Chapter 241: 241 Hope on

Chapter 241 241 Hope

On the ground, Yongxiang was lying on his back, with blood overflowing from the corner of his eye due to the eyeball injury.

"God, you killed me!" She struggled to squeeze out a sentence.

"Kill you? Hehe, speaking of it, I have endured you for a long time."

Zhang Rong looked calm, walked up to her again, grabbed her hair with his right hand, and flicked it to the left.


Yongxiang grabbed the acupuncture point on his wrist with one intact hand, turned over and jumped, and slammed his shoulder into Zhang Rong's cheek with all his strength.

Although Sankong Chaopin has only one hand left, it can still unleash powerful destructive power in a very short period of time.

This blow is a rare limit-breaking skill in Dacheng martial arts, Shaking Broken Bee!

This move also gathered all of Yongxiang's strength at this moment. Once hit, even Zhang Rongfang would


Zhang Rongfang blocked the blow firmly with his palm in front of his cheek.

A cyclone exploded between the palms and shoulders, and the huge force reverberated Yongxiang to the ground, rolling several times on the ground.

"It's really amazing. After such a heavy injury, it can still hit such a blow."

Zhang Rongfang stretched his arms, and the palm of his hand was slightly red and swollen just now.

"Someone killed me!" Yongxiang struggled to get up from the ground, and said again.

"Sorry." Zhang Rongfang shook his head slightly, "I dare not kill you if you are too sperm, and neither do I."


He walked up to the opponent.

In an instant, he shot out his fingers with both hands, pinching Yongxiang's last arm precisely.


Fracture fracture.

Before Yongxiang could scream.

Her whole body was lifted up, facing the sky.

Zhang Rongfang pushed his knees up, held down the person and folded down.


Accompanied by a crisp click sound, the spine broke.

Yongxiang burst into tears and snot at the same time, opened her mouth wide, and roared silently.

At this time, the rest of the people around had already finished fighting.

Surrounded by Zhang Yunqi and other rebellious masters, this team, which has been hit hard, is completely vulnerable at this time.

Several masters are dragging the spirits that have not yet been revived, running towards the depths of the forest.

They obviously already have a lot of experience with the siege and killing Lingluo.

It just so happens that Zhang Rongfang also needs a few spirits as individuals to verify Dongzong's experiment.

There is no need to siege to death.

Deal with the last convoy guard.

Zhang Yunqi sighed, walked to Zhang Rongfang's side, and looked at Princess Yongxiang.

"The final blow, I should do it. After all, she is of royal blood."

"If you really kill her, what trouble will there be?" Zhang Rongfang threw away Yongxiang and heard the hidden meaning.

"It's very troublesome. Lingting Xuehong Pavilion can immediately recognize that your hands are stained with royal blood." Zhang Yunqi replied in a deep voice.

He looked at Zhang Rongfang at this time.

He saw Zhang Rongfang's few shots just now.

Obviously, this person's Daozi is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface.

His martial arts strength is definitely not just what he said, he just broke through foreign medicine.

Those few combos just now were all speed, explosiveness and reaction of the top level of internal law.

"Royal Blood" Zhang Rongfang was silent for a while, looking at Princess Yongxiang who had fallen into a coma.

"It seems that brother Yun Qi is determined to tie me together?" He suddenly smiled.

"From the moment you opened the secret storehouse, you and I were bound together a long time ago?" Zhang Yunqi shook his head.

"Yes. That's true. Then, I will leave everything to you." Zhang Rongfang nodded.

"Please hurry up, the Xuehong Pavilion spirit channel behind me, it's time for resurrection, it should be here soon."


Zhang Yunqi stepped forward, grabbed Yongxiang, and ran away quickly.

This kind of hot potato, the best way is naturally to use the sea to solve all troubles while alive.

As for how long you can hide it, it depends on luck.

Zhang Rongfang watched him leave.

He doesn't really care about colluding with the Rebellion.

After opening the secret storehouse and obtaining a lot of confidential information from it, he knew that once this matter was leaked out, even if he was a Daoist Taoist, he would inevitably fall into the center of the vortex of the storm.

And paper cannot contain fire.

Now that we have come to this point, from the moment we got the secret, there is no turning back.

Simply cooperate with the Rebellion.

All the rebels present here will be prisoners who participated in the siege of Yongxiang.

This is the voting certificate.

From this moment on, the group of them is truly and completely tied together.

"Mr. Zhang Ying, although I don't know what you discussed with your adoptive father. But from now on, we have a happy cooperation."

At this moment, another woman with a silver V-shaped mask walked up to Zhang Rongfang and slowly stretched out her hand.

"Of course. From today onwards, we are all on our own." Zhang Rongfang smiled and stretched out his hand.

The two lightly shook hands, which was the first contact with Zhang Rongfang on behalf of the rest of the rebellious people under Zhang Yunqi.

After besieging and killing Yongxiang, the next step is to clean up the mess.

There were not many casualties in a group of people. When there were more masters than the team, only four people were killed and a dozen people were injured.

After quickly clearing up the scene, move all the corpses together, pour oil on them, and ignite.

The fire blazed.

Zhang Rongfang and the rest of the rebels quickly withdrew.

Zhang Zhenhai, the adopted daughter of Zhang Yunqi, took people away quickly after briefly explaining some contact information of Zhang Rongfang.

Neither of them mentioned the matter of Zhang Yunqi and Yongxiang.

Once the blood of the royal family is found to be surrounded by them, everyone present will face a far more brutal strangulation than now.

There are so many things, but everything can only be said in words.

Not long after Zhang Rongfang left the scene.

The group of Nijiao brought the corpses of their own people and quickly came to the depths of Huangjing Mountain.

Dense woodland.

Rows of tombstones made of wood carvings are neatly displayed here.

Behind the tombstones are grave bags of different sizes.

Zhang Zhenhai waved his hand.

Let the rebellious people behind carry the dead brothers and sisters up.

The engraving of the stele, the excavation of the soil.

There is no coffin, just dig a hole, throw the body in, and bury it on the spot.

The only protection measures are a few skilled masters who guard the cemetery here.

They practice martial arts here on weekdays, while guarding the cemetery.

This is to prevent wild beasts from digging up the graves and eating the corpses.

Soon, the corpses were buried in one after another, the mound was closed, and the tombstone was slowly erected and set up.

"Go well." Zhang Zhenhai put his hand on his left chest and bowed slightly.

All the rest of the apostates also made similar rituals.

It has been more than 30 years since the establishment of the Rebellion Church, and the people gathered are all bitter people who have extreme hatred for the Lingting Court.

Among them, some are brotherly hatred, some are parental hatred, some are family hatred, and some are national hatred.

All the hatred brought them together in order to avenge the Lingting.

So when I heard about the action of besieging the nobles of the Lingting Court and needed to recruit manpower.

In just ten minutes, hundreds of people signed up in Nijiao.

Zhang Yunqi selected more than forty people from them, all of whom were good players.

They are indeed good fighters. Driven by extreme hatred, many of the martial arts practiced by the rebels are self-inflicted martial arts, which only pursue extreme lethality.

"Is everything buried?"

Suddenly a deep voice interrupted Zhang Zhenhai's thoughts.

She turned around, and her father, Zhang Yunqi, was standing in the open space at an unknown time, bowing slightly towards the tombstone as well.

"Yes. They must be very satisfied to die in this siege operation." Zhang Zhenhai whispered.

"Maybe." Zhang Yunqi straightened up and looked around.

All the rebellious people around, the only eyes that were exposed showed a trace of repressed pleasure.

They surrounded and killed a convoy of royal blood!

This is the biggest event that Rebellion has ever done.

If it was just a small fight before, then this time. It's different!

"Boss, it is conceivable that after this time, the Lingting will be furious and send experts to investigate.

And Xuehong Pavilion masters will definitely be dispatched immediately. Although the siege and killing us this time was straightforward, the consequences that it brought still needed to be quickly considered and how to deal with it. "

A man in black stepped forward and clasped his fists.

Zhang Yunqi nodded.

"It's ok."

He raises his right arm.

On the exposed forearm skin, three purple patterns clearly emerged.

"Yongxiang died at my hands. If there is any trouble, everything will come to me. It has nothing to do with you."

"Father." Zhang Zhenhai couldn't believe it, "Even if he didn't kill him directly, would he still be stained with the blood of the royal family!?"

"I threw people into the sea and let them drown and choke to death. I didn't do anything directly.

But I didn't expect to be recruited. It seems that anyone who stands within a certain range will be recruited. "Zhang Yunqi shook his head.

"But it doesn't matter, we happen to know too little about the blood of the royal family. This time it can be regarded as deepening our understanding."

"Next time, next time, do it more carefully and covertly, it will be fine."

He smiled disapprovingly.

"But foster father." Zhang Zhenhai wanted to say something else.

But it was stopped by its raised hand.

"It doesn't matter, don't you understand my strength and martial arts? Even the Grandmaster Lingting, if you want to catch me, you have to find me first." Zhang Yunqi smiled.

"But this matter, you don't have to accept this matter for that person. This is what he wanted to do." Zhang Zhenhai couldn't understand.

"It's not the same." Zhang Yunqi shook his head, "That one is the human race, who is our hope for the future. Dongzong left three races, each of which is carefully selected, and definitely has the heritage and potential to revive the past.

Since we were arranged to guard this secret treasure, it means we were tied to that person from the very beginning. "

"This is the overall situation that was decided very early on. So many masters were sacrificed, isn't it just to keep the last three sparks?"

He is very open-minded.

"So, our task is to quietly guard that one to grow up.

That's all. "

Zhang Zhenhai bit his lower lip, recalling Zhang Rongfang's actions before.

It has to be said that although the strength is not as good as that of his adoptive father, Zhang Rongfang has an inexplicable sense of calmness and ease of advance and retreat in every move.

It seems that no matter what happens, it can't be easily changed.

That kind of prudence and self-confidence is not something that can be seen in ordinary masters.

"Actually, he is more suitable to be our leader than me." Zhang Yunqi said calmly.

“As a leader, you need to constantly lead your subordinates to victory. At any time, you must not panic.

The stability and confidence of an organization comes from the leader. And at this point, I am not strong. "

"Why did the leader say that, we are all under your leadership to grow stronger in Erythronia.

If it were another person, it would have already declined. "

"Leader, don't underestimate yourself, we are willing to listen to your order and plan."

"From the moment you avenged us, we only believe in you!"

All the members of the rebellious religion all around echoed their voices.

Zhang Yunqi clasped his fists with a smile, and saluted all around repeatedly.

But my mind drifted unconsciously to many years ago

At that time, his master Sanhui, before his death, did the same thing, and entrusted him with everything against the religion.

The burden of hundreds of people, dependent on life and death, fell on his shoulders at once, really tiring.

Now, there is finally someone who can help him share the burden.

He is no longer everyone's only hope.

(end of this chapter)