Chapter 785

In fact, it took only a few minutes from Qiao Zhenqiang to ask the little boy to send the carton, then to the explosion and then to our fight.

Qin Dongsheng, vice captain of anti smuggling, arrived the fastest. This guy has been determined to make some earth shaking achievements these days. He has also sent many hands to pay attention to any latest developments. Therefore, Qin Qing's men have not come to the scene yet, but he has brought a group of his men roaring in a police car.

After Qin Dongsheng came over, he looked at the messy scene with blood everywhere, Liao Xiaofeng's body and several seriously injured killers. The most shocking thing is me and Qiao Zhenqiang. I have fallen into a coma, but subconsciously strangled Qiao Zhenqiang. Qiao Zhenqiang is only out of breath at the moment, not in.

Qin Dongsheng asked his men to forcibly separate me from Qiao Zhenqiang. One of his men also got the U disk from me and handed it to him respectfully: "team Qin, we found this thing."

"Send the injured to the hospital first. Pay attention to sending someone to keep an eye on them for 24 hours. Don't walk away!" Qin Dongsheng took the USB flash disk and handed it to an assistant: "is there a notebook in the car? Open it and see what it is?"

In the coma, I and others were sent to the hospital one after another. Qin Dongsheng's assistant was excited and ran from the car with a laptop and USB flash disk. He was ecstatic and said, "team Qin, look what we found?"

Qin Dongsheng was stunned when he heard the speech. Then he looked at his laptop and found that it was all statements and records. He looked down at a glance and found that it was an endless list of goods. He recognized it at a glance: "Shit, it's an account book. There are numerous statements, involving smuggled goods such as cars, crude oil, drugs and high-end electronic products. How huge the number of statements is!"

At this time, many police cars came to the scene. It turned out that the criminal police came.

Qin Dongsheng reached out and pulled out the USB flash disk on his notebook, then told his assistant, "it seems that the criminal police are coming to take over the scene. Don't talk to anyone about the USB flash disk."

His assistant couldn't help but open his eyes: "why, aren't they all our own?"

Qin Dongsheng snorted coldly: "fart, my own people, didn't we find out that Chen Yu was driving a smuggling locomotive last time? At that time, we could have found some clues, but the leader strictly ordered us not to check, so we can't believe it. It's deep!"

His assistant said in fear, "what should we do with this USB flash disk?"

Qin Dongsheng smiled proudly at the corners of his mouth: "you deal with these criminal policemen, I will immediately hand it over to Secretary Huang Hongjian and catch the smuggling criminal group."


When I woke up, it was dusk. I found myself lying on a hospital bed, most of my body was bandaged, like a mummy. The sunset was projected faintly from the window, and there was no other person in the ward, so I looked very quiet.

I tried to move my body, but it affected the wound of my whole body. I hummed softly. The door of the ward opened with a click. Li Mengting helped the red eyes and the red Zhang Qingqing came in. Zhang Qingqing and Li Mengting saw that I finally woke up and both of them gave a shout of joy. Li Mengting immediately ran out to call the doctor, and Zhang Qingqing ran to my bed Side to side, gently holding my hand, laughing and crying

Shaoya and Qin Yong, as well as Zhu Jianyu and Lin Feng, all run at the door and want to come in. All of them shouted with joy: "brother Yu is awake?"

"USB flash drive, where's my USB flash drive?"

I suddenly remembered that I worked hard to get the U-disk evidence with Qin Qing regardless of the danger of my life. Immediately, the whole person became anxious and shouted in a hoarse voice. Then, regardless of the sharp pain of my wound, I desperately wanted to struggle to find my U-disk.

Zhang Qingqing hurriedly stopped me and asked me what USB flash disk I said?

I found that I was wearing a sick suit, not my original suit, so I shouted hoarsely, "clothes, find my clothes back, I want to find my USB flash drive!"

The sentinel teeth didn't know what USB flash disk I was looking for. They all said that the wallet and mobile phone in my pocket were all there, but they just didn't see the USB flash disk. Moreover, my ragged clothes were still bloody and had been disposed of. I roared: "my USB flash disk, go and get my clothes back immediately."

Shaoya and Qin Yong actually checked my ragged clothes before they disposed of the charred and bloody clothes. They knew there was no USB flash disk in the pocket, but they were so excited to see me that they hurriedly told me not to worry. They went to find it for me immediately.

When Qin Yong was about to go out with his brothers, the man at the door of the ward suddenly gave way to Zhang Airong and Qin Qing.

When Zhang Airong came in just now, she had heard me say what USB flash disk I was looking for, so when she took Qin Qing to my hospital bed, she looked at me, who was wrapped like a mummy but still attached to the USB flash disk. Her eyes couldn't help getting wet. She grabbed my right hand with both hands and said softly to me, "Xiaoyu, don't look for that USB flash disk."

When I heard Aunt Zhang's words, I thought the USB flash disk was already in her hand, and my heart relaxed. A gratifying smile appeared on my face. I smiled foolishly, and then said, "the USB flash disk is aunt. You got it, that's good, that's good..."

Zhang Airong heard that she was about to stop talking. Qin Qing with a bandage hanging on her left arm also hung her head and didn't speak.

When I saw them like this, I was slightly stunned, and then asked in amazement, "what's the matter?"

Zhang Airong turned to Zhang Qingqing and his gang and said, "I have something to say with Xiao Yu. Can you give us a space to talk alone?"

Zhang Qingqing and his gang all knew the identity of Zhang Airong and the relationship between Zhang Airong and my aunt and nephew, so they all nodded and withdrew from the ward. Zhang Qingqing also took the initiative to close the door.

At this time, there were only three people left in the ward, Zhang Airong and Qin Qing. I was a little impatient and asked them what was the situation?

Zhang Airong pondered for a moment, and then slowly said, "when you fought with those killers and lost both sides, I clenched my fist and muttered angrily:" hateful, hateful... "