Chapter 23 - Who Sent You ?

Some men in black went out of the black car and smashes the window, Li Lian's two bodyguards reflexively went to their fighting mode instantly.

" Kidnappers ? " says one of the bodyguards while blocking the hand from the smashed window

" Maybe... " Answers the other, the situation was not looking too good, there was only two of them and the enemy was more than 7, they overwhelm them in both numbers and weapons .

" miss, please wait here " they nodded at each other and before they leave, one of them tapped their phone and sent a message for aid.

Li Lian looked at the men from the car, they had knifes and guns with them

' Kidnappers ? no, they're different the guns that they use have silencers on them ' Dark premonition floats to her mind .

' They're a well-trained assassins . Xue Huelin ? She doesn't have that much money and power to resort this. And the people from that car, they are very well-trained....And they didn't only uses knife but also, guns ? '

The chauffeur look at Li Lian coldly, like a predator predicting its prey's each movement .

Li Lian knew that it was different from a normal gaze, he had a murderous eyes... She knew that even if she stays inside the car, the chauffeur would carry out his mission to finish her off.

As he was about to star the car once again. A small sharp sound of thread being pulled followed by the feeling of sharp thread like a knife stopped the chauffeur from continuing his next movement.

He could feel thread on his neck a thin yet sharp one , his eyes shakes as he looked at Li Lian murderous expression.

" What is this ? Who sent you ? "

He still struggles and was about to took out his gun, but before he could the thread that strangled grew stronger than before, bloods trickles from his neck.

" I asked you a question once don't make me repeat it , this thread is stronger than a saw, do you want me to cut of this frail little neck ? "

Li Lian's usual bright and cheerful expression drastically changes, cold icy tone. Her eyes shows no emotion even as she was about to take another person life .

The man's expression turns pale along the spine chilling words that she uses, the looks and tone that she had, it was the same as the one that he felt in battle field.

" " His voice turns hoarse

Li Lian raises her brows and her grips grew stronger and a snap sound could be heard and blood flows from his neck .

" Tch... Your stubbornness irritates me " She wipes her hand and retract her thread, even as she took a life, her expression remains the same.

" AH ! I haven't asked who sent you ! Geez ! "

Her cold eye gazes at the scene outside the cars and notice that the two bodyguards look overpowered by the number of the assassins . She sighs from the view, she just want to go home and take a rest, but now her relaxing plan in meeting Jun Wei is ruined...

She clenched her palm and went outside the car with her blood splattered dress.

" Ugh.. I quite like this dress you know "

The two body guards shift their gaze to her, blood on her clothes

' Perhaps the miss has been wounded ? '

They looked at each other signing to themselves to retreat , the key of their missions is to protect the young miss's life at all cost .

As they were about to retreat, one of the assassin attacked her with a long knife .

The bodyguards felt as is their own life was about to stop from the scene, but what follows their eyes next, changes their impression of Li Lian in another different level...