Chapter 835

When I entered the cafe, I saw Qi Yan sitting in the middle. She was wearing a suit. Although she was of mixed race, she was more inclined to the soft and gentle features of the East.

"Mr. Lu, please take a seat." He smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Qi." Lu Qingqiao sat down.

"What should Mr. Lu drink?" Qi Yan asked.

"A thickened Americano, thank you," she said.

Qi Yan ordered people to do it.

While waiting for coffee, the two started chatting.

"I know that Mr. Lu has plans in the future, so I won't delay Mr. Lu's time and speak directly." Qi Yan said, "President Lu must have guessed that I have something to do with the secret alliance, and Yu Shu is also in trouble this time. I'm concerned."

"Well, I guessed it." Lu Qingqiao looked at Qi Yan with cold eyes, "Mr. Qi, what is your purpose for approaching Yu Shu?"

"Mr. Lu, the understanding between Yu Shu and you is just like the development of you and Qin Xun. It is fate." Qi Yan used the two as a metaphor. He did not conceal that he knew Qin Xun's identity, nor did he conceal that he had investigated two people.

"Oh? The fate of plotting evil." Lu Qingqiao said lightly, and didn't care about being investigated. He was not the only one investigating her. He was so good at hiding, and she naturally had something that would not be found out. He could Most of what she found was what she wanted people to see.

"If Qin Xun's 'scheming' towards Mr. Lu and you guys can have such feelings, then I am happy to admit that I 'scheming'." Qi Yan looked at Lu Qingqiao with a light smile in his eyes, the smile reaching to the bottom of his eyes, the pair of passionate Even the ordinary eyes are full of sternness.

"No, you misunderstood. It was me who 'schemed' against Qin Xun." Lu Qingqiao said staggering words with a blank expression.

Qi Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled even better: "Then I can only work hard to make Yu Shu do the same to me."

"Mr. Qi, Yu Shu is different from me. I can still stay with Qin Yun after knowing his true identity and background, because I have seen your world and lived in your world, but Yu Shu can't do it. She is not used to darkness and blood, she is a delicate flower blooming under the sun, and only survives in the sun." Lu Qingqiao said.

Yu Shu has her pride and her way of life, and letting her be dragged into the struggle of the secret alliance by Qi Yan is no different from letting her die.

"Mr. Qi, if Yu Shu knew your identity and background from the beginning, she would choose to stay away without hesitation." Lu Qingqiao said.

"I believe this." Qi Yan restrained his smile and took a little seriousness, "That's why I made all the preparations before going to Hualin University as an exchange student. She won't check me thoroughly, but I know that As Mr. Lu who grew up with her, you can check, and you who once saved Kateroline can easily find out my background, so I was very careful to disguise before appearing in front of Yu Shu again."

Mentioning Kateroline, Lu Qingqiao's eyes turned cold, realizing that Qi Yan had learned more than she thought, "So Mr. Qi, you came to me, what advice would you give me?"

"Miss Lu, don't be nervous, I know your relationship with Kateroline is purely coincidental, it just happened that before Mushan joined the secret alliance, he spent some time with Hunter's friends, and I learned about you and Kateroline. That past." Qi Yan took the initiative to explain, his tone was very relaxed, although he meant to show his favor, he was not humble.

"So don't worry, I won't reveal this matter to Qin Xun, and I won't let him know that you have also transferred a lot of people from E country, and it seems that you don't trust him very much." Qi Yan added.