Chapter 564: poverty

Ding update successfully!

With the success of the update, Charlotte entered the system interface.

Ding adds to the Ninja Direct Shop!

Ding Ninja recruitment update, adding S-rank ninja and limited ninja!

Looking at the two system messages that appeared in a row, Charlotte showed a lot of interest.

When I saw him click on the system mall, he first found the ninja direct purchase store.

Entering the ninja direct purchase page, a dense pile of ninja avatars appeared in an instant, and the number exceeded Charlotte's expectations.

Because this number is much more than the game interface he knows, I saw that the top of the ninja has also classified it, and it is written as C Ninja, B Ninja, A Ninja, S Ninja.

Looking at the four categories above, Charlotte first clicked on C Ninja.

With Charlotte's click, several ninjas appeared on the side of the screen in front of him.

10 pieces of Konoha pills, limited to 01 this month, price 1980.

10 pieces of cheongsam every day, limited to 01 this month, price 1980.

Indiscriminately limited to 10 Uzumaki Naruto fragments, limited to 01 this month, and the price is 1980.

Ninja Rookie Uchiha Waterstop Fragments 10 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 1980.

Ninja Rookie Haruno Sakura Fragments 10 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 1980.

Seeing that there are as many as 5 C Ninjas, Charlotte is a little surprised that there are three more than the original C Ninjas. As for the extra ninjas, they are supplements from the previous point roll ninjas. As for this The price is also within the acceptable range for Charlotte.

After observing for a while, I found that the original daily refresh and daily purchase limit in the game have become monthly refresh and monthly purchase limit. Fortunately, 10 fragments can recruit C-level ninjas, and it is different from the original time. After a month, there will be new ninjas to supplement, not the original fixed ninjas.

Charlotte is more satisfied with the C Ninja released this time that the indiscriminate limited Naruto Uzumaki and the ninja rookie Uchiha Shisui are both powerful C Ninjas.

Indiscriminately limited, Naruto has the ability to summon Toad, and can use the combined transformation technique with Toad to transform into nine tails to attack the enemy, and his strength should not be underestimated.

As for ending, let alone, even at a young age, he is still powerful.

Even if it is a cheongsam Tiantian, after buying it and integrating it, it can increase the amount of chakra in the next period of ninja once a day, making its strength more powerful.

The C Ninja store already made Charlotte very satisfied, and then she chose B Ninja.

With B's choice, there are more characters in it, obviously more than five.

Drunken Fist Li Locke Fragments 40 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 9800.

Shippuden Autumn Road Dingji Fragments 40 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 9800.

Shippuden Nara Shikamaru Fragments 40 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 9800.

Swimsuit Yamanaka Ino Fragments 40 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 9800.

Swimsuit Haruno Sakura Fragments 40 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 9800.

Swimsuit Royal Hand Washed Red Bean Fragments 40 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 9800.

There are 40 pieces of Yuanqi Sunxiang Hinata Fragment, which is limited to 01 this month, and the price is 9800.

40 pieces of fragrant phosphorus fragments, limited to 01 this month, price 9800.

The Shadow of the Evil Spirit Pharmacist Pocket Fragments 40 pieces, limited to 01 this month, and the price is 9800.

Chiyo Fragments 40 pieces, limited to 01 this month, price 9800.

Looking at the ten B-rank ninjas, Charlotte found that most of them were Konoha ninjas. Among them, there were unexpectedly many ninjas in swimsuits. All of them were in good shape, but fortunately there was no swimsuit Chiyo.

However, there is one in the normal version of Chiyo, and Shayin Village can add a little more manpower. At the same time, Yinnin Village has added fragrance, and the pharmacist pocket can be strengthened.

As for the price of 9800, it is much cheaper than the three limited return ninjas per month. The ninjas over there need 16800, which is 7000 gold coins cheaper.

It seems that with the continuous update, each ninja village should be able to have ninjas to supplement in the future.

Charlotte then clicked on the A-level ninja confidently, thinking that there would be an A-level ninja to choose from, but in the next second all the ninja portraits in front of her disappeared and became empty. Seeing this scene made her disappointed, still the same. The recipe still tastes the same.

Afterwards, I clicked on the S forbearance column without giving up, but there was still no one at all.

After reading the limited ninja direct purchase mall, Charlotte did not directly buy ninjas, and now he will continue to study the changes in the system.

Thinking of the system prompting S Ninja recruiting just now, I exited the store and directly opened the ninja recruiting interface.

However, in the next second, when the screen in front of Charlotte turned black, he saw several shuriken flying out of a forest. However, in the next second, a few golden brilliance flashed by, and Minato Minato was holding a specially made Flying Thunder God. Kunai appeared, holding a pair of bells in his hand, and saw the three young men Uchiha Obito, Rin, and young Hatake Kakashi attacking Minato Minato, and they wanted to steal the bell from Minato's hand. But all failed.

When the final picture is frozen, Minato Namikaze is seen wearing a ninja vest, and at the same time holding two specially-made Flying Thunder God Kunai in both hands, and there are several flying Thunder God Kunai that are shot all over his body.

At the same time, there is a line of words next to it, Two Star A Shinobi Youth Nami Feng Minato!

Looking at the picture in front of her, Charlotte murmured, "Little Sun?"

As the screen faded, Charlotte glanced at the background page of the recruitment interface, which was Minato Namifeng.

However, Charlotte frowned slightly. The picture was not right. In the background, Minato Namikaze was actually wearing a Yushen robe and shot a flying thunder **** Kunai.

If I remember correctly, the picture that just appeared is the youth Namifeng Minato, who should be wearing a Joinin vest, could it be that S Ninja is

Charlotte didn't hesitate to click on the prize pool details in the lower left corner, and saw an S Shinobi logo at the top, and the avatar was Minato Namikaze.

This time, it is no longer Kamijin Namikaze Minato, but Namikaze Minato, who has become the fourth Hokage and experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Charlotte looked at the top avatar and sighed in her heart. She didn't expect the first S Shinobi to be the fourth Hokage Naruto Feng Minato.

S Shinobi: Namikaze Minato. UU reading 100 pieces

A forbearance: youth wave wind Minato, dried persimmon ghosts. 40 shards

B Ren: Shippuden Uchiha Zuosuke, Shippuden Uzumaki Naruto, Shippuden Haruno Sakura, Curse Seal Jun Maro, Shippuden Ino Yamanaka, Shippuden Li Locke. 40 shards

C forbearance: Hinata Hanako, Karu Yin, Yamanaka Ino, Autumn Road Choji, Sak Orange, Toss Anvil, Shizuka, Golden Hammer, Nozomi, Haruno Sakura, Uno Yin Luka, Silent, Uchiha Zuosuke, Tiantian. 10 fragments

After browsing the entire recruited prize pool, Charlotte found that most of the ninjas she recruited had been replaced, and A Shinobi was all updated.

B Shinobi was replaced by the curse seal Junma Lu, Yuhi Hong was replaced by Li Locke of Shippuden, and Shizuka of Nadeko Village appeared in C Shinobi. Thinking of Shizuka's figure, Charlotte couldn't help but sigh that she is another person who can be with you. Tsunade is a big and small existence, and the ninja of Yunyin Village also appeared in the prize pool of ninja recruitment for the first time.

After learning about the Goldfinger update, Charlotte glanced at her remaining 34,175 gold coins, and Charlotte had only one feeling in her heart, that was poverty.

It's really the kind that is out of the sky. If you want to recruit all the ninjas that appear, I'm afraid that one million gold coins may not be enough.

Fortunately, in the past two months, ten layers of the seal were opened in the prison, allowing him to obtain ten pieces of magic equipment. Enhancer.

Taking a look at the recruitment interface in front of her, Charlotte exited the recruitment space directly. What he has to do now is to turn all rechargeable items into gold coins to see if he has enough net worth and can release a few people from Wuyin Village. make trouble.