I don't shout. If you want to hear, just live well. I don't allow you to die, you know?"

When she saw that I cared about her so much, her face was fixed in the expression of regret and comfort, and she grabbed my hand and released it feebly.

"Mom -"

Looking at Xiao Mei's death, I couldn't control myself any more. I let out a cry like a young beast in the face of losing her mother, and tears ran out crazily.

At this time, a seven meter long and nearly two meter high extended Mercedes Benz Lingte light bus roared and came to a stop next to our BMW. When the door opened, the four King Kong jumped out of the car late. Each of them had a pistol in his hand. When they heard the flute still floating, they immediately dispersed in four directions to search for the mysterious flute player hiding around.

After a while, Guo Zimo, one of the four King Kong, heard a voice: "he's here!"

Then I heard two gunshots, the flute disappeared, and the other three King Kong rushed towards Guo Zimo

Before long, Guo Zimo came back with a piccolo and said angrily, "the guy was hit in the shoulder by a bullet, but he ran away so fast that he slipped away."

I held Xiao Mei's motionless body and murmured without raising her head: "I want to stay quietly with my mother. You all go. No one will disturb our mother and son."

Guo Zimo looked at each other. He came and patted me on the shoulder: "young master, this is not a sad time, we..."

I suddenly looked up, stared at him with red eyes and roared, "I told you to go away. Don't disturb me with my mother. Didn't you fucking hear me?"

Guo Zimo gritted his teeth, took out a brand-new mobile phone, opened a pre recorded video and handed it to me. He said in a deep voice, "this was recorded by my wife long ago. She said that if she had an accident, let's show you this video. She has something to say to you."

When I heard the speech, I looked at Guo Zimo's mobile phone in amazement, and slowly reached out to pick it up. In the video, it was Xiao Mei. She was wearing a white embroidered plum cheongsam, looking elegant, with long and narrow eyes. For no reason, she added a bit of the momentum of the superior, and her voice was also heavy: "Chen Yu, if you see this video, I may have had an accident. In fact, my body has been poisoned by blood. I'm open to life and death. The only thing I can't let go is you, Zhang Qingqing and the Chen family. If I encounter an accident, if you can hide the news of my death, try your best to hide it, otherwise second uncle Gong and Chen Wen will take the opportunity to seize the Chen family My estate and my men will have different hearts because of my death. "

Xiao Mei paused and said: "The four King Kong are my confidants. If I have an accident, you can trust them and they will make the most appropriate response and treatment according to the situation at that time. Finally, I have asked Zhang Qingqing to take charge of daily affairs, but she is actually a woman. She may not live in the company slowly without me. You have to help She owes you all her life. This company is a gift from her mother. I hope you can accept and take care of it. "

The video stopped abruptly. Guo Zimo said to me in a deep voice at this time: "young master, if people in the company know that his wife is dead, not only those who follow his wife will have different opinions, but also second uncle and Chen Wen will take advantage of it. Therefore, we can't let the news of his wife's death leak out. Let's deal with his wife's body."

I wanted to refuse, but in the video, Xiao Mei asked me to trust the four King Kong. I never heard Xiao Mei's words. Even if she always wanted me to call her mother, I didn't promise to call her. This is the only chance for me to listen to her, so I wiped away my tears and nodded silently.

Guo Zimo immediately moved Xiao Mei to their Lingte extended light bus, and then left two people to guard me. Guo Zimo and another person took the lead in driving away.

I sat in the BMW and watched Lingte drive away, slowly disappearing into my vision. With Lingte's departure, my heart seemed to be emptied and empty. The whole person was like a walking corpse without soul.

Until there was a loud cricket like sound from the back seat of the BMW, I slowly raised my head and looked at the back seat. On the leather seat, a ferocious bug that looked a little similar to a bullhorn bug. It was stopping there in spirit, shaking its wings and making one or two strong and powerful calls from time to time.

I reached out to pick up the glass bottle filled with stars on the front of the car, poured out the stars inside, and reached over to grab the bug in the blood cup. Unexpectedly, the guy was still very ferocious. When I grabbed it, he bit my finger. His two sharp teeth like steel blades kept grinding, like tasting my blood. I ignored the wound on my hand I looked at it, then threw it into the glass bottle, then picked up the piccolo on the ground and looked at the flying fireflies in the distance. I took a deep breath: "whoever killed my mother, I will catch you and put this blood cup into your mouth for you to swallow!"

What I don't know is that Guo Zimo and Zhou Bing moved Xiao Mei onto the Lingte light bus. The back seat of the light bus was completely transformed. In the middle of the car was a fixed operating table, with various surgical equipment and tools on both sides. The refitted light bus seemed to be a mobile operating room.

Beside the operating table, there were a man and a woman, two doctors in white coats. The man was bald and had an eagle nose. He was a medical madman and a madman in the killer world, crazy Hua Tuo. The other woman was about 50 years old. She was Zhao Hongfen, the younger martial sister of crazy Hua Tuo.

Guo Zimo and Zhou Bing quietly sent Xiao Mei to the operating table and whispered to crazy Hua Tuo and Zhao Hongfen: "everything is the same as his wife expected. If you give the enemy a little chance, the other party will jump out and kill him. Now his wife will give it to them."

Zhao Hongfen nodded, casually checked Xiao Mei's condition, and then said, "it's not too bad. We'll have a heart replacement operation immediately. Elder martial brother, you're going to give her blood transfusion. Guo Zimo, drive steadily and don't affect the operation..."

It seems that a group of them have already gone through a precise plan and all began to get busy. Even the heart suitable for Xiaomei's operation is ready early. No one can guess that the extended Lingte, which is running smoothly on the road, is carrying out rescue and heart surgery in an orderly manner.