Chapter 414

In Ji Yao's strict eyes, Xiao Ya just ignited a fluke psychology bit by bit destroyed. She is like a frustrated ball, the body a little bit of paralysis down, so directly fell down on the bed behind her

"Xiaoya, why are you like this? Are you going to lie? " Ji Yao asked in a deep voice.

Xiaoya was silent for half a ring, suddenly raised a bitter smile, "I don't know why I became like this? Maybe you are the reason why I became like this? Yeah, yeah, I'm lying. I don't know what's going on. The doctor said that my spine was injured, but I felt that after the anesthetic, my spine was still active. I don't know what's going on? It's my fault. I didn't tell you at the first time that my spine can still move. It's my fault, but I just want to take advantage of it. Let all of you care more about me... "

Although at such a time, she still did not forget to say that she was innocent, and deliberately removed the fact that she knew that the doctor had done a fake operation for her.

She raised her eyes, and the bottom of them was moist. "Brother Yao, I don't want you to see me more? Stay with me more? Care more about me? You used to be so nice to me, but now? Now you are really insipid to me, I don't understand why you will become no longer? Why do you only remember your kindness to me? Only once is left? "

Ji Yao's mouth also aroused a wry smile, he clearly expressed his meaning, "because the relationship has changed, because the position is not the same."

Xiao Ya murmured, "because the relationship has changed? Because the location is different? "

"Yes Ji Yao firmly stressed, "before, I thought I would marry you. We were childhood sweethearts. I put you in the position of my fiancee. But now, everything has changed. I'm married. I'm married to someone else. I am now the husband of someone else and the father of a child who is about to be born. I want to care for them and take care of them. Why can't you understand? "

Xiao Ya shook her head. "I just can't understand. I don't understand why elder brother Yao, who was so kind to me, disappeared all of a sudden? Have you forgotten our agreement? How can you change so fast? "

Ji Yao closed his eyes helplessly. After a moment, his eyes opened, and his eyes were full of reason. "I have changed! No matter you blame me or scold me, I have changed! "

He wiped the blood on his forehead, then pulled a chair, sat opposite Xiaoya, looked at her seriously, and said seriously, "Xiaoya, whether you want to face it or not, the reality is like this. I hope you can accept the reality! "

Xiaoya is stubborn to open his arms, hysterical roar, "no! I can't accept it! Brother Yao, how can you be so cruel? Do you know I'm innocent? I did nothing wrong, but when I woke up, everything changed. My family has changed. My family is no longer there. My relatives are no longer there. Even the only brother Yao I can rely on is married. Don't you think it's unfair to me? "

Looking at her so hysterical, looking at her such pain roar, Ji Yao's heart is not good. Through these recent events, he found himself more and more indifferent than he thought. His heart is soft, he will hurt, he will suffer.

But he was always rational. Emotion can't compare with reason all the time, he said in a hoarse voice, choking his neck, "I didn't think I was wrong, I didn't think I was cruel. Everyone has everyone's position, standing in my position at that time. I think you are unfair to me, so the silent world evaporated. I've been looking for you for a long time, looking for many places. I even went to your home and questioned your parents. But I can't find you. I can't find you all the time. Do you know how desperate I was when you were in a coma? What kind of suffering? "

The light in Xiaoya's eyes was already dim and almost ashes. She kept shaking her head and covering her painful heart, "but I'm also innocent. I don't want to be like this at all. If I can choose, I will not be willing to leave you for a minute. Why don't you think instead of me? Why don't you wait for me a few more years? "

Ji Yao once again raised his lips and wryly laughed, "it's still that sentence. Everyone's position is different. I used to regard you as the object of marriage. You suddenly disappeared, I began to despair, and then I was dead. Until I met the ocarina, it was her smile that made my heart live. With the emergence of pottery flute, I found that those before me and you can only be called warmth, not palpitation. When I met the pottery flute, I felt the throb. And now I have to make it clear to you that I can't go back to you any more! "

He said very firmly, word by word, heavy as a rock in Xiaoya's heart.

What did he say?

Did her brother Yao say that they were just warm with her, but love was only between Tao Di and her?

How could he say that?

She didn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it at all.

She thought that he must be confused by Tao Di and the baby in Tao Di's stomach. She didn't want to listen to him.

She looked at him humbly and murmured, "brother Yao, what are you talking about? You and I have experienced so much before, from small to big, that is what kind of unforgettable feelings? How can you say that now? You have always said that you would marry me. You said that you would protect me for life. How can you forget that? "Ji Yao's resolute facial expression is not a bit loose, some words really need to be said clearly. He knows that he can't leave a little fantasy for Xiaoya. She will be obsessed with fantasy. He must be very straightforward, maybe she can't take it for a while, but after the pain, she will start a new life.

So, he said firmly, "maybe as Tao Di often said, Tao Di said that I am a man without Eq. I'm really a man without Eq. before I met Tao Di, I thought I would only marry you in my life. But after meeting her, everything changed. She taught me how to pay, how to cherish, how to manage... "

Xiaoya couldn't listen anymore, "that's enough! I don't want to listen, I really don't want to listen! I can't hear anymore! I don't want to hear about you and her. In fact, you should feel that I still love you. I love you as always. Why can't you treat me like before? Why? "

Ji Yao's voice was clear and resolute, "because my duty and duty now is to love Tao Di! Xiaoya, calm down, you will meet your own happiness again

"No!" Xiao Ya loudly denied, "in addition to you, who will be my happiness? Brother Yao, can you try to treat me like before? Can you give it a try? We used to be really happy and romantic. Have you forgotten? "