Chapter 598

Ji Jie looked at him with some regret and continued, "I didn't know she was pregnant until after a long time. She had been hiding the news from me before. When I saw her again, I was nervous when I saw her bulging abdomen. Ji family is a rich family, the rich family taboo is the blood flow outside. I went to see if she could give up the child. In that way, I had an argument with her. In the quarrel, I pushed her down the stairs. She was bleeding a lot. Fortunately, she gave birth to Tao Di, but her own life was destroyed in my hands. Later, Tao Di was given to her Aunt Zhang Linghui to raise her

"I didn't expect that Ji Yao would marry Tao Di many years later. I was shocked when I knew that. I think the world is too small, but it seems that Xiao Yao likes her very much, so I try to accept this reality. I'm very good to the flute in the back, which is to make up for my sins? At that time, I thought Xiaoya really went to find her happiness. I thought she would not come back. So I support Xiaoyao and Xiaodi together. Especially after Xiaodi didn't blame me for killing her mother, I am more grateful and moved to Xiaodi. "

"Sometimes it's just a big joke. I don't know what will happen when you come back. I felt that the peaceful life at that time would be broken by the sudden appearance of Xiaoya. Why do I feel that way? Because I have done a wrong thing in my life, which happened when Xiao Yao and Xiao Ya just appeared. Ji family several generations of single handed, to our generation, although more than a me, but still only big brother a son. At that time, my mother was still alive, and my mother very much hoped that my sister-in-law would give birth to a son. "

"It was my high school classmate who was in charge of the birth examination for my sister-in-law, so I knew from the beginning that she was pregnant with a daughter. I dare not tell my mother this fact. When my sister-in-law was about to give birth, my mother was critically ill. Day by day, the old people are looking forward to the birth of their grandson, and almost wait for the birth of their grandson. I dare not tell her the truth. My sister-in-law also hopes that she is pregnant with a boy. Finally, I found my classmate, I gave her a large amount of benefit fee, let her help me to steal. I asked her to help my sister-in-law change her daughter into a boy. Maybe I gave her a lot of money, and she agreed. In the end, my sister-in-law's daughter was replaced by a boy... "

The past can't bear to look back, but she can't go on. Slowly drooping eyes, two hands intertwined together

Hearing this, Ji Yao understood. He asked incredulously, "so, is the identity of Xiaoya and I calling? I'm actually a child of Xiao family? And Xiaoya is the child of the Ji family? "

Ji Xianghong also asked excitedly, "it must be like this, right? So I have blood relationship with Xiaoya. She is my own daughter. She changed her identity with Xiao Yao, didn't she? "

Ji Jie teased herself and said, "yes, their identities have changed. I thought this was the end of the story. My mother was really happy to learn that she had a big grandson. The old man was very happy and excited. I really thought this was the end of it. But I didn't expect that Xiaoya and Ji Yao were so predestined. I didn't think that the Ji family and the Xiao family had contacts. In this way, the two families will often walk around. Every time I look at two children who exchange identities in front of me, I really feel bad in my heart. "

"After my mother died, I'd like to tell you the secret. But I didn't have the courage. I saw that my sister-in-law really loved Xiao Yao. She placed all her happiness and hope on Xiao Yao. I can't bear to disappoint her. I dare not tell her the secret. My elder brother also loves Xiao Yao very much. Every time I see his kind eyes, all my impulses will be destroyed. I dare not say, really dare not say. Once some mistakes start, it's really hard to go back to the origin. "

"Then my sister-in-law died of illness. Xiao Yao's character has become very cold. I love him very much. It is because I owe him a debt, so I also go out of my life to love Xiao Yao. I just hope he'll be happy a little bit more. After Xiaoya appeared, I knew that she had been very bad, and I also loved her very much. After I knew her mother had committed suicide, I felt really guilty. I feel like a real sinner. Her mother is my sister. I'm sorry for her mother. She didn't know her son had been replaced by me until she died. Xiaoya thinks that her husband is not related to her in life. It's not. It's all my fault! "

At the end of the day, she was in tears.

For a moment, the ward was silent, and only Ji Jie's guilty sob was heard.

Ji Yao had been leaning on the head of the bed. After listening to his aunt's words, his back was taut and his body was upright. He was so shocked that he had forgotten the wound and the pain. Just staring at my aunt

Ji Xianghong's hands are hanging on his side and have been tightly clenched into fists. His eyes were scarlet. He never knew that his beloved sister had done so many things behind his back?

Those times that he frantically searched for wanwan still seem to be in his mind. He still remembers that he frantically went to school to find his sister. Forced to ask her about wanwan's whereabouts, her sister always said that she didn't know. No matter how painful he was or how he begged, she insisted that she didn't know wanwan's whereabouts.He didn't even dare to recall how he spent that time. During the time when he lost his euphemism, he was living like a year. Wan Wan is the woman he loves most in his life. At that time, he only wanted to live for himself once, just wanted to stick to his true love.

But wan wan suddenly disappeared, just like the evaporation of the world. He can't find Wan Wan's whereabouts. It turns out that Ji Jie is involved in all this!

The bottom of his eyes was already scarlet, though after many years. But when he thought of the scene after scene, he still felt the suffocation of heartache.

If he could find Wan Wan earlier, he would insist on divorce and marry Wan Wan. So Wan Wan won't leave the world so early, so today's everything will not happen again, life may be another taste.

He stares big eyes, stares at Ji Jie. Eye bottom dye a layer of scarlet dark color, Ji Jie is guilty of meeting elder brother's Scarlet eye light.

Because of guilt, she was speechless at all, only murmured, "I'm sorry, big brother Big brother I'm really sorry... "