Chapter 551

Several of us were hurt except Li Mengting. The butcher and I were fine. It doesn't matter. Lin Feng's shoulder was badly hurt, and Xie Tianlai was the most oppressed one. He said that he was like Wang Chongyang in the closed door of "east to west". He was put down without daring to do anything. Thinking about this guy's bad luck, I wanted to check whether the mourner had a hiccup, and then the mourner knocked him half to death when he kicked open the door.

When I got to the hospital, I immediately received a call from Zhang Airong. It turned out that the noise I made was not small. It soon spread to her ears. She had already called to scold me.

I thought it was hard to explain to her on the phone, so I said I would explain it to her face to face.

Zhang Airong said that she was preparing dinner with Qin Qing at the Victoria Hotel. She asked me to meet them now.

However, I could only say hello to Li Mengting, then borrowed Li Mengting's key, drove her car straight to Hexi, and came to the Chinese food hall on the third floor of the Victoria Hotel owned by the Zhu family to meet Zhang Airong and them.

Zhang Airong and Qin Qing sat at a table near the window in the corner. Two men in suits sat at a table not far away with serious and vigilant expressions. They were obviously Zhang Airong's bodyguards.

Although Zhang Airong is no longer young, her beauty still exists, and Qin Qing is in her young age. Today, although she is wearing a Korean blouse and a black women's trousers, her simple style clothes can't hide her Miaoman figure. In addition, she is tall and beautiful, so I found her from a distance.

"Aunt Zhang, sister Qin!"

I went up to say hello to them. Zhang Airong nodded slightly when she saw me coming, and her expression was very calm. Qin Qing gave me a cold look and said, "who's your sister? It's shameless to call your sister when you see anyone."

Just now, because Zhang Airong was present, otherwise Qin Qing might directly scold me for being shameless. I liked Qin Qing's hot temper for a long time, so I didn't care. I opened a chair and sat down. Zhang Airong said faintly: "Chen Yu, I've asked Qin Qing to help you deal with this afternoon. Can you give me an explanation?"

Qin Qing turned her eyes twice now. She looked at Zhang Airong's expression and was a little serious. For fear that I would be punished by Zhang Airong, she deliberately said, "yes, yes, you don't make it clear to us this time. If there is such a mess next time, I won't clean it up for you."

I didn't hide and tuck in. I directly whispered some recent small moves of the wolves to both of them, and then said, "the naked eye of the wolves failed to assassinate Lin Feng, and I also found that the mourner stared at me, so I wanted to start first. But I didn't expect to fail and was rescued by Asura."

Qin Qing glared at me and said, "you should have heard Zhang Airong's words about this kind of thing. I was warm in my heart, but I declined her kindness: "No, my father-in-law and mother-in-law have been traveling for a long time recently and don't need protection. Zhang Qingqing, I have arranged a very powerful expert to protect her. As for myself, I'm confident I can cope with it. If it's a scene I can't cope with, even if you send three or two people to protect me, it won't be of much use. And the most important thing is, I don't like people all day After I follow me, I affect my daily life. "

Zhang Airong listened to the speech and pondered for a long time. Finally, she lowered her voice and said: "Chen Yu, in fact, your mother is Xiao Mei. Even if the Chen family gives up those halls, the assets of Chen's group company alone have been the money that countless people can't earn in their lives. Have you ever thought of quitting the road, being a good son honestly, taking over your mother's company seriously in the future, living an ordinary life, and don't face this kind of beating again It's time to kill? "

I was stunned when I heard the speech. After a little thinking, I shook my head and said, "no!"

In fact, I can't easily quit now. Instead of saying that a group of brothers follow me to dinner, I say that Tao Nanxiong, the leader of the wolf pack, has a grudge against my father, and Tao Nanxiong won't let the Chen family go; I lost Tu Wenxuan's leg, and Tu Wenxuan's father and son also remember my grudge; and Mandalay city in northern Myanmar, thousands of miles away, xiaolongbao will be forced to marry Mao ang in a few months; these things are waiting With my own hands to solve one by one, so I simply can't quit the road as Zhang Airong said.

Zhang Airong was stunned. There were many things she didn't know, so she wanted to ask me why?

I have taken the lead in asking her, "Aunt Zhang, why did you suddenly tell me this today?"

Zhang Airong smiled at herself and said, "I don't care about you yet. If you really have something wrong, I'm estimated to feel guilty all my life, because I think I let you go on this road."

I smiled and said, "the fortune teller told me before that I was a soldier. If I really died by accident, it would be my life. I won't blame anyone. There is a saying that men themselves..."

Qin Qing couldn't help robbing me and said, "men choose their own way. Even if they kneel, they have to finish it?"

I glanced at her and said, "wrong, it should be the man's own gun, even if..."

Qin Qing turned black and said coldly, "if you don't believe me, I'll turn your face right away."

At the moment, I caught a glimpse of Zhang Airong staring at me with angry eyes, so I didn't dare to talk nonsense any more. I hurriedly wrote a letter, and then honestly said that I wouldn't quit at present. I had to solve some things myself.

Seeing that I had made up my mind, Zhang Airong didn't give me any more advice and began to talk to me about the wolves. She said that the mysterious organization of wolves not only produces blue crystals, but also is ambitious and powerful, and there are people behind it. Recently, she has done a lot of things, and she has decided to eliminate this social cancer. However, there are countless relationships behind the wolves, such as Qin Yannian, which makes it impossible for her to deal with the wolves in person, so after some careful consideration, she decided to let me deal with the wolves.

She said I'm from the Chen family. Xiao Mei must help me, and I'm the leader of the Dragon Alliance. In addition, I have a good relationship with the Lin family. As long as these forces are combined, it's still possible to wipe out the wolves.

Finally, Zhang Airong pointed to Qin Qing nearby and said, "we will turn a blind eye to your struggle with wolves in the future, but Qin Qing is specially sent by me to supervise you. If you have any nonsense, she will report to me at any time."

Shit, Aunt Zhang got me a supervisor!

Although I am a little unconvinced, I have no choice. Because although Qin Qing has a hot temper and often scolds and ridicules me, she is still very good at heart, at least better than sending someone she doesn't know to supervise me.

When we talked about it, the waiter began to serve. I was not hungry and ate with them.

At this time, Zhu Jianyu appeared at the right time. With a surprised and happy face, he came to say hello to us. When this guy saw me having dinner with Zhang Airong and Qin Qing, he looked at me deeply and thought I was a worthy object in his heart.

He was a very smart man. He just said hello to us and left without blindly pestering, but he immediately asked the waiter to bring us a bottle of cheap and inexpensive red wine to entertain us. When we left for dinner, he showed up at the right time and took us out in person.

In fact, every move on Hexi can't hide from Lin Feng. I had dinner with Zhang Airong and Qin Qing at the Victoria Hotel. When I left, Zhu Jianyu smiled and personally sent us out. He even shook hands with me and said goodbye, which immediately touched the sensitive nerves of the Lin family.

These things were soon seen and reported to Lin Feng by the watchmen of the Lin family. Lin Feng was lying on the big bed in his luxurious bedroom. A middle-aged man with a moustache stood by the bed and said to Lin Feng: "Young master, it seems that you are a good friend with two sides. While calling me brothers, you go with our enemy Zhu Jianyu. Is this man really an ally worthy of our trust?"

Lin Feng's heroic eyebrows screwed together and didn't answer.

Eight character Beard said, "the day after tomorrow is the day when our Lin family will run for a new master. The second young master has little chance. He has no chance to be the master. But you should pay attention to your own safety these two days. I don't think the second young master and the wolves will be willing to fail. I'm sure they will look for opportunities to poison you these two days."

Lin Feng's eyes brightened when he heard the speech, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a evil smile: "I have a way to deal with the wolves, and I can also test whether Chen Yu is a sincere and reliable brother."