Chapter 386

After talking about the matter, Zhao Bureau handed over the salary card and work permit that the computer center asked him to hand over from the drawer.

"Put these away."

"Thank you!"

"Smelly boy, you have two salaries before you graduate, which is much better than your peers. By the way, your tasks have been completed well these times. I have asked for credit for you. The superior leaders have given awards, and the bonuses have been directly entered into the card. "

The salary card given by Luo Tianyou's special forces has been left in the bedroom drawer.

He doesn't need money. He doesn't care about the small money in salary. He wants to check it together at the end of the year.

Hearing Zhao Ju say so, he suddenly became interested. He has done a lot of tasks recently. I don't know how much bonus his superior gave.

This money was earned by him on his own. Compared with the easily obtained money, it certainly has a different meaning.

He stayed up during the meal and planned to check it when he went back.

Zhao Bureau continued: "Wang Bin told me that after he was arrested, all the funds in his pocket were searched by those bandits. Later, you paid for staying in hotels, treating diseases and all kinds of expenses. Although the funds of our bureau are relatively tight, you can't pay for the task?"

Luo Tianyou said generously, "thank you Zhao Bureau. Just a little money."

"How can you forget it? I know you have money, but there's no reason to let you spend it. You took such a big risk to overfulfil the task in the island country. How can our leaders let you pay for it? "

In fact, Luo Tianyou has made a lot of money in the island country these two times. Zhao Bureau has been very considerate!

It's reasonable to say that there's no need to make a colonel's outfit for him. Just change a epaulet.

Zhao Bureau asked someone to make a new Lieutenant Colonel suit.

Luo Tianyou was very happy. He soon put on his new Lieutenant Colonel's clothes and felt very fit. When he saw two striking stars on the epaulets in the mirror, he was immediately happy.

Zhao Ju continued in an expectant tone: "God bless, the last time you wore a major's dress, I said I wanted one more star on your shoulder. I didn't expect this wish to come true soon. I think you'll have a star on your shoulder soon. "

With one more star, it will become the upper correction regiment level. Luo Tianyou is really looking forward to it.

At this time, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was his cousin Jia Yaowu.

He immediately picked it up and heard a barrage of complaints on his mobile phone.

"Why haven't you come yet? What time is it? It's not a shrinking turtle, is it? "

Luo Tianyou replied in an unassuming way, "I'll go right now."

At the end of the call, he asked, "Zhao Bureau, what time shall we award medals?"

"It's up to you this time. The time is up to you."

"Well, I'll go to the Backyard Playground and give you a medal when I come back."


Zhao Bureau thought that Luo Tianyou wanted to say a few words with some familiar friends, and of course he agreed.

In this way, Luo Tianyou walked out of the office in a lieutenant colonel's uniform. As for his feet, he still wore sneakers.

Maybe he will have a competition later. He doesn't want to wear heavy military boots. He will change military boots before awarding medals.

When he came to the backyard playground, he saw more than a dozen special forces.

Luo Tianyou wore it secretly. Although Jia Yaowu just came to report, he met so many friends.

This man still has some skills in making friends.

Without hesitation, he walked to the crowd and saw Jia Yaowu boasting to the crowd.

Although Luo Tianyou can't name all the special forces here, he looks familiar.

Whether it was his recent major award or the lieutenant colonel award soon, the special forces were very familiar with his deeds.

Luo Tianyou came over, looked at Jia Yaowu and asked, "when will it start? What rules? "

Jia Yaowu suddenly looked silly.

Just now he saw an officer coming towards them. He didn't know it was Luo Tianyou.

When the other party came over, he didn't think it was Luo Tianyou. He thought it was an officer here.

After all, he has just arrived and is not familiar with the soldiers here.

When he saw Luo Tianyou's face, he was surprised.

How does this boy wear Colonel clothes? And swaggered in front of him.

At this time, more than a dozen friends around Jia Yaowu saluted Luo Tianyou.

These people are not as high as Luo Tianyou's rank.

Luo Tianyou also returned the gift. He did it very standard.

Jia Yaowu sneered. Who doesn't know that this boy is a poor student.

He quickly decided that the smelly boy must have wanted to put pressure on himself before he borrowed this suit.

His eyes suddenly lit up, so he grabbed the handle and said aggressively, "smelly boy, you're wearing clothes with epaulets for active duty soldiers. You're breaking the law and constitute criminal responsibility."

A dozen friends who came with him immediately looked at each other.

They came to support Jia Yaowu. The boy said a student was too crazy and taught him a lesson.

When they had nothing to do after training in the morning, more than a dozen cheerleaders came.

Everyone suddenly realized when they heard Jia Yaowu's words.

It turns out that major Jia's student baby is Luo Tianyou.

They were just about to explain to major Jia that Luo Tianyou spoke righteously.

"Jia Yaowu, this is my own clothes. I have a higher rank than you. Why don't you salute when you see the chief?"

When Jia Yaowu was killed, he did not believe that the other party was a soldier or a soldier with a higher rank than himself.

At that time, he was the military academy he was admitted to. With the backing of the Wang family and the Jia family, he was promoted very quickly.

Of course, he despises Luo Tianyou, a student.

Smelly boy can never join the army. Even if he joins the army, he doesn't believe that the other party is promoted faster than himself.

"Don't fool people. You're not an active soldier at all. You should turn yourself in quickly. If you have a good attitude, you may be exempted from punishment."

Luo Tianyou said sarcastically, "cousin, I want to thank you for your reminder?"

Jia Yaowu said proudly, "of course, I reminded you because of my sister Qianqian's face. You're in big trouble."