44 The Dream of Future

Patrick Patterson

Strange things happen every day here. I never thought that, Trinity Mora will die so soon after talking to me. They say that it is natural death. Trinity has been sick for few weeks and she kept coming back and forth from the clinic. I didn't let my apprentices go in the clinic if they are sick or something. Since I study a little of medicine, I am the one who check their health status.

I was about packing up few things when Mrs. Hudson visited me on my office. She roam her eyes around my office. I offer her a seat on my lounge. I asked her if I could serve her a drink. She decline a drink and insist of talking to me. I sit on the single leather-brown sofa across her.

"Your, office is cozy and tidy." She noticed.

"I practice of being organized all the time. What brings you here, Mrs. Hudson?"

"I was told that, you are with Miss Trinity Mora a while ago before her death."

"Yes, I am. She leave my office immediately after her consultation. Then, I directly go to the faculty hall to consult Miss Margery about her apprentice. What is it that you wanted to know about Miss Mora?"

"Have she perhaps said something a little noticeable?" she confuses me on her question. But I immediately understand what she means or what she wanted to know. I look at her a little confuse playing my role. She's afraid that their little secret leaks.

"Specifically, like what, Mrs. Hudson?" she shrugged.

"Maybe her dying words? I don't know."

"Well, I talk with her about her grades on my class and why her quizzes are failing."

"I am really concerned that there are few kids, died in this year. And yet, Catastrophe is nowhere to be found. Have you had any news about her?"

"Well, as I talk to Marcus, she's somewhere in Europe and it concerns her that his connection with her has been cut. It confuses me that there are lots of stories about Catastrophe's disappearance."

There's not much talk with Mrs. Hudson, but somehow, she look really, really pale, worried, and anxious. She left my office after we talk. I walk towards the window to look outside. I can see that there lots of Security guard that is called, Warriors of Ares. Ares was a psychopath, God of war. Yes, I just said that he's a psychopath. Because, his warriors are crazy, dangerous and mostly they kill innocents.

I drove my car with Clarence and Davin with me and their overnight backpacks. Davin look better now, relaxing on my mellow music. Clarence, yawns and yawns, sighing and keep telling that my music are boring. That's for the fifth time.

"Are we there yet?" he asked in very bored tune and slump his back again.

"Not yet." I said patiently. I already feel like old when I am with them.

After fifteen minutes, we arrived on the private road that leads to our house. Marissa is already waiting outside. She's so beautiful on her summer dress with a scarf around her so she won't get cold. I parked my car and immediately hopped out.

"Hurry up boys." I said. Because I was too excited to kiss and hug her, I almost run to her. She did too. She throw her arms around my neck, and I wrapped mine around her waist, kissing her very, very passionately showing how I missed her so much.

"Davin! Close your damn eyes. You don't want to witness our mentor kissing some chick." Clarence said really loud. When I turn to them, he playfully, covered his hands on Davin's eyes. Marissa giggles.

"Hi, boys."

"Miss Gregory." Clarence put down his hands and smiled on my girlfriend, in really, really nasty smile. What I mean is, he has crazy thing about my girlfriend. He got crush on her. I smack his head off from thinking that my Marissa is a great catch.

I smelled delicious barbeques, and other alluring smells from the kitchen and patio. When I got into the kitchen, I am really amused seeing Andrew and Mr. Sanders wearing pink aprons that has panda and bunny on the very middle of the apron.

The skillet is burning in red-orange while he's adding few spices and some-oils, alcohols. I stood there few minutes watching Marcus do it.

"Aren't you going to change clothes?" Marissa asked removing my neck-tie.

"Later." I kissed her temple. "I just can't believe that he knows how to cook."

"Yeah, I can't believe that too. He's actually cooking all Adhiti's favorite. Nobody requested it, but it seemed like, he knows almost everything about Adhiti's favorite."

When Marcus noticed my presence, he glanced at me with smiles.

"I love a lot of seafood." He said.

"What comes into your mind, cooking all of those?"

"They are actually my favorites." His favorites? I can't just believe this. "So, I just wanted to share to all of you my specialties."

This is my time to talk to Davin in really private. I kiss Marissa again, telling her that I just need to talk to Davin. I invited him to my study room and ask him few questions.

"Why is your face become horror when you saw Marcus?"

He nervously played on his hands.

"I saw him in my dream again. With the goddess… he's dying so as the goddess… their daughter is crying in pain that makes the whole world shakes… The world was totally disastrous."

My jaw drops when I realized on what he's talking about. Marcus was with the Goddess, dying and the Goddess was dying too. That only means, that… The same mannerism, the same favorites. She has his feature mixed with a beautiful woman's feature, which is the Goddess. There's no doubt. Adhiti is Marcus's real daughter.

I can't help but to chuckled in the irony of life. They both don't know that they have been with each other. It will be a lot painful for Adhiti if she knows about this. But, I hope that she'll know soon. I hope that she's safe with Nick. People wanted to kill her, though some of them are all aware that her death will bring the earth to isolation.

"What else? What else have you dreamed off?"

"You." I stop and slump on my swivel chair. "You are one of them."

"What do you mean one of them?"

"The people of spirit sitting on the tall thrones. Each thrones has a symbol."

I am one of them? I know that I am from the other world but, one of them? I hate to say this but, I don't want to be one of them.

"Adhiti, is in a great danger." He added. "I had foresight, Trinity's death a while ago."

"Go on." I told him. He hold on the arm of the chair tight, his fingers scratching the wood. I gave him a glass of water and he did drank.

"I saw lots of death of the people in Mystical Academy. One death at a time. Then, it was darkness again. I saw lots of apparatus… lots of apparatus that was used by doctors or scientists. There are different kinds of creatures that was mutated from different genes…" he shakily almost throw out. "I can't bare of seeing it. They are disgusting."

"Have a rest for now. Tomorrow, I seek for all of your dreams."


"It is relaxing on the patio, meditate your mind so you will be ready for tomorrow." He nods and stood.

I think for almost an hour on how to find things out. I have to solve these things. They will keep happening. I have to save Adhiti's parents from death, so the world wouldn't get isolated. How can I save both of them, if I don't have specific time and day. I need to relax and need all of the details of Davin's dream. I can't believe that this is all happening. The door opens and when I look up, I saw Marissa smiling at me like she already knows what I felt. She walk towards me and I turn my swivel chair in front of her.

I let her sit on my lap, as I wrapped my arms around her. Gently, kissing the crook of her neck. When I suck her sensitive part on her neck, she moans in pleasure, her heart throbs and I can feel that it makes her turned on.

"I miss you." She murmurs. I know she does. I bring my lips down to her chest and was about to pull down the strap of her dress when Andrew knocks on the door.

"Guys, you know that, it is already dinner time. You should eat first, have a hot long bath and then proceed, am I right?" he didn't even open the door. Damn, why is he always so right?

"Later, I will make you really, really happy." I murmur to her ear that makes her giggles.

"I should get going." Andrew said it loud. I hear his footsteps walking away.

Marissa and I walk down stairs to the patio. I am mesmerized on the string of lights around the patio that Marcus is putting together with Andrew. He did manage to put it there. Davin and Clarence are helping on putting plates on together with forks, spoons, knifes and glass.

Just right in time, my parents just arrived for our dinner. Marissa's parents had arrived too with extra foods that Mrs. Gregory made. Andrew attack Maven that Maven immediately block. They started using combats at each other and Maven's martial art skills and combat skills had improve a lot.

Prince Nicholas of Era

I suddenly woke up. I don't know what time is. I reach her on my side but she's not there. I immediately sit up looking around my room. My eyes darted on her, wearing a red sleeping gown, her hair disheveled, standing back from me, looking out the window, her marks are exposed until to her spine. Those perfect curves of her, makes me want to cuddle her all day and night. Though it confuses me. As soon as I remember she's not wearing red.

"Love?" I called her but she didn't even look at me or responded. I slip off from bed, walking towards her. I embrace her from behind. She felt so hot like a heater. God, she feel good. I traces kisses on the crook of her neck, loving the heat from her body.

"Stop doing that." Her voice sharp, still alluring, more-hot. It is my first time hearing her in that tune. Her voice is the same but the way she talk with and the accent wasn't her.

"Love, why do you sound strange?" she didn't answer. I kiss her again trying to peeve her.

After a long silence, of embracing her looking outside. I noticed that she's staring on the big bone fire on the west wing of the castle. They are actually having some bone-fire party there. That's what she's seeing. I look on her eyes on the reflection of the glass. It is color-red orange, like a fire. It was like she was mesmerized on the fire outside or she's burning in anger.

"What is it?" I asked her, twisting her to face me. She's burning up even her eyes.

"Don't touch me!" she screams at me, her hands are burning and she pushed me really hard until I hit the ground and I felt pain, burning pain on my chest. I look up at her. She's not my Adhiti. She clenches her hands as the fire dies. She leans her forehead on her fist like she's suffering or crying.

"Adhiti?" I called her. She didn't responded. I stood gently scooping her other hand. It was really hot that makes my skin burn but I ignore it. I ignore all the pain. She needs me. She's feeling depressed, frustrated and I should be there for her. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"There's no dragon left." She said it sharply, her accent sounds like Indian? "I will make suffer each of those who killed my dragons." She murmurs.

I don't understand her. There's no dragon left? How does she know that? How does she know that they killed her dragons? I am really, really confused on her right now. She looked at me sharply, squeezing my hand. She started burning my hand from her hellish heat.


"Even your people, killed my dragons." She growls at me very deep. I take all the pain of her anger. She then stop and her eyes changes in green. The pain doesn't matter to me when she collapsed and I had pulled her to me.

"Adhiti?" I shook her but she's unconscious. I can feel her heart, palpating. I immediately carried her to our bed, checking her pulse. Her heart beat is fast but slowly it is getting normal. Her temperature is getting normal too. I look up outside the window and look at the big fire.

I walk towards it, opening the window and I can hear their celebration. Lots of music, cheering, their happiness makes her mad. Dragons? She suddenly talk about dragons. Dragons never showed up for centuries. When the mother of the dragons was assassinated, dragons kept on decreasing. Until the dragon King appeared to rescue her.

I did not sleep since her sudden weird actions happens. She look mad, devastated, pained… She roll on the bed moaning as she sat up holding her head. She look at me quizzically and I just understand that I had been watching her sleeping. She run to me, holding my arm.

"What happened to your chest?" she asked. I winced when she touches the burn. "Where did you get this?" she also did not remember on what happened last midnight.

"I am fine. You don't need to worry."

"Where did you get this?" she insisted.

"I—" I couldn't tell her on what happened. She will totally blame herself and will go away from me because she will thought that she's dangerous. "I was about to make a fire on the chimney and I accidentally throw the wood on fire on me."

"Really?" she asked raising her eyebrow and she lifted my hand that has burns. "Okay, let's try this." She gently kiss my hand and blows it. A warm and cold sensation runs into my burns as it climb all over my body and it all heals my burns. "Wow, that was quite fascinating." She murmur.

"Where did you learn that?"

"Since I have the affinity to all the elements, I try and try to heal wounds. I first try it on the plants."

"I see." I smile at her with twinkling eyes. I wrapped my arms around her. "Did you sleep well?"

"Not—really. I have this dream about the lady. She talk to me. She's mad and then, she burns everything. She's like a goddess… but I don't really remember her face. Even, Aryanna's face." She shove her face on my naked chest and complains. "Geez, I feel so exhausted."

"How about, I cook you my specialty soup and then, we sleep, again?"

"Sounds, good to me."

"Go wash your face. I will kiss you a lot."

"Okay." She said in childlike attitude and runs towards the bathroom. Then she ran out before I take a step. "Did you undress me? And put this too exposed gown?" she asked me. I smiled on how daring and exposed her sleeping dress. Very thin sleeve, showing her cleavage and molds her round full breast. Then it shows the back which shows all of her tattoos. She turn around and I saw how bright the tattoo of the dragon and as I remember, last time the dragon don't breath fire but now it is breathing fire.

I walk towards the bathroom and turn her around. I touches her tattoo. The Kingdom of Pyr and above is the dragon. Things are getting complicated.

"What is it?" she asked me. I smiled and shook my head.

"I just love you." She pouted with creased brow.

"You know, just get out and cook your specialty. So I can have lots of kisses." I kiss her shoulders and leave her be.

After I prepare the whole thing, she's still on the bedroom. I wonder what's she's doing. I was about to call her and my eyes darted on the book over the reading table. It is either Adhiti or Almira who last read it. I walk towards the thick old book. It already makes me curious about it. The History of Ancient Pyr. I was about to open it when she shouts.

"Nicky!" she jump over me, wrapped her arms around me and her legs around my waist. She's weightless so it is easy for me to keep my balance. She snuggle her nose on my neck. I hold her butt from my back as I walk back to the counter.

We got startled when the animals, that is my guard around my house started going crazy. Like there's a danger from the upcoming horses. She immediately climb down from my back.

"It's the Princess of Hydōr." She said with that tune again. "How does she know that you live here? Did you guys shared bed before?"

"Come on love. Right now, I don't know how she found my cabin. And right now, I need you back on the bedroom. I need to sort things out."

"And wear proper clothes." She headed back to the bedroom and come back again with my proper shirt. "Don't even try to bite on her beak." The horses whines outside. The squirrels closes the windows like it is protecting Adhiti.

I got out and saw that it was Wendy. She smiles at me and runs to me. She was about to hug and kiss me. But I block myself and hold her shoulders and pushed her a little away from me.

"Princess Wendy." I bow a little. With a disappointment on her face, she look around and force a smile.

"I see that you live here alone." We stood there for few seconds and she's confused that I am not inviting her inside. "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

It will be rude of me if I won't invite her. We all stop, even her servants when there's a vibrating growl behind us. My eyes widens when there's a big black werewolf, and behind him is his pack. They are all gathered around. I look at the window of my room. Adhiti.