v5 Chapter 69: countercurrent time

Is that kid from the Ghost Killing Squad?櫄

Rakuhime walked to the bathing room. To her, apart from those top pillars, ordinary Demon Slayer Squad members were no different from ordinary people in her eyes. It was not easy to distinguish, but Tanjiro was indeed somewhat special.

Since I can vaguely perceive the difference, it's probably okay.

"I finally found it. I don't know what kind of prey it is this time."

The corner of Luo Ji's mouth curled up.

Together with her brother, she has killed a total of 22 pillars for hundreds of years, of which she killed seven and her brother killed fifteen. Here, then becomes her food.

A few days ago, she caught the person who came here to investigate. Although he didn't say a word no matter how much he tortured him, the ghost killing team must have noticed this place, and she was already preparing for it.


Before the battle, it is still necessary to preserve the 'ingredients' well so as not to damage them.

Luo Ji walked into the bathing room lightly. In fact, she didn't need to take a bath. As a ghost, her physique has long been different from that of a human. I don't know how many years she hasn't sweated. Her skin has the ability to heal itself, so it's fine. Dirty.

After simply walking around the bathing room, she came out and returned to her room, intending to put away Feng Ye's 'ingredients' as soon as possible, so as not to wait for extra problems.

Back to the room with brisk steps.

But what surprised Luo Ji was that the room was empty, and there was no figure of Feng Ye.

"Where did the guest go, did he take a shower?"

Fallen Ji turned her head and asked the little girl next to her.櫄

The serving girl Ji looked at her blankly, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, and said, "What guest?"

Luo Ji was startled, then frowned slightly, and said: "The guest just now, you led him to the bedroom, didn't you?"

Little Ji Nu asked in confusion: "The guests just now? But... there are no guests at all today."


Luo Ji was stunned, her first reaction was that the other party had lied, a flash of sternness flashed in her eyes, she reached out and grabbed her, and asked, "What's going on, where did the person just now go!"

Little Ji Nu was so frightened by Luo Ji's appearance that she almost cried, and said, "No, no one, no one came into your room at all today."

Luo Ji raised her eyebrows, and turned her head to look at the other little girls next to her, but saw that everyone was looking at her in panic and confusion. This strange scene made her feel a wave of surprise.櫄

"No guests today? You didn't see it either? That silver-haired guest!"

She yelled at the others.

However, other people looked at me and you, all with puzzled expressions, as if no one had really been here.

One person may have a problem, but how can everyone have a problem? !

Luo Ji suddenly turned around and went back to the previous room, only to find that the room was clean, the desserts and drinks that had been prepared had all disappeared without a trace, and even the long robe she was wearing before was hanging neatly That.

What the hell!

Suddenly, she felt a little nervous, knocked on the door, and said, "Where is the lady boss?"

Soon the proprietress came to ask questions, but when faced with Luo Ji's question, she also showed a puzzled look: "There are no guests today, maybe you misremembered Fern Ji Oiran."

Did I remember wrongly?


How could her memory go wrong!

At this moment, Luo Ji has realized that except for her, it seems that everyone in the store, including the proprietress, has no memory of the man before!

"That rascal…"

Her face suddenly became cloudy and uncertain.櫄

The power to modify memory, this ability does exist in her impression, but the problem is, among all the ghosts, there is only one person who has this power, and that is Ghost Mai Tsuji!

Did Master Wuyou modify the memories of everyone in Kyogoku House except her just now?

But why?

If it's not Wu Mi, then who has such ability, is it the work of the ghost killing team?

Luo Ji narrowed her eyes, and subconsciously glanced out the window.

I saw that there was still a little afterglow in the sky outside the window, and it was not completely dimmed.


No no no!

When she went to take a bath just now, it was already dark!

"What time is it now!"

A hairy feeling rose in Luo Ji's heart, and she asked the little girl next to her.

Xiao Ji Nu looked puzzled, but soon someone looked at the clock, and then responded: "It's six thirty in the afternoon, and it's getting dark soon."

Luo Ji's expression changed, and then she suddenly remembered something, and continued to ask, "What date is it today?"

The little girl was frightened by Luo Ji's appearance, and felt that the oiran seemed a little abnormal today, so she replied nervously: "Today is fifteen, don't you remember, Oiran?"

Luo Ji staggered a bit, her face turned a little pale.


Today is clearly sixteen!

After her unbelievable repeated confirmations, she finally discovered that the time had really gone backwards by one day!

Not only did everything go back to yesterday, but the person she ate yesterday also reappeared in the belt space where she used to store the ingredients!

Not memory.

It's time, time goes back one day!櫄

If it is normal to say that it is normal to modify the memory, then the regression of time is something she can hardly understand, even if it is Wu Mi, it is impossible to do this kind of thing!

"Brother, brother!"

Fallen princess ran to the darkness on the top of the building, and she was frightened and called out to the prostitute Taro.

And the prostitute Taro was quickly awakened by her from his deep sleep.

"Ah, are you in any trouble?"

The prostitute Taro was not angry at all because he was woken up by Yu Ji, but looked at Yu Ji with concern.

Luo Ji looked at the prostitute Taro in a panic, and said, "Brother, do you know what happened just now? Did you see that man?"

Although the prostitute Taro is sleeping, but the prostitute Taro can share the vision of the fallen princess, and can even directly control her actions remotely, so what the prostitute sees, the prostitute Taro can also see.

But the weird thing is.

The prostitute Taro showed a puzzled look: "What man?"


Luo Ji's voice stopped abruptly.

Looking at his sister who was frozen there, the prostitute Taro frowned and asked, "What happened."

"..." 櫄

Luo Ji just stood there blankly.

Obviously, the prostitute Taro, like the proprietress and others, has no memory of that day in the future.

Only she has the memory of that day.

What caused all this to happen was obviously inseparable from that person.

who's that person?

She has met countless people in the past hundred years, the daimyo who stands in the highest position among ordinary people, or the pillars of the ghost killing team, and even those who are on the strings, and the king of ghosts who has existed in the world for thousands of years. .

But looking back now, Feng Ye was different from everyone she met.櫄

The words I chatted with her, in retrospect, all seemed to have different meanings.

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