Chapter 856

Imperial Hotel.

After attending the dance, Catherine changed into a heavy dress, listened to the report of the man in black behind her, and changed into comfortable clothes.

When she heard the situation on Lu Qingqiao's side, she said with interest, "Huh? She was almost kidnapped?"

Catherine smiled beautifully. After changing her clothes, she went to the wine cabinet to open a bottle of red wine and said, "She, she was prepared from the beginning, who would have the chance to easily tie her?"

"Boss, do you mean that Miss Lu deliberately gave people a chance to do something?" said the man in black.

Catherine woke up and poured the red wine into the goblet, took a light sip, took the phone and sat on the sofa with the red wine glass.

"Well, not only did I deliberately give people the opportunity to do something to her, but even what you saw when she and Qin Yun parted ways also had some acting elements. It was just the foreshadowing in the early stage and their superb acting skills. No one could see it except me."

She tilted her chin, thinking, "What on earth is she trying to do?"

Just as the man in black was about to analyze with Catherine, she saw that she had unlocked her phone, found Lu Qingqiao's number, dialed it, and said with a smile, "If you don't understand, you have to ask."

She can ponder other people's thoughts, but there is no need to spend so much time pondering about Lu Qingqiao's relationship with her, just ask.

The call was quickly connected.

"Is something wrong?" Lu Qingqiao's cold voice came from there.

"Yes, I'm just asking you what plans you have in the future, I can help." Kateroline asked straight to the point.

"I don't need anyone who joins in the fun." Lu Qingqiao bluntly pointed out her psychology.

"Hehehe...Lu, you really know me." Catherine was delighted, she really just wanted to join in the fun.

"Hang up." Lu Qingqiao decisively didn't want to talk nonsense with her.

"Don't, don't hang up first." Catherine stopped.


"Dear, I heard that you broke up. I heard that the best treatment for a broken love is to start a new relationship, or I will put you in your arms to comfort you..."

"Beep beep-"

Before Kateroline could finish her words, the call was hung up.

Catherine was not annoyed, but looked at the hung up call with a smile, and licked the red wine stained on her lips.

"It's still just as ruthless."

Man in black:……

boss, have you forgotten why you made this call? !


Characteristic villa area in country y.

Yasan stood outside the study, threw the wet tissue paper she had wiped her hands into the trash can, then pushed the door to enter, she saw Lu Qingqiao sitting in front of the computer in the study, the light of the computer screen fell on her cold eyebrows , adding an inhuman gleam.

"Lu, they have all confessed."

"Today's matter is Mr. Wan Cheng's order..."

Because they judged that Lu Qingqiao was a threat to their organization, and wanted to get TS-related information from Lu Qingqiao's mouth.

Their initial plan was to pretend to be the old gentleman and Qin Xun's family to seek revenge and take everyone away, but their arrangement was guarded by Qin Xun, so the old gentleman deliberately diverted Qin Xun to take Lu Qing away. Joe starts.

If Lu Qingqiao hadn't offered to go to the bathroom at that time, someone would have led her there.

They had limited time to start. They thought that the tight arrangement could easily take Lu Qingqiao away, but it was too late when Qin Xun reacted.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qingqiao was a difficult person to deal with. In the end, he didn't catch anyone, but his own people were caught.

As for whether what they said was true or false, Yasan said truthfully: "The instrument test shows that they did not lie."