Chapter 153: energy block

Nick Fury, who was sitting at the headquarters at this time, put down the phone in his hand and speculated in his heart.

"Could it be that the purpose of this Konoha Hidden Village was to fail the cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

"Or do they have a more efficient way of mobilizing this thing?"

"Since you want this energy block, how about giving you some in exchange, I'm going to see how you plan to use these things."

Nick Fury dares to directly exchange energy blocks for information, but he has his own confidence. The most of these things are the energy clips for laser guns.

The source is controlled in his hands, and if you want to have a large number, you need to say what he says.

For the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, as much as you want to make this thing, after all, in their observations, the energy of this thing is inexhaustible.

As for whether they can fish out more useful things through energy blocks, it depends on how they operate later.

The most important thing is that Nick Fury has the bottom line. No matter what happens, as long as he calls his good friend, he believes that the problem can always be solved, and Konoha Hidden Village can’t turn the sky.

With the support of Nick Fury, Coulson re-entered the Charlotte office and returned to his previous seat.

At this time, Natasha had already stopped communicating with Charlotte, and she secretly left a phone number for Charlotte.

"Mr. Charlotte, our director agreed to your request to use energy blocks as a commission."

"But is this price too expensive? I think the price of one piece is more appropriate."

Charlotte directly refused: "Charlotte's price is innocent and refuses to negotiate."

"If you're not satisfied with the price, you can go to another firm and do a paid survey."

Coulson complained in his heart: In addition to your Charlotte office, where else can you know the information? Do you know that this is a monopoly?

"Okay, Mr. Charlotte, then follow your entrustment gold."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Charlotte did not hesitate. She wrote **** the quest scroll, and quickly wrote down the contents of the entrusted quest, and then handed it over to Coulson for signature confirmation.

Holding the quest entrustment scroll in his hand, Coleson did not sign it directly, but stroked the material of the scroll with his hand, carefully looked at the lines on the scroll, and even turned over the quest scroll to take a look.

After confirming the tiny camera inside the button of his suit on his chest and taking all the pictures, Coulson signed his name on the mission commission scroll.

"Mr. Charlotte, the mission commission gold, the director has sent someone to deliver it, and it will arrive later. Can you complete the commissioned mission first?"

Charlotte took the mission commission scroll, put it away, and said, "I am a very principled person. I won't carry out the mission until I receive the mission commission payment."

At this time, Charlotte had the initiative, and Coulson didn't insist, just sat on the sofa and waited.

During the waiting period, Coulson was not idle, and began to communicate with Charlotte about the fee standard of the firm, what kind of entrustment, and what to pay.

Charlotte is also not polite, and will directly involve extraordinary, non-ordinary tasks, all of which require energy blocks to pay, only ordinary, ordinary enough that the other party will not interfere with his tasks, will he charge money.

And even if it is money, it is a very high price. Even if the other party is too wealthy, they will not consider entrusting the tasks that these ordinary agents can complete to Charlotte's Office.

Without making Charlotte wait for a long time, Coulson's phone rang soon, and then he walked out of the office and came in with another suitcase.

Coulson was holding a suitcase that, though not huge, seemed heavy.

Colson put the box on the table and opened the box after three verifications including fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and pupil recognition.

Then directly took out 3 cubes of energy crystals and placed them in front of Charlotte: "This is your mission commission gold, now you can carry out the following missions."

After receiving the quest reward, Charlotte submitted the quest to the quest meeting place in her mind for the first time.

The task is being determined...

Ding · Judgment is successful, B-level task, after completing the task, you can get 2,000 reputation, 200,000 copper coins, and a common treasure box.

When prompted by the system, Charlotte was not polite. She directly stacked the three energies together and placed them in front of her, and then answered, "The pet dog in your photo is called a ninja dog."

"The name is Parker, a ninja dog with extraordinary powers cultivated by ninjas since childhood."

"You can think of this ninja dog as an extraordinary creature, possessing great power and obeying the master's commands."

"As for why he appeared by Tony Stark's side, it's very simple."

"This ninja dog named Parker was hired by Tony Stark as a bodyguard for a month in the form of a commissioned mission."

Hearing Charlotte's explanation, Coulson finally knew what was going on. It turned out that this Pekingese was Tony's current bodyguard.

A creature with extraordinary powers? It seems that the Hidden Village of Konoha can not only cultivate superhuman beings systematically, but also cultivate extraordinary creatures.

"Mr. Charlotte, what is the strength of this Parker called the ninja dog?"

Charlotte touched it, thought for a while, and said, "It should be easy to beat your task force outside."

Coulson laughed dryly for two wins. Hearing Charlotte said that it was easy to beat the task force he had deployed outside, Coulson was full of shock. UU reading Such a small ninja dog was able to kill their entire task force.

You must know that it is a fully armed contingent, and it is not as good as the other party's ninja dog. Are you really lying to me?

Then Coulson thought that the proud Tony Stark can specialize in commissioning tasks, and he must also recognize the strength of this ninja dog.

"Now that the first assignment is complete, can we proceed with the second assignment, Mr. Charlotte?"

Obviously, the purchase of the first piece of information made Coulson more satisfied. On the one hand, he solved the worry and knew the general information and strength of the ninja dog. On the other hand, he knew the reason why the other party appeared next to Tony. Controlling Tony, it is not that Tony joined the other party's organization, which makes him a lot easier.

Hearing that the other party had a second assignment, Charlotte knocked on the table, looked at the other party's suitcase and began to think.

Obviously, he couldn't keep asking the other party to ask questions endlessly, but he also wanted to know how many energy blocks were in the box. As for grabbing it directly, Charlotte said it was unnecessary.