Chapter 146: Exposure (2000/6000 guaranteed)

the other side.

Inside the Trident Building.

Coulson had just downloaded all the messages Barbara had sent and began to browse through them one by one.

In the information, there are several points that are highlighted.

First, Charlotte Doyle's strength is not consistent with common sense, and may even have broken through the limits of the human body, guessing at more than 3 tons.

Second, there is a steel armor in Charlotte Doyle's room. Through her observation, this armor has a certain lethality.

Third, the information marked on the forehead is Konoha Hidden Village, a place with a ninja training system. It is guessed that it is a hidden village. It may exist in a corner of the world, and it is certain that it is not in an island country.

Fourth, the person who has a forehead is called a ninja. After graduating from Konoha Ninja Academy, the village will issue a ninja forehead, which means that he has become a real ninja.

Fifth, ninjas are divided into lower, middle, and upper, among them Naruto Uzumaki, Uchiha Sasuke, and Li Locke are all lower, Iruka Uino is Chunin, Mute is upper, Charlotte Doyle Also a ninja, but the level is to be determined!

Looking at the five messages that were specially marked in a row, as well as Charlotte Doyle's current identity at the High Table, the power and scope, and other information, Coulson saw them one by one.

At this time, Coulson was greatly surprised. Sure enough, there was a mysterious force hidden behind Charlotte Doyle, but this force was a hidden ninja village with a mature training system and perfect training system. Strength rating, and this force is not an ordinary force, but a force that holds extraordinary power.

You must know that in the evaluation of Xiao Li before, they have already determined that the strength of the other party has already surpassed that of any fighting master, and they have been divided into superhumans.

After reading the information, Coulson did not dare to be slighted, and immediately printed out all the information, and then immediately contacted Director Fury. He learned that the other party was in the office and rushed over immediately.

In the war room, Charlotte sat on the chair in the main seat, looking at the adjudicators and the ninjas who came one after another.

At this time, Naruto had just completed a day's task, and just went to bed and lay down, when he was called over, and he was still a little sleepy.

But seeing everyone in the room, he immediately became excited and shouted, "Uncle, you asked everyone to come over, is there any important task?"

Elena, who appeared in the war room at this time, was a little unclear. She was only a mission-level staff member, and she did not know why she was invited to participate in such a meeting.

Is it exposed? impossible.

Her room has been checked by him long ago, and there is no monitoring or eavesdropping equipment. She can't think of a reason, so Barbara can only take it easy.

At this moment, the other people have arrived, but the mute who is in charge of notifying the person walked in last, and took a box in his hand. Everyone didn't know what was inside. Only Barbara had a bad feeling in his heart. .

Mute placed the box in front of Charlotte, and then stood in the queue below.

The queue was divided into two groups. One group consisted of five ninjas recruited by Charlotte.

Another group of people is also quite a lot, mainly Ginny, John Wick, Carlos, Wesley, Irina Morse.

Although the other group was also 5 people, there were actually only 4 people at the judge level.

Charlotte saw that all the personnel had arrived, and her expression was serious at this time, and her aura gushed out.

A terrifying coercion swept through the crowd, and Mute was surprised by Charlotte Doyle's terrifying amount of chakra. Although other ninjas were amazed by Charlotte's strength, they were still able to withstand it.

But the people on the other side of Ginny had a feeling of facing the tsunami and landslides, and they immediately broke out in cold sweat and wet their clothes.

Charlotte's momentum was withdrawn, and the terrifying pressure instantly dissipated.

At this moment, Charlotte's tone was a little heavy, and she said slowly: "As a leader, I think I still treat my subordinates very well."

"But the most unacceptable things in my life are two kinds of people, one is a traitor, who eats inside and out."

Although Charlotte didn't say what would happen after he was discovered, everyone's heart immediately became nervous.

The elder suddenly brought up this topic. Could it be that there were traitors among them, and everyone immediately glanced at the other people in the four directions with their eyes.

Then it was discovered that the judges of the ninja team on the opposite side were all staring at them.

This made Ginny and John Wick and others feel chills. Could it be that the traitors were not successful in their team...

Taking a look at everyone's reaction, Charlotte continued, "The other kind of person is a spy with ulterior motives, lurking around me."

"Miss Spy, Elena Morse!"

Hearing Charlotte talking about herself, Barbara immediately knew that she had leaked. Although he didn't know why, she knew that she had leaked.

By feeling, Barbara knew that Charlotte Doyle did not deceive her, but really determined that she was a spy.

Barbara did not dare to sit still, and immediately leaned over as if by her side, grabbing Wesley, who was closest to her.

However, just waiting for her to succeed, a figure appeared behind her with a swoosh, and directly pressed her to the ground.

The person who shot was none other than Li Locke.

When someone else captured her, Barbara wanted to resist, but was held down by Li Locke, unable to move at all.

"Press her down."

Li Locke took out a hemp rope from the ninja bag on his body, directly and neatly tied Elena firmly, and then brought it in front of Charlotte Doyle.

Looking at Irina Morse in front of her, Charlotte opened the box that Mute brought, revealing a satellite phone and a star's sound shield.

Looking at the two things in front of her Barbara completely knew why she had leaked it, but she still couldn't figure out how the other party found out.

"Irina Morse, or should I say Barbara Morse!"

But while waiting, Charlotte finally remembered who he thought was very similar to Irina Morse, it was none other than Perkins.

The killer who died under the rules of the Continental Hotel, Ms. Perkins.

Originally, Charlotte couldn't guess who Irina Morse was. A piece of news from her previous life deeply affected Charlotte, that is, the role of Bionic Bird Barbara is the fast pursuit. The actor who played the beautiful killer Perkins in .

Hearing Charlotte calling out her name directly, Barbara Morse's worried heart quickly calmed down.

"That's right, I'm an agent from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, Barbara Morse!"

"Codename Bionic Bird!"