Chapter 293

The police officer opposite suddenly became angry and angrily pointed to Luo Tianyou.

"You... You've gone too far."

Luo Tianyou said with an innocent expression, "officer, you're wrong. It's your police's business to solve the case. How am I going too far?"

"You... Outrageous... Too presumptuous!"

Luo Tianyou respectfully replied, "officer, we are ordinary people and dare not be presumptuous."

Then, he asked foolishly, "officer, if I show evidence that the other party is the murderer, will I catch Yamaguchi pockmarks and other murderers?"

The police officer immediately patted the table, stared and said angrily, "Mr. Yamada, this is a police station, not a vegetable market. Did you talk to me in a bargaining tone? To tell you the truth, you just take out the evidence. We must judge the authenticity before we can decide whether to arrest Makiko Yamaguchi and others. "

Luo Tianyou suddenly realized and said, "I see. As long as the evidence I provide is not true, the criminals will still be at large. Then I ask you, Fujino and others committed the murder on the spot yesterday. There are both human and material evidence. Why did you let them go? "

The police officer's face suddenly turned white, and soon thought of his speech and explanation.

"What witness and material evidence? Only you and their people were present at that time, and there were no outsiders at all. Who knows what happened at that time. Fujino and others also said that you attacked them. Is it true that Fujino's ear was bitten off? As for what you said about the existence of both human and material evidence, it's just one side of your story. "

Luo Tianyou said sarcastically, "officer, I see. We called Fujino and others to the ward, and then framed them for murder."

The police officer pushed the boat along the river and said, "your explanation is reasonable. Otherwise, how could Fujino appear in Mr. Kimura's ward?"

Luo Tianyou was speechless. The police officer was 250.

Even if the murderer kills in the police station, the other party also has a way to clear up the facts of the other party's murder.

He knew that the island country was a capitalist society and a paradise for the rich. He didn't expect the police station to be so dark.

Black to the point of reversing black and white!

Obviously, the police officer would never dare to speak like this without instructions from his superior.

Luo Tianyou sneered, "officer, I admire you very much for being able to say black is white and wash the murderer into a good people."

There is no reason for such people. We still try to make things big and win the support of public opinion to see what the police have to say.

Luo Tianyou turned and left.

Two of Mr. Zhou's men followed.

The three walked out of the police station and ran directly to the hospital.

Entering the ward, he saw that Mr. Zhou looked better than yesterday.

Seeing them come in, Mr. Zhou looked forward to it.

Although he said yesterday that he did not trust the police, he subconsciously hoped that the police would be fair.

Luo Tianyou guessed what Mr. Zhou wanted to ask. He didn't want to hide the other party and briefly explained what happened at the police station just now.

Mr. Zhou's face turned red and immediately began to scold.

"I knew that the bastards of Yamaguchi family had someone in the police station. They are not afraid of five thunders."

"Mr. Zhou, don't be angry. I tell you the truth, not to make you angry, but to discuss with you how to deal with them."

Mr. Zhou endured again and again, and asked for advice with an open mind: "Xiao Luo, I'm in a mess now. What do you say to do?"

Luo Tianyou continued: "Mr. Zhou, I think so. I will publish this matter and evidence on the Internet later to win the support of the majority of Internet users. It's a big deal. Let's see how the police station ends. "

Mr. Zhou's eyes suddenly lit up.

He asked with gratitude, "Xiao Luo, I didn't expect you to be so young and thoughtful. Then what? "

"If the police station hears the voice of the masses, arrest Yamaguchi and others and bring them to justice. If they ignore it, we will avenge it in our own way and then walk away. "

Mr. Zhou nodded again and again, "Xiao Luo, you talk a lot. As long as you can get revenge, you can use any method. The law enforcement departments of the island country are rotten, and such a society will only gradually decline. I dream of returning to China and the motherland. Unfortunately, my cherry blossoms didn't wait for this day. I hurt my children. "

When Mr. Zhou said this, he burst into tears.

Luo Tianyou was sad. If he promised Mr. Zhou that day, the cherry blossom girl might not have an accident.

It's no use regretting now, only to get justice for cherry blossoms, blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

Cherry blossoms will feel at ease in Jiuquan. Maybe she will laugh in the flowers every year in the cherry blossom season.

He held back his emotions and said, "Mr. Zhou, don't be sad. Sakura knows you are sad, and she will suffer. You must live well, look at the scenery of China instead of her, and walk through the mountains and rivers of China instead of her."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhou quickly stopped crying.

"God bless, you're right. Sakura knows I'm sad. She will be sad. She has been kind since childhood. I want to live well."

Luo Tianyou was relieved at last.

I wish Mr. Zhou had something in mind.

"Mr. Zhou, I can cure diseases with Qigong. Yesterday I helped you regulate your body with Qi strength. For your health, I think I'd better continue to treat your diseases with Qigong."

Mr. Zhou was very grateful. "Xiao Luo, I didn't expect you to be able to treat the disease. Thank you so much. Thank you."

Next, Luo Tianyou recuperates for Mr. Zhou.

He rushed in angrily. He saw that Mr. Zhou's internal organs had recovered a lot, better than yesterday. It may be the effect of drugs, or it may be the result of his conditioning with Qigong.

For Mr. Zhou's early recovery, he is willing to work harder to treat Mr. Zhou.

After the treatment, Luo Tianyou returned to the villa.

In the villa, Wang Bin took several people to pack antiques.

Luo Tianyou turned on the computer and immediately published the facts and evidence of Yamaguchi's kidnapping and murder on various websites and forums. Then, he published the police's attitude and ability to confuse right and wrong.

Soon, the people of the island saw these contents.

In the island country, many family girls were killed, and many people were bullied and persecuted by rich and powerful people. They were unable to resist. The incident struck a chord.

Everyone soon left a message of support and denounced the inaction of the police.

This wave is rolling like a ball of snow, and it is becoming bigger and bigger, forming an irresistible force.

A few days later, the ruling party had to come forward and let the police comply with public opinion to punish the murderer.

As a result, the thunder and heavy rain in the police station were small and obviously doing something.

A few days later, all the antiques in the villa were packed.

Mr. Zhou's illness has finally improved after Luo Tianyou and the hospital's two pronged treatment at the same time. He can finally walk around in the ward.

Luo Tianyou made up his mind that since the police sell dog meat by hanging sheep's head, he would come forward to avenge Sakura.