Chapter 72

Fang Cheng looked really busy. After a few words, he lay down on the sofa in the living room and began to take a nap. Fang Ze also went back to his bedroom to sort out his papers and organize the order.

Before 12 o'clock at noon, Fang Cheng's mobile phone alarm rang. When Fang Ze went out, Fang Cheng was getting dressed and ready to leave.

"It's almost lunch. I ordered takeout. Let's go after dinner." Fang Ze said to Fang Cheng.

"There's no spare time. I can deal with it on the way back when I buy two loaves of bread." Fang Cheng waved his hand and went out.

After Fang Ze watched Fang Cheng leave, he was about to call to ask if the takeout he ordered just now was ready. If not, could he return one? At this time, the doorbell rang.

Fang Ze saw from the cat's eye that it was really a takeout boy outside. Fang Ze had to take two takeouts, and then took small steps to Hannibal's bedroom.

Hannibal really fell into a shallow sleep at this moment, ensuring his spirit. Fang Ze slapped him casually, just in Hannibal's fart I woke him up.

Fang Ze took off Hannibal's earplugs and towel in his mouth. Hannibal said, "in fact, you are really a gay."

"No." Fang Ze firmly denied.

"Then why do you want to fart me?"

"I originally wanted to pat my face, but after thinking for a while, I felt that if I hit you in the face, if you could break free one day, I would die miserably."

"This still doesn't explain why you fart me." Hannibal Lecter said seriously, "my human organ is not just a fart."

"There are other places."

"Me." Hannibal Lecter was completely speechless after hearing Fang Ze's words. He stopped talking. Fang Ze began to eat takeout happily. He had ordered two chicken casseroles, but now he can eat them all by himself. Of course, Hannibal Lecter can't finish eating the rest. After all, big meow doesn't eat this stuff.

"What did you eat?" Hannibal asked about the taste and asked curiously.

"Chicken pot, you can understand it as delicious chicken made by special methods."

"Takeout in your country is very convenient."

"After all, we are a big food empire." As Fang Ze said, he deliberately brought it to Hannibal and ate it in front of Hannibal.

"Don't you think it's easier for you to cause my hatred than to hit me in the face."

"Yes, No." Fang Ze put a piece of chicken in his mouth and said, "it's noon now. I didn't bring this to you in the middle of the night."

Fang Ze's words obviously vented the young Hannibal's internal injury. After all, Hannibal at this time is not the Hannibal who was captured by the FBI and imprisoned for several years. In essence, he is still a young man.

"By the way, do you want to eat?" Fang Ze asked cheaply.

"Will you feed me?" Hannibal asked.

I always feel that this line is a little bad. If you change the scene, it will pollute the sky.

"Do me a favor and I'll give you a good meal."

"Deal." Hannibal agreed happily. After all, in just five days, Hannibal will find a way to get freedom if he doesn't want to be rolled into a bundle and thrown out by Fang Ze at last, and the premise of all this is to maintain a relatively healthy body state. If Fang Ze really feeds him with crumbs and apple pieces for threeorfour days, then even if Fang Ze releases him, he may not be able to beat Fang Ze.

Seeing Hannibal's happy consent, Fang Ze told Hannibal what Fang Cheng had told him again.

"A very simple case." Hannibal looked at Fang Ze and said, "the difficulty of this case lies not in how complicated it is, but in your thinking falling into a misunderstanding."

"What do you mean?" Fang Ze looked at Hannibal and asked.

"It's very simple. You can transpose and think about it." Hannibal Lecter said to Fang Ze, "if you are the perpetrator, how can you complete your crime without leaving evidence, or directly, how can you avoid leaving gold."

"Wear a condom."

"Yes, wear a condom." Hannibal Lecter looked at him with a look of idiocy.

"But after wearing the condom, there will be no gold liquid left in the victim?"

"Wear someone else's."

"This is not and, wait." Fang Ze finally couldn't resist Hannibal's disdain and stopped what he wanted to say.

"The police didn't think of it at the first time, because their thinking habits in handling cases led to their misunderstanding of thinking. For them, if the gold liquid DNA is not right, it means that this person may have been caught wrong. Their handling pressure and thinking habits are not easy for them to find out what they missed, but as a bystander, if you can't even see this, I can only say that your IQ is wrong."

"I thought about it." Fang Ze lowered his head and finally thought of how the suspect got rid of his suspicion.

So Fang Ze hurriedly called Fang Cheng. Fang Cheng hasn't returned to the police station yet. His mouth seems to be chewing bread. As he walks, he asks Fang Ze what happened. Fang Ze tells Fang Cheng his inference result.

"I didn't expect to sleep in a trough." Fang Cheng suddenly realized, and then hurriedly hung up the phone.

"Where's my chicken?" Hannibal asked.

"The correct way to say it is my chicken." Fang Ze sighed, shaved a chicken bone, and then threw it into Hannibal's mouth.

"Are you going a little too far on my guard?" Hannibal Lecter ate the boneless muscle and said, "do you think I'll grind the rope with chicken bones and escape?"

"You are a wolf and I am a sheep. I can't go too far in any way."

"The question you just asked is meaningless. Do you need me to tell you a case? Let me guess the facts." Hannibal said.

"Good." While eating the remaining dishes in the chicken pot, Fang Ze took out a small mirror and stood in front of him, staring at himself in the mirror.

Hannibal got Fang Ze's permission, cleared his throat and began to tell, "a young mother was killed, and only two people present gave almost the same confession."

"The first call the police received was from her husband Kerry. He said on the phone that his wife Jenna was killed and died in the living room. The murderer was his friend Bill."

"After receiving the alarm, the police went to the scene. The scene was terrible. The murder weapon fell in the pool of blood where the victim was lying. She was killed alive with a baseball bat."

"The police believed his words on the spot and went to check bill. They found that bill was also injured, stabbed by a knife and being treated in the hospital. As for Kerry, he looked at the broken arm in another hospital."

"According to Kerry's testimony, the thing is this: at more than 3:00 p.m. that day, he came home, opened the door, walked through the corridor, and saw a baseball bat hitting him. He raised his hand to resist, and his hand bone ached violently. He didn't see his wife, even though the living room was next to the corridor. He began to fight back, so the two men corrected from the porch. They tangled and fought to the bedroom, and continued to tangle. They fought and fought around, and both of them were tired. They stopped and had a rest for a while, but Then play again. After playing for a while, they remembered that a good TV series was about to start broadcasting, so they sat down and began to watch TV series. "

"After watching the TV series, Kerry went to the kitchen to get a knife, then stabbed bill a few times, and bill ran away. When Kerry returned to the kitchen, he saw his wife Jenna lying on the floor of the living room, bloody."

"It sounds as if the facts are clear and there is no doubt." Fang Ze asked.

"Listen to Bill's testimony again." Hannibal then said,

"In Bill's testimony, the thing is this: he went to Kerry's house, opened the door, walked through the corridor, and saw a knife stabbing him. He was stabbed several times and wrestled with Kerry. He didn't see Jenna lying on the floor of the living room, and the two hit the bedroom all the way. He saw a baseball bat on the side, and then broke Kerry's hand bone. After that, it was the same as Kerry's statement. They went to rest, drink water and watch TV. After watching it, they went again Then he fought, and finally he left after a while. "

"Are their testimonies the same?!"

"That's right." Hannibal nodded and said.

"The two confessions are basically the same, but the difference is who hit who first. But they didn't see Jenna killed. They didn't see Jenna lying in the living room when they entered the living room, and the two people have been each other's alibi during this process. Kerry pointed out that Bill killed Jenna, but he didn't know how and when Jenna was killed, and bill was the same in turn."

"Then what's the verdict?" Fang Ze himself began to be confused.

"The prosecution took the two men to court, but all the evidence was confusing. The jury couldn't understand the testimony at all. The two men had a fight for a while, had a rest for a while, and then played for a while, and watched a TV series. The plot was more strange than a movie."

"Finally?" Fang Ze asked.

"The jury discussed for 24 hours, but finally they couldn't make a verdict. Bill and Kerry were acquitted."