Chapter 763

I climbed into Zhang Qingqing's bed with a smiley face. Zhang Qingqing said with a black face that she was tired to death these two days. Let me be honest. If she dared to make trouble, she would kick me. After she said that, she took the initiative to hold me with both hands, curled up in my arms like a kitten, put her head on my chest, and smiled at the corners of her mouth. After a while, she actually fell asleep.

In fact, I really hope to win Zhang Qingqing, but Qingqing is the vice president of Guanghong Co., Ltd. these two days. After my mother Xiao Mei returns to Lihai City, Zhang Qingqing will be responsible for many of the Chen family's affairs in Guanghong, so she's really tired of running around with my mother these two days. I looked at the beloved woman who fell asleep in my arms, kissed her gently on her forehead, murmured good night, and then fell asleep with her in my arms.

I'm also tired these days. After all, Xu Yuning and Li Zhonghu are not easy to deal with. It's actually a very dangerous thing for me to go undercover and want to integrate into Xu Yuning's core circle. When dealing with Xu Yuning, I was basically tense physically and mentally, so I relaxed and slept soundly tonight. When I woke up, it was more than 9 a.m. the next day.

Xiao Mei, Zhang Qingqing and Chen's business group continued to deal with Guanghong company, so they had gone out when I got up, leaving me only a message.

I washed and washed. The clothes I changed last night have been dry cleaned and sent back by the waiter. So I changed back into a black shirt and black trousers, dressed up in high spirits, and then took the elevator from the housekeeping department to the restaurant department for breakfast. Anyway, the presidential suite gave me breakfast vouchers. I didn't eat for nothing.

After I had breakfast in the western restaurant, I met an acquaintance when I left. It was Xu Yuning and his subordinate Chen Zhong who had just finished breakfast here. Xu Yuning was a little surprised to see me: "Xiao Chen, what a coincidence?"

"Ha ha, it's Uncle Xu."

Xu Yuning smiled and chatted with me. After all, I not only helped him get the investment in Murakami, but also our Chen, Lin and Zhu families invested $3 billion. Xu Yuning was mainly responsible for economic development, so he was kind to me. He told me that he was going to visit a hope primary school in Fangcun later.

It happened that Tang Tang, the little daughter of the ox demon king, was looking for a primary school to study recently. I took the opportunity to say that I have a little niece looking for a primary school. Xu Yuning said with a smile, "Xiao Chen, go and have a look with me. If it's appropriate, let your little niece study in hope primary school."

Recently, I tried my best to integrate into Xu Yuning's circle, so I agreed without hesitation.

Xu Yuning took Chen Zhong and me out of the hotel. I got on their red flag car. Several of Xu Yuning's subordinates also hurried to meet him. The last group drove to the hope primary school in Fangcun.

Facts have proved that it is boring for me to follow him to inspect the situation of the primary school. The principals and teachers of the primary school knew that Xu Yuning was coming and organized a children's flower welcome ceremony. Xu Yuning was accompanied by a group of reporters. A group of people snapped the camera of primary school students presenting flowers to Xu Yuning. Xu Yuning also touched the head of primary school students and said that children are the future, which attracted the applause of the headmaster and teachers

Then the headmaster took Xu Yuning and his group of leaders to visit the teaching building. When I followed Xu Yuning and his group to the teaching building, I found that the stairs and corridors were a little narrow. It was ten minutes after class, and many primary school students were curious to surround and look at us.

When a group of people came to the third floor of the teaching building, there was a sudden panic in front of them. The students began to run to the stairs. When we were wondering what happened, a teacher ran over in panic and said loudly, "no, the electric switch at the door of the utility room is leaking and on fire, and the utility room has been burned..."

In fact, I don't need the teacher to say that Xu Yuning and I have seen thick smoke coming out of a house at the end of the corridor. It is very dangerous for the switch to catch fire. Now there is not only another fire, but also the fatal danger of electric leakage.

As Xu Yuning's driver and confidant, Chen Zhong naturally valued Xu Yuning's life danger more than everything. As soon as he saw the fire and the panic around him, the primary school students rushing towards the stairway here immediately shouted, "don't squeeze, let the leaders go first!"

Of course, Xu Yuning cherishes his life. Seeing that there is electricity leakage, a fire in the utility room, and the atmosphere of those students screaming and fleeing in panic, he can't help but panic at this moment. In a hurry, he should take the lead in fleeing from the stairs according to Chen Zhong.

At this time, I reached out and grabbed him. Xu Yuning looked up at me in amazement. I lowered my voice and said, "Uncle Xu, let the children go first... In fact, the fire is not serious."

When Xu Yuning heard this, he immediately understood the current situation. In addition to teachers, students and his subordinates, there are several reporters around. If he let the leaders go first and be published in the newspaper today, he will certainly be pushed into the sharp mouth of public opinion. Maybe his generation will be abandoned. His face showed a look of surprise and fear. First he glared at Chen Zhong, then he pushed away two subordinates who wanted to help him downstairs, straightened up his chest and shouted, "let the children go first!"

The surrounding scene was chaotic, so those around me didn't notice my dialogue with Xu Yuning just now, so the surrounding subordinates, teachers, students and reporters were stunned when they suddenly heard Xu Yuning's loud and powerful drink. Immediately, everyone was moved and gave way to jump off the road according to Xu Yuning's instructions, Let the children leave the dangerous place first.

Facts have proved that the fire was not very serious as I said. The school worker quickly cut off the power supply and put out the fire. Xu Yuning always stood in the front line "regardless of danger" to command the rescue. The sound of the camera kept clicking. It is estimated that his great performance today will soon make headlines.

After dealing with the emergency, Xu Yuning took me and Chen Zhong away.

Out of hope primary school, Chen Zhong was still responsible for driving the red flag car, and Xu Yuning sat in the back seat with me. Xu Yuning just now still had a mild face, but his face suddenly changed after getting on the bus. He directly scolded the driver Chen Zhong.

Chen Zhong knew that he had made trouble by letting the leaders go first, so he didn't dare to say anything.

After Xu Yuning scolded Chen Zhong, his face slowed down slightly. He turned to look at me and said faintly, "Xiao Chen, you did well today. Chen Zhong, you don't have other people's Xiao Chen's cleverness."

In a word, I saw from the inside rearview mirror that Chen Zhong's face immediately changed and his eyes were a little more resentful. Because he did too badly today and I did too well, he felt that I had hurt him, so this guy probably hated me in his heart. Chen Zhong is Xu Yuning's confidant and image spokesman, and looks like a mean person, so I still don't want to offend him now, so I quickly said: "Uncle Xu flattered me. I don't think brother Zhong is not clever. At least he cares too much about Uncle Xu. He will make a little mistake by paying more attention to your safety than everything else."

Xu Yuning nodded at the speech: "Chen Zhong is still very loyal to me."

Chen Zhong quickly took the opportunity to say a word of loyalty. At the same time, he didn't hate me. It's estimated that he thinks I'm a boy who knows current affairs.

On the way back, there was no more talk outside, and Xu Yuning narrowed his eyes and dozed off.

But his cell phone suddenly rang. He woke up from his sleep and hurriedly answered the phone.

It seems that Han Bin called. Yes, I vaguely heard Han Bin say that a container truck of generalized transportation company was stopped by the traffic police at the entrance of the expressway. There were more than 20 imported vehicles on the container truck. The traffic police said that the documents were incomplete and the car should be detained.

Xu Yuning said faintly that he knew, then called again and ordered a few words to the people on the phone. It seemed that he had solved the problem of traffic police detaining the car.

My mind is turning rapidly. Is Han Bin engaged in smuggling imported vehicles? I can finally find a clue about them.

After Xu Yuning called, he suddenly remembered that I was sitting quietly in the car, and his phone voice was very loud. He suspected that I had heard what he called. So he gave me a silent look, and then suddenly ordered Chen Zhong: "let the car behind go back first. We'll go to the Xidi wharf now. You call Li Zhonghu and call them all."

"Yes, Mr. Xu."

After Xu Yuning gave the order, he glanced at me sideways. On the surface, I pretended that I didn't know anything. In fact, I was a little worried: did Xu Yuning inadvertently answer the phone in front of me and reveal some information about their smuggling crime, so now he wants to kill me and kill people?