Chapter 282

It seems that I don't have any acquaintances in Lin'an. Who will call me.

Fang Ze looked up while thinking, but found that he was really an acquaintance.

An Ruoxi.

"Long time no see." Fang Ze greeted the young lady.

"It's you." Lin Xiaoxin looked at an Ruoxi and remembered that she had almost regarded this sister as a junior.

"Long time no see." Ann Ruoxi, wearing a little princess dress style dress, came over with a 20 inch rose gold suitcase.

"Long time no see." Although Lin Xiaoxin didn't know that the eldest lady was a self familiar character, she didn't smile. When she saw an Ruoxi greeting so warmly, she had to respond politely.

"Did you come to Lin'an to participate in the food festival?"

"Yes." Fang Ze said to an Ruoxi, "are you the same?"

"I came to see my brother to attend the food festival." Ann Ruoxi raised her neck and said.

Fang Ze found that there was a kind of overwhelming pride on the girl all the time, and she spoke like a swan with her neck raised.

If such a person can tolerate her bad temper from time to time, she can make friends, because she will never stab you after you leave, and even if she has a problem with you, she will not say bad things about you.

This means that there will be many people in life who are smelly but surprisingly popular.

After all, making friends with people with high EQ will make you very comfortable, but this kind of comfort cannot be used as trust at a critical time.

"You are here to take a taxi." An Ruoxi looked at Fang Ze and said, "there are a lot of people coming to an today, and they are about to catch up with the number of people in Jinling Zhongshan Mausoleum on the last national day. It is very difficult to take a taxi."

"If you really have no choice, you can only take the subway." Fang Ze also said helplessly.

He also really didn't expect that there would be so many people today. He knew it would be more convenient to drive here, but he might not be able to find a parking space when driving here.

"My brother sent someone to pick me up. I'm also going to Xianghu. If you don't mind, let's go together." An Ruoxi said frankly.

"Good." Fang Ze asked Lin Xiaoxin if she had any opinions and agreed.

Outside the station, a black four door five seat Mercedes Benz S is parked there.

"Uncle Yang, didn't my brother come in person?" An Ruoxi walked over, glanced at the car glass, and then asked a bearded middle-aged man standing at the door of Mercedes Benz.

"The little boss was busy with entertainment in Xianghu, so he didn't come in person." The man called Uncle Yang said respectfully.

"Forget it, I didn't expect him." An Ruoxi's eyes flashed with disappointment, and then asked Uncle yang to open the carriage and throw the trolley box in.

"Let's go." After several people entered the car, an Ruoxi said to Uncle Yang.

"OK." Uncle Yang heard what an Ruoxi said and started driving.

"We will take the car directly to the infield of the food festival." An Ruoxi turned her head to Fang Ze, who was sitting beside her, and said, "have you bought the tickets yet? If not, I'll call someone to prepare the tickets for you now."

"It's not necessary. We bought it before we came." Fang Ze opened his mobile phone and let an Ruoxi have a look at his e-ticket.

"That's good." An Ruoxi nodded, and then asked Ze, "have you contacted the woman who went to the diffuse exhibition with you last time? I entrusted someone to investigate for a long time and didn't find out who he was."

Women's clothing addicts...

Fang zeben said with the idea of safeguarding Xiaohei's reputation, "he is just a big man in women's clothing, not a woman's clothing addict."

"What's the difference?"

"Women's wear bosses are better."

After Fang Ze said this sentence, the dialogue between the two people was cold. However, an Ruoxi had a good chat with Lin Xiaoxin.

Lin Xiaoxin, a short character, has always been very changeable. Basically, she can chat with everyone.

I still remember when I was very young, Lin Xiaoxin was a serious seven year old real lolly.

Lin Xiaoxin's mother led Lin Xiaoxin to the mall, and then because there were more people, Lin Xiaoxin's mother was also more careless, so she lost Lin Xiaoxin.

And Lin Xiaoxin's nerve is even bigger. After watching her two lovely little sisters dance on the dance machine for more than half an hour, she found that she had lost it.

Lin's mother had already left the mall at this time. She thought she hadn't brought Lin Xiaoxin out, so she went straight home.

Lin Xiaoxin, who was lost, directly found the security guard of the mall. After broadcasting in the mall for more than ten minutes, she didn't see anyone coming to take Lin Xiaoxin, so she had to call the police and ask the police uncle to take Lin Xiaoxin back to the police station.

After entering the police station, the two police uncles showed Lin Xiaoxin a lot of delicious snacks, and then tried to ask Lin Xiaoxin's home address and the phone number of Lin Xiaoxin's parents from her mouth.

But after seeing the delicious linxiaoxin brain melon seeds, I thought that if I say my home phone number now, I may not finish eating so many delicious food.

So, she pretended to be silly and chatted with a group of police uncles in the police station for more than an hour. After eating all the snacks, she said the phone number of Lin's father and asked a frantic Lin's father and mother to pick her up.

So Fang Ze will not be confused by Lin Xiaoxin's seemingly simple appearance since he was a child. He knows that this little shorty actually has a plan.

After nearly an hour, the black Mercedes Benz finally reached Xianghu Lake through the congested highway.

The area of Xianghu Lake is not as large as the West Lake, but it is not particularly small.

However, the area of the largest central island of Xianghu Lake is not small, especially after the Lin'an municipal government invested heavily in the reconstruction, it directly built a six story Xianghu building in the style of ancient buildings on the central island of Xianghu Lake.

And the infield of this food festival is in this ancient building.

Originally, the island in the middle of the lake was not connected to the land and could only be crossed by boat. However, for the convenience of the food festival, the organizer specially built a temporary bridge for cars, which was no problem.

The black Mercedes Benz entered the island and stopped.

Although the remaining area of this lake island is small except for the ancient buildings, there are few places to park.

However, the black Mercedes Benz obviously had its own parking space. After entering the lake island, it soon stopped in a parking space covered by two groups of green trees.

Several people got out of the car, and a staff member dressed in ancient costumes came over, verified the tickets of several people, and then took several people to the restaurant.

"I'm going up to find my brother. Do you want to join me?"

"No." Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "we shouldn't be able to get up above. Let's just stay below."

Although Fang Ze bought an infield ticket. But no matter when, the real top-level service can't be bought with money alone.

So even if he bought the most expensive ticket, Fang Ze couldn't go up to the top floor.

If he asks lizihao and Chen Jian, he may get the above quota. But Fang Ze generally prefers to owe money rather than others.

If human feelings are not on the blade, they will become worthless.

The first floor of Xianghu building is already very large, and chefs from all over the country are cooking in separate booths for all diners to taste.

Of course, these are just appetizers.

At the beginning of the food festival, after noon, the weight level chefs will come. They will cook for all the guests on the first floor to taste, and then the guests will score.

Those with high scores can be promoted and go upstairs to cook.

According to the discussion of the nearby diners, Fang Ze finally figured out what kind of mechanism this food festival is.

The top chef cooks for the guests upstairs. Some not so top-level but also very famous chefs will cook for the guests who bought tickets on the first floor, and then score according to the guests. The four chefs with the highest points will be promoted and start climbing the stairs with the top chefs.

The rules of building climbing are the same as those of the first floor. Only a limited number of chefs can be promoted to a higher floor to cook. The only condition for promotion is that the score is high enough.

Start climbing from the bottom floor. There are some chefs on each floor that don't need to be promoted. They can join the chefs on that floor only by being famous, and start climbing up from below with the chefs promoted from below.

On the sixth floor, it is said that in addition to some powerful and rich tycoons, there are also several top gourmets. These gourmets will update their comments online synchronously, that is, if a little-known chef can climb from the first floor to the sixth floor.

As long as you can get any pertinent comment from the gourmets on the sixth floor, your value will soar, and the hotel restaurant you belong to will also become a new online celebrity restaurant.

This is a lure for chefs Confusion is self-evident.

Moreover, people in the catering industry know that the cost of ingredients is actually limited.

The more upscale restaurants are, the greater the profits will be, and places such as private clubs and private restaurants that specifically serve powerful and rich tycoons will make huge profits.

There is only one premise for all this: fame.

Xianghu food festival just provides the best platform for chefs who have enough strength but have no chance to become famous.

Fang Ze ate one by one and found that even the food before the official competition was cooked very carefully and delicious. It seemed that these chefs on the first floor were also fighting.

"How does it taste?" Fang Ze turned to ask Liu Lianxing, an expert in this field.

"The condiments used in it are indeed more and more abundant than those in our world. But chefs ignore a lot of small details and completely fail to play the real role of these condiments. They just blindly pursue technology and ignore technology."