Chapter 302

The thin monkey didn't know at all. Someone revealed his news. As long as someone came, his time of death would come.

He had no idea that the danger was approaching, and he was leisurely puffing and taking drugs.

Originally, he made a statement to his uncle and decided to quit drugs.

After a few days of detoxification, I encountered such bad luck.

At the moment, I don't know why, he was a little uneasy and continued to suck.

Anyway, he has money in his hand. He can't spend all the money his uncle gave him, not to mention what Xiaoyao gang has searched for in the past six months.

In island countries, you can buy drugs as long as you have money.

Suddenly, he heard someone smashing the door outside the gate.

He muttered in his heart that the countryman was so rude that he came to the neighbor's house and smashed the door. It was really unspeakable.

He impatiently said to the two bodyguards around him, "go and have a look. If you have nothing to do, you'll send it away."

"Yes, young master!" Two bodyguards went out and found dozens of people outside the gate.

"Who are you?" They asked suspiciously.

These people looked at the murderer with hate eyes

"Are you from Xiaoyao Gang? Who is the leader?"

They experienced the thrill of withdrawing from the villa. The two bodyguards are not stupid.

They looked at each other and immediately pretended to be confused.

"Gentlemen, you've got the wrong person. There's no Xiaoyao Gang here, and there's no guild leader."

"No? What's your name? Who else is in the room? "

The two bodyguards secretly complained. These people reluctantly asked, "show us your 'resident ticket'?"

Unlike China, island countries have ID cards. What can prove their identity is the "resident ticket".

At this time, the thin monkey heard the noise at the gate of the hospital, angrily came out and scolded arrogantly: "who are you? Get out of here and don't disturb my dream. "

When these people saw the thin monkey, they immediately took out their mobile phones and took their seats. They soon found that the young man in front of them was the carefree gang leader announced on the Internet.

They shouted in surprise, "the leader of Xiaoyao gang has found it. Everyone has grievances and revenge..."

The thin monkey and the two bodyguards were stunned. How could they recognize themselves?

I haven't waited for them to react.

A moment later, the crowd rushed to break open the gate and beat the thin monkey and two bodyguards.

The three men were beaten dizzy. They didn't move at all until they were dying.

Seeing that all three were dying, they didn't know what to do.

They are unwilling to hand over these people to the police. It is estimated that they will be released soon. Yamaguchi's experience is still fresh in his memory.

Someone suggested, "let's go quickly. He deserves to die. If he's alive, someone will take revenge on him!"

Everyone nodded, "OK, let's go."

When these people left, someone saw the news on the Internet. The people who came late saw that the door of the house instructed on the Internet was smashed, and then saw three half dead men lying on the ground.

One of the thin monkeys is the leader of Xiaoyao sect.

Someone found a resident ticket from the thin monkey, which clearly said toshiichi Fukuda.

"Have you seen clearly? He is the leader of Xiaoyao sect. He is the thing with human face and animal heart. "


The crowd waved their fists.

The thin monkey takes drugs every day. His body is already weak. He was beaten violently just now, and now he is beaten violently. He suddenly takes more breath and less air.

The wave of people saw that people were dying and left in panic.

Soon after, another group of people came. When they entered the yard, they also found three people lying on the ground.

Although the thin monkey was beaten badly, it can be seen from its appearance.

Plus the resident ticket thrown beside him and the name symbol on it, it is definitely the leader of Xiaoyao gang.

This son of a bitch didn't know how many lives he had killed. He was worse than an animal. He even commanded his men to do so many untold bad things.


All the people immediately punched and kicked. The thin monkey, who had only one breath, finally closed his eyes.

When they found out that the man was stiff, they found that they had killed him.

Some people secretly took photos, and most people's idea of protecting themselves dissipated.

Soon after, someone published a picture of a thin monkey lying on the ground and dying on the Internet.

Luo Tianyou installed a monitor on the thin monkey's mobile phone and knew that he had been killed.

Suddenly feel happy.

The thin monkey thought he came to the island to heaven. He never dreamed of such an end.

I don't know how long it took, the two bodyguards lying on the ground woke up and turned around.

They struggled to get up and found that the young master had been killed, so they had to prepare for his funeral.

Besides, thin monkey uncle Ma resolutely, although he went abroad, he was still concerned about the domestic situation.

When he saw the news that the thin monkey died on the website, he didn't believe it. How could a good man die?

He immediately called the bodyguard around the thin monkey to ask about the situation.

The two bodyguards were still equipped by Ma resolutely for his nephew.

They received a call from Ma resolutely, as if they had a backbone, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Master, young master was killed by those mobs. What should I do now?"

Ma resolutely secretly rejoiced that he had come out, otherwise it was also this fate.

He said in a heavy tone, "you have done the young master's affairs, and then come to me. Don't want revenge. He has aroused public anger. No one can save him. "

The two bodyguards understood that the young master died quietly, and no one avenged him.

Luo Tianyou finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the dust falling to the ground.

What he cares about most is whether the super Internet expert is still in www company?

He looked online, but he couldn't find the relevant information, let alone the online information of WWW company.

Anyway, Ma has resolutely left. As long as the WWW company doesn't oppose him and don't do anything harmful to China, he doesn't want to trouble each other.

Of course, he wants to make clear to Mr. Zhou the causes and consequences of these things.

Speaking of Sakura's death, it has something to do with himself. If he didn't get angry with the thin monkey, the thin monkey wouldn't take risks, and then he was received by his uncle.

If the thin monkey doesn't go to the island country, he won't establish a Xiaoyao Gang, collect money and kill cherry blossoms.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt sorry for Sakura and Mr. Zhou.

He secretly made up his mind that he must speak clearly and let Mr. Zhou deal with it.

He walked heavily into Mr. Zhou's room and found that Zhao Bureau was also there.

It's good that Zhao Bureau knows these things.

He bowed deeply to Mr. Zhou and said apologetically, "Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry."

Mr. Zhou asked in surprise, "Xiao Luo, what have you done to me?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou. Listen to me slowly."

He first gave a brief account of his revenge against the thin monkey.

Then he said, "the thin monkey was fished out by his uncle, came to the island country and established the Xiaoyao gang. Masako Yamaguchi and others are members of the Xiaoyao gang. They hurt the cherry blossom girl in order to collect money. "