Chapter 313 - 294: Hello-III

When Li Lian and Li Jun Wei came back to the house, the servants were in shock to see Li Jun Wei was drenched in rain. Never in their lives have they seen such an unkept Li Jun Wei whose hair was ruffled with rain drops and clothes drenched in water. So were Li Lian who was wearing a black dress and and inner long sleeved red shirt.

The servants worked quickly to bring towels for them and Li Jun Wei took one to spread it and cover Li Lian's hair by the dry towel, drying her hair for the drops to leave her hair. She felt his hand carefully drying her long hair while making sure she didn't feel uncomfortable.

The rest of the servants just stood and watch. It was their work to wipe Li Lian and took care of her to avoid Li Lian from catching illness however Li Jun Wei prefer to take care of his wife alone. To see others touching her wasn't a sight he was fond of.

When Li Jun Wei had wiped her hair, Li Lian pulled his arm to tell him lower his body and used the towel to dry his hair.

Most people watched what was happening, seeing how the two taking care of each other but Jin Nu Yuan was beyond disgusted to see how Li Lian was drenched in water and now helping one another dry themself from rain. "Did you forget how to use an umbrella?" asked Jin Nu Yuan under her breaths when she arrived beside Li Lian who had stepped away from Li Jun Wei. The word left unheard by others but Li Lian who was beside Jin Nu Yuan.

"Some times forgetting one creates a better memory." Li Lian patted Jin Nu Yuan's shoulder before she left to stand beside Li Jun Wei, letting the young woman to fume with anger.

"You two should take a warm bath before catching a cold." said the housekeeper who was still young in age, different compared the Li Jun Wei's housekeeper but their skill in work didn't lost against each other.

"That's what we need, thank you." Li Lian replied and she watched the servants left the place.

"Oh you two went out? No wonder I could not find any of you," said Mrs. Jin who had appeared back inside the house. Her hand was on her h.i.p.s and she had the same perfected smile of years of practice that make one who passed by the sideline would clearly think that it was a friendly interaction of a woman with her nephew.

Li Lian watched how the woman eyed her and she smiled back. Despite feeling cold and the room inside the house was also unhelpfully cold, she could still exchange words with the older woman who clearly was still holding grudge against her and Li Jun Wei who had put her husband's company in a great plight.

"I didn't know we were missed." Li Lian replied back for the woman to smile sweetly.

"Of course you are my nephew and niece. How could I not miss you two after I left the house I can't help but think about you two." in anger and hope that they would die soon, thought Mrs. Jin but she didn't complete the words, letting the rest hanged on air.

"It had been lesser than a day but I'm happy to hear that you missed me more than Nu Yuan." Mrs. Jin's brows twitched at this when the housekeeper came beside them. The woman bowed to Li Lian and Li Jun Wei before to the other two people.

"The bath is ready." the housekeeper said and Li Jun Wei raised his hand to cue the housekeeper to leave.

"Let's go." said Li Jun Wei while holding Li Lian's hand. He didn't exchange more pleasantries with his aunt and cousin as it was him who needed to be on their good side but the opposite.

Jin Nu Yuan stomped her feet once Li Lian and Li Jun Wei had left the place. They didn't stay long either in the entrance and left to their own assigned room. Jin Nu Yuan followed her mother. She wanted to speak but Mrs. Jin had glared down to her, giving her a look of warning not to start in the place where everyone was.

If Madam or Master Li had, there would be no more rescue for their mistake and they couldn't afford it to take place. Before they entered the house, Linyue stepped out of the room, her lips were in a gleeful smile and when she saw Mrs. Jin, her mother in law, the woman quickly make her way to greet her.

"Mother." said Linyue who then saw Jin Nu Yuan beside her. Linyue didn't notice well enough the sour expression Jin Nu Yuan had and her lips were wide to call Mrs. Jin. "I'm glad yo finally meet you, I heard from the maids that you came but had to leave early.

"I had something to do a little with the company. I haven't seen you for a long time dear, come here." Mrs. Jin took Linyue to her arms, hugging the girl with a supportive smile and a looking care. "I didn't know you came early." said the elder woman.

"Suzheng wanted to make a surprise for you." explained Linyue for Mrs. Jin's expression to slightly shifted but for Linyue who had never be able to read people's expression foremost Mrs. Jin's flawless smile, wasn't able to notice that something was wrong. "He also came with the present from Thailand."

The smile that was stale on Mrs. Jin's face turned relaxed when it was mentioned that his son was able to salvage his situation. Although everything rooted from his careless mistake. Mrs. Jin was sure that Li Jun Wei had used someone on her side to give him informations but she would never guess that he would do it for twenty four hours without letting anything missed.

There was a little to few things that Mrs. Jin could tell from Li Jun Wei which one of them was that his nephew took a good care of Linyue who had came to marry into their family. Came the bright idea to Mrs. Jin's head that she could use Linyue for herself. Knowing how naive her daughter in law was, there was still things she could use Linyue for.

Mrs. Jin didn't know till when his son had spoke or fixed the situation as she wasn't present in the dining room or notified before hand. "I have been waiting for it, he said it was a surprise."

"Yes a surprise trip," Linyue filled Mrs. Jin in to what she had been told by her husband in which she believed in without a single doubt, "He didn't want to surprise me by saying that there was a pressing matter he had to solve in the Thailand branch and instead said that he had work in the neighboring city. Suzheng brought me a gift."

Jin Nu Yuan kept quiet but she couldn't help and roll her eyes at her stupid sister in law who like always was easily deceived by her brother. Jin Nu Yuan was sure there wasn't anyone more deceivable then Linyue in the house but she was far more tolerable and better than Li Lian who they couldn't control like a dark horse.

Speaking of horse Jin Nu Yuan recalled the horse track. Out of her anger and disgust toward Li Lian, Jin Nu Yuan didn't leave the room until she was notified by the maid that her mother had come back. "Sister, did anything happen in the stable? I'm worried if Li Lian could ride a horse?"

Linyue hummed, her brows were slightly pulled trying to remember before thoughtfully say, "I believe she couldn't." Then a smile appeared on her lips, "But knowing to ride or not, it was very romantic to see Li Lian riding brother Wei's stallion! You should have come with me and cheered for them," Linyue didn't know with her words she had instead turned Jin Nu Yuan's mood for the worse. Her anger boiled down that her head could turn red from the fit.

"I thought she could. Li Lian seemed confident when brother Wei offered her a ride." Jin Nu Yuan still couldn't accept Li Lian to be a part of the family. For long Li Family had been with people who were good with many things especially Li Jun Wei who had always been flawlessly perfect.

For their family blood to be contaminated with Li Lian once they have children only make Jin Nu Yuan fumed.

Once the ladies continued to talk and Linyue excused herself to take rest, Mrs. Jin went to the room with her daughter. Inside, her mother made sure to lock the door to avoid anyone overhearing their conversation.

"Why did you leave, mother? You didn't see how Li Lian had been sticking to brother Wei like a leech the entire time!" Jin Nu Yuan said, taking a seat by throwing her bottom to the chair to make the couch slight creaked at the intense weight that come to sit on it.

"There was a problem in your father's company. Jun Wei was the one proofed to be making the trouble. If we are lucky this would only stay for a week." Mrs. Jin was also agitated. The punishment never came toward them with Madam and Master Li's protection but now they were in vulnerable state.

Mrs. Jin, who at first believed Li Jun Wei had never done anything against them wouldn't be so bold to do whatever he did now. Li Jun Wei was able to scare the life out of the woman.