Chapter 100

On the occasion of complacency, Zhou Weihong couldn't help singing Zhuge Liang's empty city plan, "I'm watching the mountain scenery in the city tower, and I can hear the chaos outside the city..."

Suddenly, his eyes widened. Whose van is so beautiful!

This is obviously an imported Koster van. Look at the streamline iron gray appearance, luxurious and grand. Don't try to take it down without millions.

There are only a few rich families in the county. Whose rich relatives have come?

It turned out that Master Wang prepared a car for Luo Tianyou and simply found an imported Koster van.

This car keeps warm when driving this season. It's fast and can hold things.

Luo Tianyou liked the car and secretly made up his mind to buy such a luxurious Koster van after the new year, which would make it convenient for the whole family to travel.

At the moment, Zhou Weihong was even more surprised that the Koster van was parked at the gate of Luo's house.

Zhou Weihong looked at the people who got out of the car. Although they were obviously clean and rich, they recognized the Luo family at a glance?

They're rich!

He continued to observe and saw that the big boy of the Luo family first approached the yard. When he saw the garbage and sewage all over the yard, he immediately stopped.

In winter, the sewage mixed with garbage is frozen and looks dirty.

Luo's big boy's face was covered with black clouds and said something to several people behind him angrily.

The Luo family angrily raised their faces and looked at the Zhou family.

Zhou Weihong subconsciously hid and quickly reacted that the Luo family must have borrowed the car. It's impossible to buy the car with their conditions!

What are you afraid of them?

He continued to sit steadily on the recliner and looked contemptuously at the Luo family below.

It seems that those people are mole ants. He is the God who dominates fate!

The following people should have seen him and looked at him with angry eyes.

Zhou Weihong did not refuse anyone. Looking at it with pride, he seemed to be shouting. I bullied you and bullied you for several years. What can you do to me!

At this time, the big boy of the Luo family didn't know what to say and pulled several people back to the van.

They boarded the Coster van again and drove away.

Zhou Weihong happily raised the corner of her mouth. Let alone that the Luo family was just a borrowed car, what could the Luo family do if they became rich? They didn't dare to blow up with him.

After sitting down, he continued to hum empty city plans proudly.

All the way to singing, "... Banners flutter and flip, but it turned out to be the soldiers sent by Sima."

He was leisurely looking into the distance and planning to sing again. Suddenly, he found that the left Koster van came back. What surprised him more was that several Red Flag cars were followed behind the Koster van.

He has inside information in the county. Of course, he knows the weight of these Red Flag cars.

The tea cup in my hand fell on the concrete floor and broke!

Tea and glass fragments splashed everywhere.

He didn't care about cleaning up, stabilized his mind and calmed down quickly.

It's more than 4:00 p.m. today, and all departments in the county are on holiday.

I saw that these cars were parked at the gate of the Luo family. When they got off, they not only pointed at Zhou Weihong's house, but also looked at the garbage and sewage in the Luo family's yard.

Fools know the origin of sewage and garbage, as evidenced by the fence.

Zhou Weihong looked at these people with a serious expression.

Look at their clothes, including those of the public security organs and the law, the urban health management office, and even several people from government departments. These people were wearing straight suits or Zhongshan clothes. Even the county's largest leader, mayor Xie, came.

Who on earth alerted so many people?

It's not the Luo family. They can't have this ability!

The big boy of the Luo family goes to school in Longcheng.

What ability can a student have?

What now?

Zhou Weihong walked around the house and soon thought of an idea.

He immediately called his brother-in-law and father-in-law to explain the situation, and invited them to come for a drink immediately. Both of them promised to come and have a look.

There's nothing at home on the fifth day of Fanzheng University. It's good to come and have a look.

Not only did Zhou Weihong look down on her neighbors, but also his uncle and father-in-law looked down on the Luo family.

At this time, someone knocked at the door.

Look at Zhou Weihong. It's the group who came with the Zhou family's Koster van.

Look again, many people came directly from the Luo's fence. Even a few people of the Luo family came, because the Luo's yard was full of dirty ice water garbage, so there was no place to occupy their feet.

Zhou Weihong hurried down the second floor and opened the gate.

"Leaders, what are you doing here? Please come in, please come in."

Several policemen said to him, "Zhou Weihong, you are suspected of occupying other people's land. Someone has sued you. We have filed a case for examination. I'll show you a clear way. If you want to withdraw the lawsuit, you can just buy the Luo family's house and leave it alone. "

Zhou Weihong's eyes stared round and said righteously: "my family now has buildings. Why buy such a dilapidated bungalow? I'm not a fool."

"Then go in strict accordance with the legal procedures!" One of them was clearly the heads of several policemen.

Several people from the urban health administration came up and said, "Zhou Weihong, your family dumped garbage and sewage into your neighbor's house, causing serious economic losses and indirect physical injuries. A total fine of 300000 will be imposed."

"What, 300000? Why? " Zhou Weihong jumped up immediately.

"With your family dumping garbage and sewage on private land, with the inclination of your building, with your breaking into private territory without authorization. The rain in summer and the snow in winter tilt over, causing huge economic losses to the Luo family and the Luo family owner suffering from uremia. All the economic losses must be borne by your family. "

Zhou Weihong's eyes are red. Several of these people have obviously seen him. Although they don't have much contact, they look familiar. Now everyone pretends not to know him. How can he not be angry.

Just when he had nothing to do, father and son came in outside the gate.

It was Zhou Weihong's father-in-law and brother-in-law.

Depressed Zhou Weihong was immediately excited, invited her relatives in and whispered a few words with them.

His father-in-law, Wang Shengli, used to be the factory director. Seeing the people in the yard and in the house, he immediately understood that Zhou Weihong was in trouble.

He quickly found the leaders of these people, who had met county magistrate Xie several times.

He walked up to county magistrate Xie with a smile on his face and said in a flattering tone: "it turned out that Xie County grew up and drove here. I said how to shine. Wei Hong, haven't you prepared wine and vegetables yet? "

County Magistrate Xie sneered, "no, I bring a lot of people and have business to do."

"County magistrate Xie, today is the fifth day of the new year. The county government didn't work. What's the business?"

Xie County said with awe inspiring righteousness, "you're wrong. You can't delay your business because of the holiday. Moreover, any staff working in the county government is a servant of the people and must serve the masses at any time. "