Chapter 381 - 362: Green Sparks-I

Li Lian could still hear Xie Hue Lin yelling and she wish her selfish younger sister would move out from the room now because being in one narrow space with He Chang Min triggered only her anger.

"But didn't you hide something from me either? When you first meet me, you know who I am but you mistook me," said He Chang Min and Li Lian frowned, wondering what he meant when he continued, "The wounds in my hands, weren't it similar to the boy you have been searching since the past? Now you find him and you feel happy. I know that your reason to hate me isn't only because I chose Xie Hue Lin that day but because I wasn't the person you are searching either."

Li Lian's eyes met with He Chang Min's eyes that turned to glare. His breaths were hitting to her lips and face which make her want to kick him away from the place. 

Her eyebrows draw in together, "How did you know that?"

"I know it long before," He Chang Min's hand slammed beside her face turn to a fist. "You always watch the wounds on my right hand and I knew that you have been searching for him. You have been chasing only for a shadow of the man you wish to see but that wasn't me and you were disappointed!"

"What do you mean by I found him?" Li Lian looked at him with her expression growing confused. 

"Li Jun Wei told me that he was the boy you were searching for," He Chang Min registered Li Lian's expression as surprise and shock, "You didn't hear this from him?"

Li Lian wondered if Li Jun Wei told the truth to He Chang Min or was it otherwise? That he had lied to fool He Chang Min.

"I knew it," sighed He Chang Min, "You have never liked me. You said that I was happy but that is because I believe that you loved me. But one year was all it takes for you to move your heart."

"Are you seriously pushing your nonsensical words to me? Unlike a certain someone, Jun Wei had always been by my side. He stayed with me everyday in the hospital room. He cared for me, he never left me alone and he know to stand beside me in time when I needed him," Li Lian retorted, her expression looked at him wondering how he could be so empty minded and selfishly pushing his insecurities he had to her. 

"I will be honest. Yes, I did approached you because I thought you were the person I was searching of, my first love! But then I get to know you. I wasn't insane enough to be in a relationship to a man just because he had the same wound on his right hand! I chose you out of my own will not because of your wounds but love!" Li Lian tried not to yell, not when Xie Hue Lin was still there.

"You loved me?" asked He Chang Min, his eyes widened. It had been years since he last heard Li Lian confessing his love to him. His eyes which stared at Li Lian grew hazy but time, alluded by her features. His eyes stayed over her lips. In the distance shared between them, he noticed how close his lips were to her that if he leaned forward just barely, he could kiss her. 

Unknowingly, He Chang Min's face leaned forward as if he was under a daze. Seeing what he was tying to do, Li Lian's eyes widened in shock. Raising her legs, without any hesitation, she kicked He Chang Min's stomach, pushing him out of the closet.

"Don't you dare to f.u.c.k.i.n.g touch me!" Li Lian yelled at him, she wiped her mouth. Although their lips didn't touch or make contact, she couldn't help but to feel disgusted by how close they were a moment ago.

"Wait Li Lian!" called He Chang Min when he saw Li Lian move from the place to the door.

"Mr. He if you want to work together with me, I advise you to forget about the love you have for me as it is only but a delusion you have. If you think by doing this revenge I would forgive you or love you like in the past, you could dream forever," saying the words, Li Lian opened the door and closed it to walk away from the place.

Li Lian was lucky as no one was near the place with the party that have started as the song was played. She told herself she should smile before meeting her grandmother but the anger got over her head which made it hard for her to smile.

"I was following your sister who suddenly disappeared, Li Lian?" asked Li Jun Wei when he saw Li Lian's face which express anger and her the front of her hand where her lipstick was smeared. "What happened?" asked Li Jun Wei and his eyes narrowed on her hand.

Li Lian pursed her lips, her lips sighing. She did not want to tell Li Jun Wei not because she want to hide it as secret as it was foolish to hide it but her heart was feeling very heavy with the ire. "I met him, He Chang Min earlier, he tried to help me before Hue Lin came back to her room," which was useless because with how loud Xie Hue Lin had stomped her feet, Li Lian would have enough time to push the box to the place and hide inside the wardrobe alone. 

He Chang Min was stupid to think he had saved her by notifying her sister had come when she was capable enough to save herself. 

Li Jun Wei's smile faded, the light on his eyes disappeared as a dark shadow came over his face. Li Lian continued to say when she felt her wrist taken by his large hand. Li Jun Wei opened one room which was empty randomly and brought her inside.

In surprise, Li Lian saw his face descending and his lips capturing her upper lips to kiss before taking her lower lips. Opening her mouth, Li Jun Wei kissed her, sucking her tongue. Li Lian felt his hand leading her to wrap it over his shoulders and when Li Jun Wei moved back, his tongue ran over his lower lips. Li Lian stared on his expression, where his brows were drawn in, and a fierce expression on his face in which Li Lian shivered in.

"You didn't kissed him," Li Jun Wei said with a knowing voice yet his expression was still with a frown, "What did he do to you?"

"He pushed me to a wardrobe and hide there with me," Li Lian saw how his eyes narrowed even shallower with the anger he felt. "Why did you know he didn't kiss me?"

"I know you will never let anyone to kiss you except me. You are strong enough to make sure they will never touch your lips," he said and his thumb he placed bellow her lips rubbed to feel the texture. The touch was slow but his face didn't stop to make her skin tingle. 

Li Lian raised her hand to touch his cheeks, "Then why do you look like this?" 

"Like what?" He asked her forcing the words to come from his lips as if to train her. 

Li Lian pursed her lips, they were in some room where anyone could enter and if not for her body pressing the door, she was sure if one person push open the door, they would be seen. Her heart eat raise at the thought and her voice vibrate in the entire room even though it was very small, "As if you are hungry."

The intensity on Li Jun Wei's eyes were still over him but a smile began to appear pulling the corner of his lips. "Can I eat you then?"

"What? No," Li Lian said but his hand had reached to her waist, molding to her cover and shivers ran to her when his fingers stopped right bellow the curve of her b.r.e.a.s.t.

"Don't reject me that fast, I'll get sad by it," his eyes then looked dark in hues, "I should have kill him." His words reached to her neck that had her eyes wide.

"He really didn't do anything to me, he wasn't. You shouldn't kill him," Li Lian wouldn't want him to kill He Chang Min to be jailed. He Chang Min maybe deserve the killing but not by his hands. 

Yet her words did the opposite effect. "I knew I shouldn't but seeing your protecting him made me feel somewhat angry. Not to forget how he pushed you to the wardrobe, tch," Li Jun Wei looked very displeased after knowing what had taken place. "He didn't kiss you but he tried to, didn't he?"

"He tried but it didn't succeed; and I'm not protecting him. I don't want you to dirty your hands with his blood, there isn't any need," Li Jun Wei's complexion ease as his hand and lips continued to trail on her body very subtly. Li Lian was afraid he would touch her here where people could come in and hoped there was at least some lock on the door before he start anything. 

To shift his attention from her, she spoke, "I heard you told him that you were the boy I was searching for?"

"He was being persistent," Li Jun Wei replied briefly, "I thought to lend him a hand if he needed a help in his revenge but I retract that thought now."