Chapter 388: 388 Under Secret

Chapter 388 Chapter 388 Secret

"Do you know who I am?" Ding Yu was speechless.

He felt that his strength was recovering rapidly.

Super master, he is physically strong, and he is born much stronger than ordinary people.

Therefore, at this time, recovery is faster than ordinary warriors.

"What's the use of knowing who you are?" Xiao Jing said seriously, "Anyway, you will live here with me in the future, and you don't need to go out."

"If you don't go out, no one will know you're here, so it doesn't matter who you are," she replied.

"." Ding Yu was speechless, only feeling a sense of absurdity welling up in his heart.

Immediately, without any further hesitation, he stood up and his hands collapsed.

Poof. The hemp rope was abruptly broken.

He stepped forward and grabbed the woman Xiaojing.

Let's take down a hostage first!

Seeing him breaking free from the hemp rope, Xiao Jing not only didn't panic, but showed a hint of surprise on his face.


Ding Yu pressed her shoulder, turned his backhand, and held her down.

"Say! Where is this place? Who are you?"

"You're so good!" Xiao Jing answered irrelevantly, with surprise on his face. "Looking at it this way, I've made a lot of money!"

"Answer my question!" Ding Yu was furious and said goodbye forcefully.

Suddenly Xiaojing let out a cry of pain.

"I said, I said, take it easy, I'm still pregnant with your child!"

"What the hell?!" Ding Yu was taken aback for a moment, he was stunned not long ago, right?

Why do you have children? ?

Subconsciously, he looked at the opponent's stomach.

"It's true! People here can definitely get pregnant once, and I definitely have your flesh and blood in me now!" Xiaojing said quickly.

"." Ding Yu felt like he was going crazy, and he was just so dazed.

Suddenly he smelled a faint fragrance again.

The body that had just recovered quickly fell into weakness.


This time he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Consciousness quickly fell into a deep sleep.

'I must not fall here for my lord's task' This was his last thought.

But unfortunately, thoughts are meaningless.




Songhe Temple.

In the intelligence office, Qing Su is arranging for people to carry all the myths, rumors, and legends of Wushan.

The books used for recording were piled up one after another, as if they were placed in disorder on the ground beside Zhang Rongfang.

The subordinates who are responsible for reading one by one, all sit cross-legged on the ground, helping to find the required information.

"The characteristics of the data I am looking for: First, there are blue butterflies."

Zhang Rongfang said in a deep voice.

"Second, the woman in the white dress has a lot of white powder on her face."

"Third, wish."

"Fourth, Western clock."

"Fifth, the spider web."

These are all the elements he extracted from the encounter just now.

For this reason, Zhang Rongfang recruited people to collect all the surrounding myths and legends.

He thought, since the spirit will be related to the gods and Buddhas. Then, the information about the woman just now may exist in myths and legends.

There are countless myths, legends, and folk stories around Wushan Mansion. In order not to miss anything, Zhang Rongfang asked people to include all the strange stories about monsters and the like.

There are hundreds of books alone in the materials present. In addition, there are people who are looking for the old people everywhere, asking about legends and stories that have not been recorded before.

If Zhang Rongfang were to do these things alone, he would not even think about it in a few years.

But now it's different.

With the help of the former Wushan Golden Wing Tower and now Songheguan.

Hundreds of people were dispatched together.


"Found the adults!"

A woman who was in charge of flipping through books quickly spoke out.

"Speak." Zhang Rong didn't move, sitting cross-legged in the middle calmly, closing his eyes and listening.

The woman cleared her throat and read clearly: "Thirty-five years ago, there was a folk rumor in a land boundary called Chiyan Gorge in the north of Wushan Mountain."

"It is said that when a drug farmer went to Chiyan Gorge to collect herbs, he would often fall asleep there for no reason. When he woke up, he would often dream of a wooden house, in which a woman in a white skirt asked if any wishes would come true?"

"If the answer is yes, you will get some special responses. Someone got a hidden treasure from the mountain and got rich after returning.

Someone dug a mountain treasure from the mountain and cured a terminally ill relative at home. "

"The legend only lasted for a year at the time, and then suddenly disappeared. No one continued to pass it on. At that time, it seemed that the government sent someone there once, and then there was no rumor about Chiyan Gorge."

The woman finally replied.

"Except for the absence of a Western clock, this story fits one of the key points you mentioned, my lord."

Zhang Rongfang sat cross-legged quietly, he couldn't help recalling the blood **** statue that just appeared behind him inexplicably.

‘Who knows these things best? ’ The question came to his mind.

Since I practiced martial arts, everyone I have come into contact with has flickered in Zhang Rongfang's heart one by one.

Finally, all the faces gathered into one.

Yue Dewen!

‘Master Yue.’

Zhang Rongfang sighed softly.

stood up, opened his eyes, took the information book from the woman's hand and looked through it.

The things recorded above are exactly the same. For the record of the woman in the white skirt, there are blue butterflies and spider webs.

But the details are that no one has actually seen the mysterious woman in the white dress.

Many people simply thought it was a rumor, a scam.

"Where is Chiyan Gorge?" Zhang Rongfang had long wanted to search for information on gods and Buddhas.

Just suffering from nowhere to turn.

Right now, it may be an opportunity.

"The place is already full of poisonous miasma. If you want to go, you have to find an old hunter from the past to lead the way." Qing Su said in a deep voice.

"No hurry. Wait and send someone to go in tentatively to check." Zhang Rongfang now has a large number of subordinates, so naturally he won't go in first to test the danger by himself.

With so many subordinates, so much money and interests, there are plenty of ways to drive the outlaws to take risks.

"Understood." Qing Su nodded.

"I want to get the results of this matter within a month. I will send ten groups of people in, each with no less than five people. I want the detailed terrain, environment, and peculiarities of that place. Anything of value, give me all of them." Send it clearly."

Zhang Rongfang ordered.

"Yes!" Qing Su nodded.

"Also, is there any news from Dadu in the past few days?" Zhang Rongfang asked again.

"Tianbao Palace has been re-established. The news I just received was sent directly from there. After the re-establishment, it was renamed Tiancheng Palace and connected the main responsible departments of our provinces. Your master Yue Zhangjiao returned to the school seat." Qing Su said in a deep voice.

"Where is His Majesty Lingdi?" In front of others, Zhang Rongfang still pays attention to his words and deeds. Although he is very disgusted with the old Lingdi guy, he can't show it on the surface.

"Your Majesty has passed away, and now the five kings are preparing to follow the traditional rules. Decide on a new throne." Qing Su replied.

The rule of Daling is not to pass the throne to the eldest son or prince.

Daling doesn't have any crown prince, and there are no rules about the position of the eldest son.

Whoever can inherit the big position depends on who is the strongest!

So next, we will look at the five bloodlines of the Lingdi Emperor, who is the strongest among them.

And this window period will be the most chaotic time for the Great Spirit. Perhaps all kinds of ghosts and monsters will emerge.

"Does the master have any orders?" Zhang Rongfang asked.

Although I learned from my senior brother that Master Yue just hid himself, nothing happened. But when he actually heard the news, he was still relieved.

"The head teacher asked the branches of the Dao Palace to hand over the local Daoist data registers as soon as possible. It may be to re-plan." Qing Su replied.

"Re-planning." Zhang Rongfang was thoughtful.

"By the way, Master Xizong Huiyong has a letter for you."


Soon, a bamboo board made into a lottery was sent to Zhang Rongfang.

He gently snapped it off, and pulled out the letter paper hidden inside.

‘People from the main temple came to arrest your subordinate branch on Wushan, but were stopped by the mysterious master of Daoism.

But there is another wave of people whose origin is unknown. They followed you soon after you arrived and are now inquiring about you here. They are powerful. If you want to contact them, you can go to Jinlian Namba Temple. '

‘Sure enough, the master also arranged for expert protection here. ’ Zhang Rongfang was sure.

In Wushan Mansion, Master Yue obviously arranged everything very early. The person who secretly repelled Xizong's master was probably a Taoist master.

The other wave of people should be newcomers.

Or arrive here with yourself?

Even Huiyong said that this group of people are masters. It seems that it may be worth visiting.

Hui Yong is a generation of Hui, and he is also in charge of the affairs of a province.

The master in his mouth

Zhang Rongfang put down the letter, crushed it casually, handed it to Qing Su and threw it into the brazier.

For the stability and peace of Wushan, he planned to visit this group of people himself.

If they behave themselves, they can be let off. If they have ulterior motives. That can only be.

"Send someone to take me to Jinlian Namba Temple."

"Understood!" Qing Su replied quickly.




In Namba Temple.

The sky is dark.

Zhang Xuan, Xiao Qingying, and Zhang Xintai, the three gathered by the fire, quietly looking at the burning firewood, with complicated and inexplicable emotions.

"Who would have thought that Zhang Ying is Rong Fang? Rong Fangfang is Zhang Ying?" Zhang Xintai sighed.

"He hides so deeply."

"He has a high position and authority now, and as a Daoist Taoist, whether he still recognizes us is a problem." Zhang Xuan smiled wryly.

"I believe him." Zhang Xintai shook his head, "He is not that kind of person."

"You are worried about a bird!" Outside the temple, a burly man like a black bear strode in, holding a bag of dry firewood and branches.

"Anyway, there is no way out, so it's good to try your luck. Since he can save you there, it means that he still misses his previous friendship!" The giant black bear sat down next to Zhang Xintai.

"Of course, if the three of you dare to deceive me, don't blame me, Brother Xiong, for giving you a slap." The giant man said angrily.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fei Xiong, my brother values ​​love and righteousness, and will definitely help us detoxify and save our lives. Everything we said before is true!" Zhang Xintai said seriously.

"Anyway, I can't live anymore. If you don't hurry up, when the effect of the medicine takes effect, everyone will die. If you lie to me, you are lying to yourself."

The three of Zhang Xuan smiled wryly.

The three of them are near Qingchuan, and the black-listed master Fei Xiong Wang is actually a member of the local rebel army of the Yi League.

The difference is that they are at the bottom, while Fei Xiongwang is at the top.

It's just that the internal components of the Yimeng are intricate.

King Fei Xiong was brutally betrayed by his subordinates, and was severely injured by the masters of the Shangguan family. Before he ran away, he ran into Zhang Xuan and others who were also desperate and about to be besieged.

Then while trying to survive, a mysterious person provided information.

It turns out that Zhang Rongfang, who Zhang Xuan and the others met before and saved them once, is actually Zhang Ying, the Daoist Daoist today.

At this time, Fei Xiong Wang also inexplicably rescued them, saying that he was also sent by a mysterious person.

So the four of them were seriously injured and poisoned on the way to be hunted down, and they were desperate.

In desperation, the mysterious person reappeared and sent them a letter, saying that only by going out to sea to join Zhang Ying in Wushan Mansion, could they find the way to detoxify.

As for who the mysterious person is and why he can accurately convey the message to them.

They don't know.

All they know is that if they don't find Zhang Rongfang quickly, all four of them will die.

(end of this chapter)