Chapter 655

Chapter 655 four line linkage, until the eve of darkness!

On May 11 of the doomsday calendar, human beings came to the 131st day of the waste soil, the penultimate day of the great cooling disaster.

After exploring the two mountains in the territory of origin and determining the major premise of "rescue".

Su Mo picked up his clothes and lay on the bed again. He began to close his eyes and meditate on the means of breaking the game he still had.

Judging from the current situation, it must be an unrealistic assumption to save everyone.

First, 30000 people need too many materials. It takes only five days to have a full 150000 kilograms of food to barely enough.

And that doesn't include the cost of settling these people in the future.

Second, not all of these 30000 people are normal people who want to live safely in the end of the world.

Among them, the cubs who embezzled ordinary refugee hot soup like yesterday are not worth rescuing at all.

If these people can be screened out and excluded from the scope of rescue.

It can not only make early preparations for bringing people back to the territory next, but also greatly reduce the difficulties of rescue and material needs.

"How can I not only get this part of the list of people, but also get a batch of materials?"

Think about it.

Eliminate one by one.

Take out all the means on paper. After thinking and choosing, just when Su Mo had some ideas, the noise outside the window began to rise.

You know, the location of Sanyuan hotel is off center.

There can be noise here, which naturally shows that there are certainly not few people.

"Huh? It's only seven."

Curious, Su Mo pushed open the window and stared at it.

Early in the morning, it was only in the early seventies.

The street below Sanyuan hotel is actually full of people, and there are refugees carrying bags everywhere.

In front of the three trading houses in the origin camp, a long queue had already been formed, and a rumble of gossip spread around.

More than 99% of these people are ordinary people living here.

On weekdays, most people save the original coins issued because of the exchange time, and only take a day to exchange them when necessary.

But now, after they have accumulated the origin currency for less than half a month, on the eve of this terrible disaster, after yesterday's uneven distribution of broth stimulation.

These people also began to realize that this piece of iron was useless in their hands.

In the night of hunger and cold, only the materials in hand are real!

It's not a run, it's better than a run.

More than 20000 people gathered in the small village buildings, blocking almost every main road.

In such a prosperous situation, most shops can only temporarily close their businesses to make way for these people.

Even the place where the previous stall was set up was full of passers-by's feet, and there was no place to rest and sit.

Of course, if the previous material theft was just a dream, or the lost materials were chased back.

Today's scene will not affect anything, but will condense the hearts of the people to a certain extent.

But if the materials are no longer available, there are so many people blocking the exchange.

In the end, there seems to be only one left.

Sanyuan hotel.

Not long after 7:30, the door outside the room in the middle of the second floor, including the entire second floor walkway, was also full of people.

Unlike the people waiting in line outside to exchange supplies, these people were all solemn and unsmiling.

In addition, they dress neatly and respect the people in the middle.

This momentum pressed down, and some idle passengers who were still staying on the first floor and joking suddenly shut their mouths, only dared to glance secretly from time to time, and guessed in their hearts what had happened.

In such a heavy atmosphere, more than ten minutes passed.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, a middle-aged man, with a embarrassed face, walked out, as if desperate, and gently put his hand on the door.



It was obviously a knock on the wooden door, but the sound seemed to knock on the heart of everyone who heard the sound.

Waiting for the reaction inside the door, the time outside the door seemed to become unusually long.

The atmosphere that had just stagnated unexpectedly rose to a higher level again, and the air seemed to stagnate.

Fortunately, it didn't last long.

After twoorthree seconds, there was a call to enter the room, and the tension outside suddenly relaxed!


The door was pushed open, and the four people standing in the front row glanced aside, quickly flashed in and closed the door again.

"Hey, director, you."

At the first time, after seeing the people inside, Feng long couldn't help but make a sound.

Imagine that Su Mo sat at his desk, his face tangled, and the scene that was difficult to choose did not happen.

Just like ordinary days.

Standing by the window, although Su Mo's face was filled with emotion and meditation, there was a touch of yesterday's vacillation.

Obviously, after a night of brewing, sumo has made a decision in his heart.

"I think we can sit back and let some people in this city live and die."

"But there are some hardworking and diligent ordinary people who should not be so fearless to sacrifice."

Pointing to the rules being observed downstairs, he took out a bottle of water from time to time and took a SIP to relieve the refugees in their stomach.

Sumo turned his head and looked positive.

"If these people can be brought back to our territory, they will be too helpful for future development."

"With a small amount of materials, they can become the cornerstone of our bottom construction, making the development speed of villages and territories five times faster, more than ten times faster."

"Moreover, with life in the territory of origin as a contrast, we only need to successfully save these people and take them back."

"A little risk is completely worth it!" Sumo murmured.

If you want to get benefits in the chaotic wasteland of the end of the world, some risks must be borne.

The difference is only in the size of the risk.

Compared with risking life and death to fight against the alien, to fight against the false gods behind the alien.

At present, I dare not bear the risks brought by the rescue.

Then how can you have the courage to confront the life and death crisis in the future?

"Sure enough..."

Seeing Su Mo's serious appearance, Feng Tianmin, Feng long, Guan yuan, and Du Shi all had a certain heart, and their hearts were lifted down in the air.

Last night, several people were also determined to leave this place of right and wrong, focusing on their own safety first, supplemented by gathering refugees.

But after returning to their room at night and thinking about it carefully, they also found the problem of their idea.

It is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

In the current situation, hiding outside is really avoiding the limelight and the most chaotic time.

But standing outside, can you really stand by and watch the camp of 30000 people turn into a killing Shura field, and then wait until the dust settles to harvest "booty"?

Ask your heart, and all four have answers.

"Director, to be honest, even if you don't say it today, we will stay and try our best to save these ordinary people."

"Me too!"

"Director, the mistakes made by those beasts really should not be attributed to ordinary people."

"You order, we will do it immediately!"

With Su Mo, they set the tone directly, and the four opened their mouths and made a sound, straightforward.

However, at present, just having an attitude is not enough.

On last night's thinking, they didn't think of a way to break the game.

For example, there is no clue about who to save, how to save, how to arrange the remaining people after saving, how to deal with other people, and so on.


"Well, since we agree, we don't have to waste time thinking."

"Feng long, after the support of our snow mountain base camp comes, you immediately bring me two teams of people to catch the bounty hunter who monitored us before. By the way, including his subordinates, I also get all of them. Don't let go of any of them. All of them are tied outside the territory of origin for me. I'll wait for you at the snow mountain base camp."

"Tianmin, take two teams of people and set up monitoring near the main peak for me. If sun Bahu wants to leave, it's unrealistic to move these resources silently. Once he has the trend to leave, inform me immediately. Remember, don't have a direct conflict with him, and wait until I come!"

"Chang'an, in this chaos, even if sun Bahu had set up a sentry before, it might not work at this time. I'll also give you a pair of people. Go and give me all the places where you can hide things in the territory of origin, where ordinary people are not allowed to enter, and all the places where people are imprisoned. Use an adventurous mechanic to look through them carefully to see if you can find your brother Guanshan or marshal Wang."

"Du Shi, your task is the heaviest and hardest. I will give you three teams of people. You can contact Huang Bing as quickly as possible and try to infiltrate the guard team of the territory for me. No matter what means you use, I will agree. If someone resists in this process, if you find out that he has no criminal record before, you can knock him out and tie him up. If you have a criminal record, you can kill him!"

The detailed plan had been brewing in sumo's mind for a long time.

At this time, it is more and more clear to say it from your mouth.

Catching bounty hunters can use the fastest speed to understand the secrets in the origin territory, master their channels of obtaining information, and monitor the changes in the entire origin territory in another way.

Monitoring sun Bahu can prevent him from taking away too many materials, and turn the entire territory of origin into a black hole of zero materials.

At the same time, when the other party is most careless, we can see whether we can take the other party by surprise.

The purpose of controlling the urban defense of the territory of origin is to be prepared to prevent their own people who are still active in the city from being trapped and unable to escape after a sudden mutiny in the territory.

As for finding Marshal Wang and Guan Shan, this is an attempt of Su mo. after all, what they disappeared was that there was no trace left.

Coupled with a little mystery on them, maybe if you find them, you can get the ways and means to break the situation.


Four lines, clear division of labor, go hand in hand.

When they got the task respectively, the four people couldn't help looking at each other, and their faces overflowed with joy and surprise.

In this complex situation, I'm afraid of hesitating, being unable to make up my mind and wasting time.

But Su Mo, it happens that he can think so clearly in this situation.

Immediately, everyone took the task one by one, discussed the specific implementation for a while, and left one after another.

Soon, the soldiers left behind in Sanyuan hotel were also taken away, leaving only five people to follow Su Mo for strategic maneuvers.

"It's time for me to go!"

Finally, I stood by the window and looked through the gap at the crowd outside who had begun to erupt faintly.

Su Mo took a deep breath, went back to the head of the bed, gathered everything, opened the door and quietly left with the rest of the soldiers.

From now on, the territory of origin will enter the first and possibly the last dark moment since its establishment.

Not surprisingly, these places can maintain their original intention at the beginning, but later they gradually began to expand.

Ordinary refugees will inevitably become the first place to be "attacked" after discovering the truth.

Under the iron fist of the collective will, they will spit out ten times and a hundred times the interests they have invaded before.

If he continued to stay here, although he was not afraid of being moved and hated, Su Mo finally chose to retreat with the idea that one thing is better than one thing.

Origin territory, a large stone house near the east gate.

Hou Tielong stood at the door with a complicated complexion, looking at the crowd in the distance.

In the past, I knew his bad name.

The place in front of the stone house is extremely cold, and few people dare to come here to "run wild".

But yesterday and today, he was very lively here. When he glanced at it, it was all heads.

After watching it for a while, he was annoyed by the noise. Hou Tielong simply opened the door and returned to the house.

Seeing him coming in, a man full of flesh hurriedly greeted him.

"Brother long, all supplies are ready and can be transported out through the secret channel we dug at any time."

"The brother from Sanyuan hotel will be back soon. If we want to leave, we can leave at any time."


Hearing the good news, Hou Tielong finally lost some of his boredom.

To be a bounty hunter, you need to be well informed.

Through these news, he has already found something wrong these days.

The first is that the prisoner's bounty previously turned in began to be distributed in the form of origin currency, and no physical materials were distributed.

The original currency exchange materials also began to set a personal one-day upper limit, which cannot be exchanged all at once.

However, these two points alone, there is no exact evidence, and he is not so cautious and anxious.

The main reason why he can make such a decision is that after the battle of the main peak yesterday, several captains in charge of warehouse materials all disappeared mysteriously.

The aides previously regarded as trusted by sun Bahu also disappeared overnight, just like the people who made trouble in the territory of origin.

Including the Deputy captain of the guard team who knew him well and usually wanted to wear a pair of trousers, he also changed his face in the morning. Before saying a few words, he asked him to go back and wait for the news. Don't worry.

Based on these doubts, it is not difficult for Hou Tielong to guess what big problems have happened in the territory of origin.

Although there was no definite evidence, he decided to take supplies out of the city and go outside to avoid the wind before the big temperature drop was coming. After the dust settled, it was not too late to come back.

As for finding the whereabouts of Marshal Wang to receive a huge reward, we can only wait until later.

"There are too many people now. When the sun goes down, we will start to evacuate immediately."

"I have a hunch that this time, the city may not be as peaceful as before!"

Looking at the thick stack of documents on the desk and the bookshelf behind him with worry.

Hou Tielong frowned and said, "how many times have we said that intelligence is the foundation for us to settle down. As long as there are them, even if the territory of origin changes again, we all have a chance to make a comeback."

"Hurry up, these ordinary intelligence can't be ignored. Load them and materials together and take them all away!"

"OK, brother long!"

After being scolded for a few words, several men who were still packing in the house had to put down their work first and turned around and began to carry the information with a snort.

For a long time, I kept staring at all the documents, which were packed by the big men and put into the box, and then tied together by hemp rope.

Hou Tielong first stretched his eyebrows and just wanted to praise, but then he half clenched his fist, pretended to be nothing and half lay on the chair, squinting out of the window.

"These people, maybe it's time to pick!"

When things were going well, these strong men under him were respectful to him.

But once there is a little trouble, these people will expose their nature, all of them are stubborn and difficult to tame.

It's better to take it to the secret base to consume the materials already prepared than to kill it directly.

It can not only save some materials, but also avoid the risk of being betrayed.

Wait until the environment in the territory of origin is stable, and then come back to recruit people. When there are a large number of materials, I'm afraid I can't find people to take the bait?

"In addition, if we kill them, we can continue to collect some supplies and spend this winter more comfortably!"

Finding the last reason to convince himself, Hou Tielong was completely excited.

In the civilized era, it is not easy to feed a large group of people, let alone in the end of the world.

Recently, in order to collect more supplies for the winter, he has worried about how many gray hairs.

But now, if we can lay off a wave of staff, we can inherit the inheritance of these people.

It's like making money at both ends. I'm afraid I can't survive this winter?


With a roar in his heart, Hou Tielong sat up straight.


Just as he was about to stand up and call his confidants, the door of the stone house was kicked open from the outside and roared.

Subconsciously, feeling the danger coming from the pavement, Hou Tielong directly touched the dark space of the table.

But unfortunately.

Before he did anything, the figure coming in from the door directly carried a cold object and roughly rammed it on his forehead.

At the same time, a cold question also jumped out of the other party's mouth.


"Hou Tielong?"