Chapter 307 Gu Yinian, I'm Dead. Would You like to Look Back at Me...

Chapter 307: Gu Yinian, I'm dead. Are you willing to look back at me... Wen /

? One o' clock in the morning

Tonight was not meant to be a peaceful day.

At the scene of the accident, the silver maybach collided directly with the truck coming from the opposite side. The front of the two cars was completely destroyed, surrounded by thick smoke. It seemed that the two people inside would not be any better.

When Cen Huan and Lu Lifeng arrived, there were already a lot of people around the scene. In the early morning, many of them were passing by the drivers who were blocked in the back. Tutting and shouting were heard everywhere. Cen Huan looked at them with a cry and his face turned pale instantly.

Lu Lifeng, on the other hand, had a grim face and gritted his teeth. He pushed the crowd away and dashed towards the maybach that had been hit so badly.

The streetlight was dim, and his good brother, who had been growing up, was leaning against the airbag that popped out. He was motionless, covered in blood, and his hand was holding his cell phone tightly, donating blood. It slid down his wrist to his finger, dropping to the ground, pattering, pattering, pattering...


Lu Lifeng immediately went to pry the car door. The window was broken into pieces. The car door was dented and could not be pryed open. Lu Lifeng cursed a few times. He had an idea. Through the window, he pulled Li Tingchen out of the car bit by bit...

If he still had consciousness now, it would definitely be painful... Physical pain, the pain in his heart from the death of his beloved woman...

"Oh my god! How could this be..."

Cen Huan covered her eyes with tears. She trembled and could not believe what she was seeing. That Li Tingchen, who was so high and so honorable, was drenched in blood. Then Lu Lifeng pulled her out and lay on the ground, motionless...

"Tingchen! Tingchen! Wake up!"

Lu Lifeng patted his handsome face, which was covered in blood and wounds, but he was unmoved. His tall figure lay on the cold road in the night, unconscious... Except for the blood that flowed from his body, which dyed his hand red little by little...

"Damn it! Why did this happen?!"

Lu Lifeng punched the ground hard, and his heart ached. cad1 ();

His good brother, is he going to die... Suddenly, he felt him move in his arms, and then, a low voice vaguely entered his ears...

Lu Lifeng's tall figure froze, and his narrow red eyes widened in an instant...

He said... Niannian, don't go...

Didi didi...

The ambulance and traffic police cars arrived one after another. The nurses and doctors rushed over with stretchers. They put him on the stretcher covered in blood and dragged him into the ambulance. Lu Lifeng narrowed his blood-red eyes and watched the ambulance slowly leave. His fists clenched and his teeth clenched. He turned to Cen Huan and said angrily, "Call Gu Yinian! Ask her if she really wanted him to die before she could forgive him for his unintentional mistake at first?! Fight!"

Cen Huan shuddered a few times from his frightening appearance and his loud voice. Before he could wipe away the tears on his face, he took out his cell phone and dialed the number she had just called with trembling fingers.

And where is Gu Yinian now...


Outside the airport of a city

Gu Yinian stood there, holding the divorce agreement that could not be crumpled any more, staring blankly at the grand airport lobby.

People came and went, strangers passed by her one by one, and then no one in this city would care about her anymore.

The cold wind whistled past, and she was still wearing that ridiculous patient's clothes, but her mind was filled with the earth-shattering car accident that just happened...

The stillness of her heart tightened and hurt again. She was wondering how he was... Huanhuan and Lu Lifeng should have gone...

Gu Yinian closed his eyes in a daze, and tears welled up in his eyes. Why did he chase her? If he didn't chase her out, if he didn't drive crazily to chase her on such a big night, there wouldn't be a car accident...

Li Tingchen, we really can't be together by nature. When we're together, it's either you or I who get hurt, it's either you or I who die...

She took a deep breath, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and turned to walk inside. However, just as she took the first step, the driver who was just about to leave behind put his hand on her shoulder. cad2 ();

"Miss, wait, there's a call for you!"

Instinctively shaking violently, Gu Yinian turned around and looked at the driver in a daze. She took the phone and the long string of numbers on the bright screen was Huanhuan's. She remembered the phone numbers of two people. One was Cen Huan's and the other was Li Tingchen's.

But Li Tingchen...

There was an irrational fear in his heart. Huanhuan went to save Li Tingchen. Now call him. Could it be him...

Gu Yinian was a little afraid to answer it now, and his hand trembled as he held the phone. He hung up and called again and again. Again and again, persevering. Finally, Gu Yinian couldn't stop the thought in his heart that he wanted to know if he was okay.

Opening his dry lips, he could not say a word... But on the other side, Cen Huan's cries came in waves.

"Niannian... Where have you been... Li Tingchen... He... He..."

On the other side, Cen Huan was crying, but he couldn't make a sound. For a moment, Gu Yinian felt his heart being torn and squeezed in the palm of his hand, clenched his lips, and the tears in his eyes began to flow again...

"Is he... Is he dead..."

How difficult it was to say the word "Death" from her mouth. Only Gu Yinian knew how painful her heart was...

"I don't know... Niannian, hurry up and come to the hospital... I see blood all over him... Blood all over him... It's terrible... What happened between you two... Why do you have to do this one after another..."

Before Cen Huan could finish her sentence, her phone had been snatched away. Then, a deep, hoarse roar came from the receiver and came into her ears. cad3 ();

"Gu Yinian! Where did you die?! If you want to leave, can't you leave secretly?! Must we drag him to his death?! Gu Yinian, I only now know that you are the cruelest woman! Just because he approached you with good intentions in the beginning, you wanted to take revenge on him like this?! I'm telling you, he looks like he's dying! All over his body, blood was flowing all over his body, and his face was cut countless times by the glass. If you still have a conscience, if you still see that he loved you before, then hurry to the hospital! Or are you really so cruel as to watch him die?!"

It was Lu Lifeng's voice...

Gu Yinian felt like he was about to lose his footing. He bent over trembling. Ignoring the difference in the driver's gaze, he gripped his phone tightly and hugged himself with his other hand...

Blood was all over the floor... The whole face was cut countless times by the glass...

He was seriously injured...

She could not help but hear his last words again in her mind...

"I told you, you want to leave unless I die..."

Now that he's dying, does she have to go... The world has collapsed, everything is on her little shoulder, and she can't hold it anymore...

"Gu Yinian! Where is it now?! I'll pick you up right away! You know he loves you, but he did something wrong, and I know you must still love Tingchen. You two love each other so much, why do you torture each other so much?! Come back! Let me beg you for ting chen... Okay? Before that, we were wrong, but you still love him, so why can't you try to forgive him..."

Lu Lifeng's roar slowly subsided and his tone softened, but every sentence, every word, was still so harsh...

The big mistake has been made, and the damage is already there. How can we be together again as if nothing happened?!

Impossible... They, never again...

"Lu Lifeng, you save him. Tell him that I don't hate him that much anymore... I'll stay away from him and tell him not to come to me either. That's it. Don't ever see him again... Let him be with Yunyun..."

With that last sentence, she cut off the conversation without hesitation, cutting off his quick, angry and pleading voice...

After throwing her phone to the driver, she squatted at the airport gate, hugged her body, and cried with trembling eyes...

All he could hear was Lu Lifeng's words. He was bleeding all over the floor. He was dying...

How could it be... If she left him, he would be fine. How could he die... No... He and Yunyun had a long future...

Gu Yinian covered his eyes with both hands and his palms were filled with tears... Li Tingchen, you can't die, you have to live well...

Things had gotten out of hand at this point... How could she go back? She and he both hurt each other to the extreme. Leaving was the best way to end it... Leaving, leaving this city, leaving his side... For her, for him, for yun yun, for all three...

Gu Yinian bit her lip tightly. It was bleeding and she could feel the blood in her mouth, but she didn't want to let it go. It was the only way she wouldn't break down...

She cried for a long time. After the driver couldn't bear to leave, she stood up quietly and walked towards the airport lobby with her broken body.

Fortunately, before tonight, she left some money with her. Fortunately, she was able to buy a plane ticket. Fortunately...

Anywhere, anywhere, as long as she leaves here, far away from him...

In just over four months, she had a beautiful dream, and now it was time to wake up. Between them, there was no end to this kind of hurt each other. Ridiculous love, that's all...

Li Tingchen, goodbye...