Chapter 911

Chapter 911 Fallen ruins, broken new world!

Construction debris fell scatteredly on the ground, piled up in various shapes irregularly.

The shocking bloody handprints and the roots of vines and trees climbed among the ruins, adding a touch of horror to the already gloomy ruins.

In the distance, several high-rise buildings staggered together, and the external brick walls were full of large visible cracks and red slogans composed of unknown characters.

It is hard to imagine that this is the first wave of "gifts" brought by the fog.

Just 70 kilometers south of Hope Village, on the barren wasteland, such a scene suddenly appeared.

Is this a reflection of Earth civilization?

Su Mo stood in front of the ruins, picked up the binoculars hanging on his chest, and activated the Eye of True Sight.

Through the thick fog, he could see at a glance that the slogans painted with red paint were not written or spoken on Earth.

But as far as the shape of the characters is concerned, they are similar to Huaxia characters, and they are all improved pictographic characters.

"It's not right in other universes, is it the earth in the butterfly universe?"

According to the description of the game, the civilization placement in the territory will be selected according to the source of the people inside.

At present, apart from the people from the main universe Earth, only Lu Kuan and Su Deben are left in the Tianyuan Territory from the Butterfly Universe.

Such a coincidence? Just selected the building of Butterfly Universe for conduction?

Take a picture of the building in front of you and send it back to the territory.

Soon, Lu Kuan couldn't care less about dozing off, and hurried over in a car.

"It's unimaginable. This gray mist can actually drop buildings that are far away from an unknown distance!" Standing beside Su Mo, Lu Kuan's eyes were full of astonishment. Look at those slogans.

Feng Long asked curiously from the side.

"Professor Lu, do you know the meaning of that slogan?"

"I know, of course I know, this is the common language of our Butterfly Universe and Earth."

There was a bitterness on Lu Kuan's face.

As the wasteland thirty-two game progress, the only universe that self-selects to join.

Few people know that the butterfly universe is not selected by the game, nor does it let everyone enter the wasteland.

In other words, in the years after they left, many people are still waiting on the earth.

Now, just looking at this slogan, those who are waiting may not continue to fulfill the promise of the People's Federation.

With most of them gone, a war has spread to every part of the planet within human reach.

"People's Union language? Is it the language of a country?"

"No, the full name of the People's Federation is Human Freedom Association. It is a unified organization composed of all countries, federations, and human beings on our planet, which can mobilize global power." Lu Kuan replied eloquently.

"Back then we discovered the space singularity to go to the wasteland. Many people, like me, chose to embark on the road to conquer this land, but at the same time, there are also many people who are not willing to take risks and continue to reside on the planet Above, they go about their lives as usual, with logistical responsibilities along the way."

"Time flies so fast. If I hadn't seen these slogans, I would have almost lost my memory of the oath I made when I left."

Lu Kuan rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly. He has always been insensitive to politics and not interested in the situation, and he seemed to have thought of the reason for the outbreak of this war.

If it is a butterfly earth in a normal state, more than half of the people or even more will disappear.

No matter what ideas the remaining humans have, it will take a long time to digest the previous resource reserves and regain control of the out-of-control projects. Before that, they will never lose their minds and go to war.

Unfortunately, that's where the problem lies.

The expedition has taken away most of the resources, and forcibly established the People's Federation to unite the earth together.

Under the premise of expedition to the new world, the enthusiasm of human beings is extremely high, and all the contradictions are temporarily suppressed.

But when the expedition team began to disappear and did not return for a long time.

These contradictions are inevitably intensified, and they are rapidly deteriorating at a speed dozens of times before!

"What do those two sentences mean?"

Su Mo put down the binoculars and asked curiously, pointing to the two nearby slogans.

Lu Kuan: "First, People's Federation is a traitor, they have abandoned us."

"The second is to rebuild the planet, this is our only home."

People's Federation, which took away too many resources and population, failed to return through the spatial singularity, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it was abandoned.

But the reconstruction of the second article.

Looking at the ruins of the building, Su Mo had a delicate expression and couldn't help taking a step back: "I suddenly have a bad feeling."

"Are you worried about radiation?" Lu Kuan shook his head: "Even if this place has been bombed by nuclear forces, after so many years, there will no longer be enough radiation left to threaten human beings."

"No, I'm worried that someone will follow."

Someone, of course, refers to the so-called "aboriginal people" in the mouth of the game.

At this moment, Su Mo finally understood why the game didn't issue game panels to these descending creatures and included them in the game missions.

Although they are both human beings, they are standard human beings from other universes and cannot be counted in the quota for this game.

If all the ruthless people fighting in the ruins came next, Su Mo couldn't help but shudder.

"How many years have passed since you left?"

"The time ratio between this world and the Butterfly Universe is 1:2. One day here is worth one day and one night over there. If we calculate based on the time we have stayed in this world for more than a hundred years, over there."

Two hundred years.

Of course, this is the most optimistic scenario.

Lu Kuan, who was sleeping underground, had no idea how long the players who came each time lasted.

The real number may be even scarier than the number guessed at the moment.

"Are you planning to go in?"

Lu Kuan asked softly: "Although according to common sense, the people living here will not have any powerful lethal weapons, but the time span of two hundred years"

"Too long!"

Technology is changing with each passing day.

Especially after the outbreak of war, the endless arms race.

However, considering his own safety, Su Mo didn't think it was a big problem.

Just looking at these buildings, we can roughly guess that the Butterfly Universe has been around for two hundred years, not because there is no technological progress.

It is simply impossible for a conventional reinforced concrete structure to last for such a long time, and it will not still stand if it is tilted at more than 30 degrees.

If the black technology can be analyzed, it will definitely help the village's upcoming infrastructure construction.

But at the same time, it can be roughly guessed from the concrete that the technology of these remnants did not explode by leaps and bounds.

If there were aborigines living in this wasteland, the weapons in their hands would most likely not be high-tech products.

With the daily battle armor on, even if you can't defeat the enemy, you should have no problem protecting yourself.

Thinking of this, Su Mo regained his composure and immediately had an idea.

Open the game panel, enter the private chat channel to find Li Hu, edit a message and send it.

"At the 70th position to the south of the village, all militiamen are called to blockade, and only the necessary forces are left in the village."

Obviously these ruins are more important than the route.

It must be checked as soon as possible to determine internal safety!

"Squad Zero followed me in to have a look. The others are patrolling outside, so we must enforce martial law here."

He took out the box containing the Sunsun Armor from the trunk of the car, and Su Mo began to put it on under the envious eyes of more than a dozen pairs.

The black and red painted battle armor perfectly wraps the body, and the lines full of violence stand out.

When the last piece of components is installed, the whole body pressure rod starts to self-test, making a creaking sound.

Several vents also began to emit white gas, like a giant steel beast!

On the other side, the seven-member team led by Feng Long also prepared their outfits. Except for the leftover M-1 rifles in stock, the others were all military tactical equipment that the territory gathered through the activities of the lucky stars.

There are tactical goggles of unknown brands, and handheld infrared sensor monitors.

There is a high-definition rotor drone of a Xinjiang brand, and a shoulder-mounted happy tube that is best used in complex terrain.

With these in hand, a group of people began to advance along the path among the ruins.

With the battle armor on his body, Su Mo couldn't help but act more boldly, and took the initiative to use the pulled steel bars to open the way in front.

The bottom of the sturdy combat boots stepped on the concrete slag, and the soles made a crunchy sound, scaring the insects in the crevices of the ruins to flee.

The nerves of everyone in the team began to be highly tense, or excited!


This wasteland is so rare that it is actually kind of friendly when seeing its hideous appearance.


After walking forward for a while, Su Mo waved his hand, and the team stopped in the middle of the building ruins.

Not far away, two black shadows flashed past and then stopped.

I don't know if it's because of nuclear radiation, or because of changes such as biological transformation.

These two animals, which should be "canines" in terms of biological species, have undergone many changes in their appearance.

It was different from the mutated black dog that had been seen in Liangfang Town, not only could it ignore pain, but it could also continue to attack.

The creature in front of him has not yet deviated from the scope of normal evolution.

There is a thick layer of black cuticle hanging all over his body, like armor, and it looks a little shiny from a distance, with undulating spikes.

The vigorous limbs are hidden under the cuticle, with almost no flaws exposed.

The sharp claws grip the ground tightly and can provide strong explosive and impact force at any time.

The black cuticle on the top of the head has not fallen off, forming a square package, as if wearing a helmet.

This kind of behavior that is almost full of defense makes people have no doubt about what kind of terrible nightmare will erupt if there are no firepower weapons and only cold weapons.

"What is this?"

"A dog in armor?" A trace of cold sweat broke out on Feng Long's head, and he opened the insurance with his fingers calmly.

In the face of unknown creatures, it is more reassuring to have a gun in your hand.

Coupled with the route of the reserve soldier who is now in service, there are two attribute bonuses.

Feng Long thought that it was more than enough to deal with the two armored dogs in front of him.

The only thing to worry about is whether other monsters in the ruins will be drawn out once the shot is fired.

"No matter what this thing is, it seems that we have gained something today."

Sumo increased the energy ratio of the Daily Warframe to 70% output, and by the way, provided the frequency of detection of the surrounding environment. This 360-degree field of vision hardly left any chance of sneak attack.

But what was surprising was that the two armored dogs had no intention of rushing up at all.

After only looking at it from a distance, he rushed into the ruins with a whoosh, his body hidden.

"Is this ghost thing afraid of us?"

Feng Long closed the insurance without leaving a trace, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his arm while speaking.

He is not afraid of those with better weapons.

But for some unknown reason, he felt a little flustered in the face of such a strange creature.

"Going that way, it's fast, wait."

"Their running positions seem to be a bit tactical?"

The faces of the "nuclear energy rifles" carrying infrared sensor monitors in the team changed slightly.

As a fps veteran, a loyal player of a certain 2042 and a certain art team, the display on the infrared sensor is simply not too familiar.

The two dogs were actually covering each other as they ran away.

It doesn't look like a spontaneous behavior of a creature, but like a warrior who has undergone certain tactical training?

"Follow the direction they left, go and have a look."

The footprints left on the ground were clearly visible. Su Mo looked down and found a target.

It doesn't matter whether these two armored dogs are sent creatures or helpers trained by the aborigines.

None of it matters.

As long as you can find someone, that's fine.

Following the footprints all the way, the armored dog was heading towards the building.

However, before everyone had just stepped out of the ruins, when they were still more than a hundred meters away, a beam of fire suddenly burst out on the sixth floor to the side of the second building.



"It's Rpg, there are people there!"

Behind the flames was a thick black trail of flames, whistling in the mist.

The aborigines where this guy survived in the ruins were really not good at dealing with them. Before they met, they actually wanted to take advantage of them.

Turn sideways and roll to the side.

The Rpg launched from the building was obviously not accurate.

It didn't hit the place where everyone was standing before, and only exploded at the nearby ruins.


With a loud noise, several layers of soil on the ground were blown up, and the ignited fire burned violently for a few seconds before returning to calm.

"Only this power? Who are you scaring?"

The heavy gunner next to the nuclear rifle was "quietly" angry.

As a pure northwestern man, he directly held the Rpg on his shoulder, and aimed at the window where the fire was fired just now.


Compared with the previous low-quality missiles, the genuine Rpg rewarded by the Fuxing event is amazingly powerful.

With a whoosh, it rushed into the fifth floor, bringing out a burst of flames.

"Brother Qing, you made a typo, it's on the sixth floor!"

"It's not a big problem. Let's cut off the escape of these people first. As long as they can't go downstairs, can they still escape from this building?"

"Damn it, it makes sense!"

After wearing the virtual channel nickname, the team members don't even need a fancy name.

Everyone directly uses their nicknames to contact each other, which is not only convenient, but also feels like playing games.

However, just when everyone was still immersed in the hesitation of whether to fire another shot.

In the open space that was bombed just now, a figure in black armor increased his speed, rushing towards the second building like an arrow from the string.

Boom, boom!

Flames continued to rise behind the battle armor, apparently stepping on landmines buried in the ground.

But it doesn't matter, just like the Rpg that was launched just now, the power of this landmine is also extremely touching.

The shock force caused by it couldn't even make the battle armor shake, it was like scratching the surface of the boot.

"too strong"

"The lord is awesome, it's right to lie down directly on the body!"

"Brother Long, should we follow and have some soup?"

"Nonsense, soup is definitely necessary. But now the director has not sent a signal, do you want to go up and step on landmines?"

"Just wait for me, wait until there is a signal."

Hearing the chattering and cute communication of his subordinates, Feng Long helplessly helped his forehead.

On the attribute panel, the points of these people can be described as gorgeous, and all of them have amazing physical fitness.

In terms of tactical literacy, these people can also speak clearly and logically, and they have obtained the essence of wasteland warfare.

But training is not actual combat after all. In the civilized age, few people have really accepted real combat.

Even some retired soldiers in the territory have only learned some basic tactical knowledge.

"Just wait patiently. It depends on the current situation. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to play in the future."

"Release the drone, let's go in and take a look!"