Chapter 845

According to Zhong Tinghui's meaning, he didn't tell the following people about the task for the time being, but there was a bit of noise here. Dozens of his men vaguely guessed what, so he couldn't hide it in the end and frankly told him about the task performed by a group of his men.

Although Zhong Tinghui and his subordinates were a little shocked, they finally chose to participate in the action. After all, they are people of faith, otherwise they would not choose to be soldiers.

Then came the swearing in meeting. Both of us in the reinforced platoon stood under a huge five-star red flag and took vows. Then the leaders of the militia training base took pictures for us. The two reinforced platoons added up to less than 100 people. Zhong Tinghui and I led them to northern Myanmar respectively. Our identity only claimed that we were from the East Star security company. From the outside, the security company was a mercenary, The purpose is to cover up our identity and actions.

After taking the oath, we sat down to eat meat and drink. The two of us sat separately, mainly because I had conflicts with Zhong Tinghui before. Now, although we didn't mention those things, we still have a little estrangement in our hearts.

On the way, Zhong Tinghui came with his two deputies and made a bowl of wine with me. The purpose was to hope that I would put down my prejudices and cooperate with him to complete the task. I was not so small-minded. Of course, I would not hold a grudge for a trivial thing in the past. I frankly told him that the task is more important than everything!

Two hours later, it was already more than 10 p.m. Zhang Guotao and Qin Weiting came with a group of subordinates and a transport plane. After the encouragement of the two old men, Zhong Tinghui and I both boarded the transport plane with fully armed men and went to northern Myanmar overnight.

The transport plane roared off and left the militia comprehensive training base.

Looking at the plane disappearing in the night sky, old Qin turned to look at Zhang Guotao and said slowly: "

Zhong Tinghui and I are led by five reinforced classes, but we are half baked militia, and our equipment is far inferior to that of Zhong Tinghui. Moreover, our Dongxing brothers count each class as a commando, but the personnel are not very complete. The most obvious thing is that we lack snipers and long-range cover. Moreover, our equipment is far inferior to that of Zhong Tinghui Platoon, they are equipped with red arrow 12 and flying eagle 6 shoulder missiles. They are not afraid even if they encounter enemy helicopters and armored vehicles.

A few hours later, it was slightly bright, and our plane landed at the airport of a small armed tribe on the outskirts of Mandalay. The leader of the small armed tribe is called Yanshan. It is said that we have a good relationship with China, which is why we can land here.

The plane put down our equipment and flew away. We camped in the territory of Yanshan. Our current identity is the security guard of Dongxing private security consulting company. Of course, there is a more popular name, that is mercenary!

It is only one or two hundred kilometers away from Wu Qingshan's territory. Because we don't know the situation of Wu Qingshan's territory, we don't dare to advance rashly for the time being. I discussed with Zhong Tinghui. He immediately sent detective soldiers to investigate the situation between Wu Qingshan and the rebels, while I contacted Guo Xianglin and the small cage bag hiding in Mandalay city to act separately.

I called Du Ruoqi. Du Ruoqi was surprised and surprised to receive my call and told me that miss Yinger was indeed protected by her in her manor, but her father knew that Peng Anping's rebellion against Wu Qingshan was instigated by Zhang suiliang. Guo Xianglin was afraid to offend Zhang suiliang, so even though he was an old friend with Wu Qingshan, he hesitated to send troops to save Wu Qingshan. Miss Ying'er didn't know her father's life and death. She was very sad. Unexpectedly, I came.

I told Du Ruoqi where I am now and told her that I brought mercenaries to save Wu Qingshan.

At dawn, Du Ruoqi and xiaolongbao, under the protection of dozens of private troops, drove two jeeps and two military trucks to our camp and met me.

"Chen Yu!"

Xiaolongbao was wearing a white dress. When he saw me, pear flowers rushed into my arms with rain. The whole person was like a helpless little girl.

I comforted her repeatedly and said, "don't be afraid. I'm here. I'll find a way to save my uncle."

Zhong Tinghui's men in the camp are vigilant against Du Ruoqi's uninvited guests, and shaoya, Qin Yong and Da Luo Xiaoluo recognize that xiaolongbao is the female classmate who laughed at my little daughter-in-law in Myanmar. When they see me holding Yinger, they wink and say: "Mom, it was a prophecy at the beginning. Unexpectedly, Miss Ying'er was really tired of being crooked with brother Yu. She really became brother Yu's little daughter-in-law."

I stared at the whistle teeth angrily, and then invited Du Ruoqi and xiaolongbao to my temporary residence.

Du Ruoqi told me that although Peng Anping rebelled against Wu Qingshan, some people in Wu Qingshan vowed to follow him to the death. Wu Qingshan fled to qiancui mining company in the town with two or three hundred loyal men and joined Zhang Chenghe and others to guard the building of qiancui company. Du Ruoqi said that there were about 700 rebels in Peng Anping. Last night, both sides fought tenaciously Exchange of fire. Now I don't know what the situation is like there?

At this time, Zhong Tinghui came in with two deputies and said with joy in his tone: "Chen Yu, the detective soldiers have just used the remote-controlled unmanned aircraft to spy on Wu Qingshan's territory, and Zhang and Qin also asked the technical department to monitor and shoot the area with satellites. It is Peng Anping who has not broken through the building of qiancui company, and Wu Qingshan and Zhang Chenghe are still fighting tenaciously."

Xiaolongbao hurriedly asked, "where's my father? How's he now?"

Zhong Tinghui said: "now I only know that Peng Anping failed to break through the building after the exchange of fire last night. It is estimated that there are casualties between the two sides. I don't know how Wu Qingshan is now?"

One of Zhong Tinghui's deputies frowned and said suspiciously, "it's reasonable that Peng Anping's rebellion should be decided quickly. It's no good for him to delay for a long time. Why has he not broken through the building for more than ten hours?"

I looked at him and said: "Wu Qingshan has been relatively poor in recent years. He certainly doesn't have much money to buy good equipment. The equipment of both sides is relatively backward. Although Peng Anping has the advantage in number of people, Wu Qingshan and Zhang Chenghe stick to the building. Peng Anping can't win Wu Qingshan for a time. Another important reason is that Peng Anping doesn't want to lose too many of his men, otherwise he has just ascended the leader position It's estimated that he can't sit for a few days. He wants to destroy Wu Qingshan at the least cost. "

Zhong Tinghui said, "but the longer he delays, the worse it will be for him. After all, he is rebellious."

I pondered for a moment and said, "Peng Anping rebelled against Wu Qingshan mainly because he insisted on planting Royal rice to make a fortune, while Wu Qingshan was unwilling to plant Royal rice. Zhang suiliang instigated Peng Anping to rebel. I think Peng Anping must be waiting for Zhang suiliang to come and help him win Wu Qingshan."

Zhong Tinghui was surprised at the speech: "then we must go to Wu Qingshan's territory immediately before Zhang suiliang came and rescue Wu Qingshan and Zhang Chenghe."

I nodded and said, "let's act immediately!"

Xiaolongbao was concerned about Wu Qingshan's life and death and wanted to go with me, but I was severely criticized and asked Du Ruoqi to take the xiaolongbao back to Mandalay first. Zhong Tinghui and I led a team to Wu Qingshan's territory. If it goes well, we can rescue Wu Qingshan and return to Mandalay this afternoon.

Although xiaolongbao was reluctant, she finally chose to be obedient at this moment and went back with Du Ruoqi.

After Du Ruoqi and xiaolongbao left, Zhong Tinghui and I gathered all the people and borrowed all the cars and trucks from Yanshan. The two strengthened their exhaust and went straight to the territory and town of wuqingshan.

What we don't know is that just 500 kilometers away from tachili, Zhang suiliang sent his executioners and Li Zhonghu, with more than 5000 soldiers, driving jeeps, armored vehicles, military trucks and other means of transportation, towards Wu Qingshan's territory, ready to help Peng Anping destroy Wu Qingshan.