Chapter 12

"It's really the face of the emperor!"

At the first sight of Liu Bang, Liu Yan already saw it.

Liu Bang's nose is very high, with beautiful beard on both sides. Moreover, through the Wangqi technique in the chapter of Wanjie Shensuan Zhenjuan Xiangshu, it seems that a dragon shaped Qi can be seen winding around him.

This kind of appearance is really extraordinary.

"You are so precious."

After a flash of thought, Liu Yan said this directly.

Sure enough! As soon as Liu Bang heard this, he suddenly felt a touch of peace in his uneasy expression. However, he was uneasy for a long time, but he didn't show too much joy. He just said, "you should tell me how expensive my face is.

? Don't deceive me with those ambiguous, some nonsense. "

"If you're right, you'll get a reward. If you dare to cheat me, I'll let you know what I'm good at."

In fact, Liu Bang has seen a picture before.

The man who looked at it said only one word.

You are so precious!

is as like as two peas Liu Yan said at the moment.

Liu Yan gave a faint smile.

"Liu Bang, as recorded in the book, was born as a villain. Even his voice was like this."

After thinking about it, Liu Yan falsely raised his left hand, put his three fingers together, and flew a nine palace flying star on it with his thumb.

The skill of the fortune teller is really impressive.

"Your face looks like a dragon. There must be 72 black spots on your left leg." Liu Yandao.

Hearing the speech, Liu Bang's face moved as expected.

"Yes, sir, you are right. There are indeed 72 black nevi on my left leg. A few years ago, I ordered people to count them carefully. I didn't expect that you could see them at a glance. You are really an expert!"

As he said this, Liu Bang quickly got out of the carriage, put away his previous appearance as a rogue, and bowed to Liu Yan deeply.

"Sir, please give me directions."

Liu Yan gently helped Liu Bang's hand.

Damn it!

You are Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Do you worship me?

Will I lose my life?

Forget it. If you don't want to do this, you'd better finish the order of Wanjie fortune teller first.

After a flash of thought, Liu Yan said: "you don't need to worship me. I will be here because I watch the sky at night. I see the emperor's star is covered. I expect that those who have the emperor's star today need my help. Therefore, the encounter between you and me is the destiny."

Hearing the speech, Liu Bang couldn't help getting more excited.

King Star!


Is he destined to be emperor?

This This This

This is wonderful! Seeing Liu Bang's excitement, Liu Yan made a false calculation and then said, "you start by chopping the White Snake, and you will end by Jackie Chan. But how difficult is it for a snake to turn into a dragon? The road is bound to be full of disasters. Today, the emperor star is hidden, which proves that you have met unprecedented disaster, even life-threatening disaster. "

"Yes, Mr. Liu is right. I would like to ask Mr. Liu to give me some advice. Thank you very much."

Then Liu Bang bowed to Liu Yan deeply.

Liu Bang, also known as Liu Ji, was the third in his family. When he claimed to be a noble man, he often regarded himself as Liu Ji.

Liu Yan also knows this.

Therefore, what Liu Bang said about Liu Ji's gratitude is himself.

"You see."

Liu Yan pointed to the sky.

According to Liu Bang's words, there is nothing special in the sky.

What do you want to see for yourself?

Liu Yan naturally knows that he can't see anything, because he doesn't see anything himself. But if he wants to be convinced by fortune tellers, he has to be confused, pretend to be mysterious, and make a mystery.

"There, the emperor Xingxian was at the time of turning the Dragon into a prime minister, but there was a more dazzling Shenwu star in front of it."


"It's this star that wants your life."

At this point, Liu Yan deliberately stopped.

After listening to Liu Bang, the whole person was more convinced of Liu Yan and asked respectfully: "Sir, I hope you can give me a way to live."

"If you want to live, you have to endure what others cannot." Liu Yandao.

Liu Bang looks at Liu Yan unintelligibly. Liu Yan wanted this effect. After seeing Liu Bang's puzzled face, he gently pulled him aside and said in a whisper: "this Hongmen banquet, there must be a magical companion who will kill you in the name of sword dancing. However, if you have the emperor's star, you will be able to get rid of the siege, but you can't stay in the place of evil appearance for a long time. You can use the excuse to urinate, run away from the toilet, and then order people to take care of the aftermath. "

"What? "Dung water Liu Bang was surprised.The emperor of the Han Dynasty, if you dive into the dung water to escape, is that too much?


Liu Bang, who is worthy of being born in a rash family, soon calmed down.

Compared with life, what about fecal water?

"Sir, if I can save my life and go back to the bully, I will thank you again." Liu Bang Gongshou road.

He has to go to the Hongmen banquet this time.

After all!

If he doesn't go, he will offend Xiang Yu and let Xiang Yu find the reason for the war. At that time, he has no chance of winning.

At least for now, he doesn't want to fight Xiang Yu for the time being.

In this case, we can only do so.

At this time, a green shirt scholar with a headscarf came down from the second carriage and looked at Liu Yan sharply. After all, Liu Yan's dress was really strange.

"Ovary, what's the matter with you?" Liu Bang asked.

"Lord, what do you mean when you mentioned dung water Zhang Liang asked, puzzled.

Liu Yan knew that the scholar in front of him was actually Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang!

Zhang Zifang, also known as Zhang Zifang, is a famous counselor in the late Qin Dynasty and the early Han Dynasty. In a mobile game called the glory of the king, there is also a hero named Zhang Liang, referring to the same person.

Rumor has it that after he failed to assassinate the first emperor of Qin, he ran to xiapi and met Huang Shigong.

Seeing that he was a good material, he threw his shoes under the bridge and asked Zhang Liang to pick them up. After picking them up, he had to put them on for him and tried them on three times in a row.

And Zhang Liang, every time, respectfully picked up the shoes and put them on Huangshi.

After that!

Zhang Liang was taught Taigong's art of war by Huang Shigong. From then on, he was very clever and resourceful.

It can be said that Zhang Liang contributed a lot to the establishment of the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Liang was one of the three outstanding men in the early Han Dynasty.

Liu Bang told Zhang Liang all that Liu Yan said. Zhang Liang couldn't help but look moved.

"Ha ha, if you have such a good minister to take care of your aftermath, you can survive the disaster."

Liu Yan said with a sudden smile.

Hearing this, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang couldn't help looking at each other.

"Well, it's time for me to go. When you are safe, just light up five little stars in my heart. Goodbye."

After that, Liu Yan walked away.

Looking for a place where no one is and opening up the black hole space, Liu Yanzheng is about to leave. He sneezes carelessly. Then he takes out a napkin, wipes his nose, throws it at random, steps into the black hole and disappears.

A moment later, a spy appeared, picked up the napkin, ran back quickly, and told Liu Bang and Zhang Liang about it in horror.

"Zifang, this Is that true? "

Liu Bang can't believe it. Zhang Liang, on the other hand, held the napkin that Liu Yan had wiped his nose with, looked like a treasure, and said with excitement: "Lord, that gentleman can open a black hole that can devour the living, and then disappear. What's more, he left these strange things that he has never seen before. They must be gods and men coming down to earth to help you escape this disaster!"

"Congratulations, Lord, Congratulations

Hearing this, Liu Bang was also overjoyed.

"Good! When I go to Hongmen for dinner, I will go from the toilet to the dung water as the immortal said

Liu Yan doesn't care.

As soon as he came back to this world, a system tone sounded in his mind. "Ding..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!