Chapter 380: it's his

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Before Coulson left S.H.I.E.L.D., he still spent a few boxes of energy blocks from the warehouse.

Although he knew that it was for the purpose of ascertaining information and understanding why the werewolf killed and why he robbed Jane and took him to Charlotte's base, Coulson knew these questions and could not ask anything in the name of assisting the investigation. Information commission.

Coming to the Charlotte office again, Coulson went directly to the service desk.

"Ms. Catherine, I want to make an intelligence commission, please contact Charlotte Doyle!"

Catherine looked at the agent who often came over for intelligence commissions. Instead of picking up the phone and informing Lord Charlotte as usual, she took out a few blank task scrolls from under the counter.

"What kind of task you want to do, just write the content directly."

Seeing the sudden change in the way of reception, Coulson was stunned for a moment, and then he said again: "I want to make an intelligence commission, don't I need to notify Charlotte Doyle?"

Catherine had already received a notification from Ginny. During this time, she could accept mission requests, as well as intelligence requests, but she no longer contacted Lord Charlotte directly, but recorded it.

"Lord Charlotte, it is impossible to stay in the office every day, waiting for your mission."

"What intelligence entrustment do you have, you can write it on the entrustment letter, and we will tell you the answer you want based on the content of your entrustment."

"I don't have many problems."

Catherine smiled and said, "No problem, we can go to the reception room first and fill in the entrusted information slowly."

"Mr. Agent, what do you need to drink, coffee or wine?"


Coulson picked up a few quest scrolls on the service desk and walked directly to the reception room.

"Waiter, bring this gentleman a cup of coffee and bring it to the reception room."

The waiter standing beside heard Catherine's order and immediately went to the drink area to brew coffee for Coulson.

"Michael, the work of the service desk has been handed over to you for the time being. I'll go and see what information this agent has entrusted to him."

Michael looked at Catherine with a happy face, and said with a smile, "Go ahead, leave it to me!"

Catherine waited for a while, presumably determined that Coulson had finished writing the mission, and then pushed open the door of the meeting room and walked in.

Coulson was drinking coffee at this time, and on the table in front of him was visiting the quest scroll that had been written.

Catherine came over, opened the quest scroll and looked at it.

"Information about the werewolf."

"Why did the werewolf kidnap Jane Foster and send it to Mr. Charlotte's base?"

"Why did the werewolves slaughter nearly 30 S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and where can I find them."

Seeing these three intelligence missions, Catherine was stunned for a moment. It turned out to be inquiring about werewolves. As for Jane, she knew what was going on.

As for the slaughter of 30 S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Catherine frowned slightly, and it turned out to be a conflict with them.

Catherine put down the quest scroll in her hand, and then said calmly: "I know the situation of your intelligence commission, and I can answer it with you here."

Hearing that the woman in front of him actually knew the information, Coulson was not at all happy. He knew that the werewolf thing seemed to be really related to Charlotte.

"Then please ask Ms. Catherine to tell me the content of the mission."

Catherine nodded and entrusted her with the second intelligence first.

"Lord Charlotte was entrusted by Thor, the **** of thunder, to protect the safety of his girlfriend Jane Foster on Earth, so he sent a team to protect the safety of the other party's life."

"And the members of this team are composed of werewolves."

Hearing Catherine's answer, Coulson was stunned for a moment. On the way over, he thought of thousands of possibilities, but he never thought it would be such an answer - Thor entrusted Charlotte to protect Jane's safety.

Doesn't this mean that Charlotte not only knew Thor, the **** of thunder, but also met him during this period of time, and was entrusted by Thor.

"Then why did they attack SHIELD agents."

For this reason, Catherine still heard about it. A few days ago, the base was still tracking down through channels, what is the origin of those who want to kidnap Jane.

"Ms. Jane's safety was threatened. The werewolf team was attacked when they saw Ms. Jane, and they repelled the other party."

"But the opponent behind him dispatched heavy weapons and more manpower. In order to protect Ms. Jane's safety, they killed all the enemies who committed the crimes in the future."

"In the end, in order to avoid subsequent attacks, we had to bring Ms. Jane back to the base first."

"Agent Coulson, those terrorists who are going against Jane Foster, are you agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"It seems that this matter needs to be reported to Lord Charlotte, and let him tell Sol that the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are going to be detrimental to his girlfriend."

"You must know that Secretary Jin ordered to find out the identity of this group of people and prepare to eradicate them."

Listening to Katherine's words with a gun and a stick, Coulson was a little helpless, what was the situation.

He knew that the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were also there to protect Jane Foster, and that this team of werewolves was also sent by Charlotte to protect Jane. How could there be such a big conflict between the two sides.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. Our people were also sent to protect Ms. Jane Foster. As for why and conflict, we need to go back and investigate."

Catherine nodded: "It's just a misunderstanding. I also need to report the information here, otherwise there will be a greater conflict, but it will be too harmful to you."

Looking at Catherine's words that didn't care about S.H.I.E.L.D. at all, Coulson didn't know what to say to change, what it meant to be a conflict, and it would hurt S.H.I.E.L.D. even more.

Well, with Charlotte's strength and the extraordinary power of the ninja behind her, it was indeed S.H.I.E.L.D. who was hurt.

"Isn't Mr. Charlotte a ninja?"

"What's going on with the werewolf, and the information about the werewolf."

Catherine smiled and said, "Lord Charlotte is indeed a ninja, and as for the werewolf, it is Lord Charlotte's subordinates."

"As for the werewolf~"

Catherine briefly talked about the information about the werewolf, and revealed that this power was Lord Charlotte, whom the werewolf took the initiative to rely on.

Hearing that the werewolf was Charlotte Doyle who took the initiative to take refuge in, Coulson was speechless. Why didn't such an extraordinary force take the initiative to take refuge in S.H.I.E.L.D.

What Charlotte can do, S.H.I.E.L.D. can do the same.

Just when Coulson wanted to say something, Nick Fury's voice came through the Bluetooth headset on his ear.

"Colson, immediately check the files in the mailbox, and after a brief review, immediately consult Charlotte Doyle for intelligence."

The sound in the ear appeared three times in a row, and this time it stopped.
