Chapter 455

I called people in the county. After more than half an hour, a jeep drove to Fangze's Q7.

"Brother, why are you driving here?" A man touched his head and said inexplicably.

"Play romance." Fang Ze pointed at Heluo with his finger, made a simple explanation, and then said to the man, "add the oil to me quickly, and we are anxious to go back."

"Sorry sorry." The man glanced at Heluo and Fang Ze, and immediately scolded himself for being stupid.

What else can this lonely man and woman do in the wilderness.

Looking at the car filled with oil, Fang Ze transferred money to the person who sent the oil, and then drove the car with Heluo to the direction of the county.

"It feels much more comfortable here than that city before." Helo leaned on his chin and said, "although the city made of steel looks very fresh, it will feel depressed after a long time."

"In fact, it's because you still like open places." Fang Ze said to Heluo, "like grassland?"

"Grassland is really a long memory in my memory." Helo stretched his head out of the window, looked at the vast sky and asked, "is there a grassland near here? I suddenly want to go to the grassland."

"Yes, it's not very big, but it's a grassland after all." Fang Ze stopped the car, and a crazy idea suddenly came into his mind.

"If you really want to see the grassland, I can show you now."

"Hey, you didn't cheat us, did you? Is there really grassland here?"

Fang Ze didn't speak. At this time, he just took out his mobile phone and looked at the navigation. He found that after driving for a day and a half, he could reach the grassland closest to DIDU. So he turned the steering wheel and didn't drive back to DIDU, but headed for the grassland.

"You are really a good person." Heluo found that Fang Ze was really taking her to the direction of the grassland. He put his head in front of her from the back seat and said, "from now on, you are one of our friends."

"One?" Fang Ze looked at Heluo and asked. "Do you have other friends besides me?"

"There are many, such as wheat number one, wheat number two, and wheat number three." Helo shook his head and said, "although these friends will be cut off by others every year, it doesn't matter. When the second eldest comes out with new wheat, you can find them and rename them."

"So I'm actually on the same level as wheat in your heart?"

"Of course not." Helo shook his head and denied, "but if you don't say so, it will appear that I have only such a friend as you, which makes me lose face."

"It makes sense." Fang Ze raised his thumb.

"Do you have many friends?" Heluo's small body drilled through the gap between the driver's seat and the copilot's seat, sat on the copilot, looked at Fang Ze and asked.

"Strictly speaking, not many."

"Are you questioning the wisdom of the great virtuous wolf Heroe?" Heluo looked at Fang Ze and said incredulously, "you see, you are a person with many friends."

"If you are familiar with people who often talk and play together, even if they are friends, then I really have a lot of friends." Fang Ze said, "but if we raise this standard to be able to share weal and woe, it's really not much."

Fang Ze's words are true. He doesn't recognize too many friends from the bottom of his heart.

"So it's not wrong for us to regard you as a friend. You are as lonely as us."

"Where am I lonely?" Fang Ze joked, "every day is full."

"Loneliness and enrichment have nothing to do. The meaning of loneliness is people who are unwilling to tell their secrets to others, because they only believe in themselves." Helo looked at Fang Ze and said.

"If this counts up, I'm really lonely." Fang Ze said to Heluo while driving the car, "you said yesterday that wolves are social and lonely creatures. In fact, people are the same."

"Wolves are actually very lonely in their bones. They live together in groups because it is difficult for wolves to catch prey. Only living in groups can ensure their survival, and human beings are the same. The reason why humans get together is that it is difficult for a single human to survive in nature. But if this kind of group becomes unnecessary, both wolves and people are willing to leave the group Yes. "

"You just said that although you don't have many friends, you still have friends. Now you have to leave the ethnic group."

"These are two concepts." Fang Ze saw that the car was on the highway anyway, so he didn't have to worry about any emergencies, so he broke up with Heluo.

"The so-called departure of humans from the group is not to keep a distance from other humans, but not to be keen on social intercourse." Fang Ze gives an example, "For example, a part of the curtilage group in human society, the reason why they are curtilage is not to refuse to contact with the outside world, but to refuse unnecessary contact with the outside world. For example, if a person wants to enter the official career, he must face the intrigues of the society. For example, if a person wants to enter the business circle, he must face the complex economy. In the process of entering, he will definitely hurt others and be hurt by others."

"The curtilage group has no intention to enter the official career, nor do they want to enter the business district. They just want to live a simple life. The relationship with friends is pure. This is what human beings call leaving the group, understand?"

"I see." Heluo nodded with a smile and said, "in the final analysis, you are just afraid to face the dark reality and want to live a simple life. Like our wolf clan, if the male wolf wants to get a position in the group, he must be able to fight, so that others can recognize you. But in the process of fighting, he will definitely hurt his peers."

"Almost." Fang Ze nodded and said, "the more lonely people are, the hotter and purer their feelings are, and the more willing they are to pay everything for their true friends, because they value their feelings and would rather be lonely than be far away and give them to others at will."

"But real friends are always hard to meet." Heluo said with a smile, "in the past, there was a child in the village who especially liked to play the game of fist guessing with others, that is, guess which fist of others holds the money, and the money belongs to him. But the child always guesses wrong. Even if there is an option of two choices, people often guess wrong, not to mention you have to guess which is a true friend from more than a billion people."

"That's about it." Fang Ze shrugged and said, "so I always advise my friends not to dream of finding true love in their lifetime. After all, when you were studying, you didn't get the right choice question of one of four, let alone from the crowd, which wife you can accompany for a lifetime."