Chapter 11: Chakra Flow, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Naruto Time Control!

Although Eight Gate is simple to get started, it is a physical skill that can also be developed by Shinnin, but it is not completely performed by Fengye in a short moment.

He found the eight corresponding positions of Eight Gate in his body, but how to exercise to make it loose and how to control its free opening and closing is the real key of Eight Gate.

"Still need to practice and try..."

Feng Ye pondered.

He is considering whether to take a shortcut from Maito Dai. If it is more stable, it is best to ask from Maito Dai. After all, no matter how simple and rough it is, it is also an access control technique. It may be used in the development process. Encountered some risks.

The morning test is an integrated test of physical skills. There are various combination items such as tree climbing, load-bearing running, etc., but this is not difficult for the students of Ninja School, even Obito is relatively easy and convenient Passed the test.

Feng Ye returned home after the test.

After finishing the meal, Fengye left home again, looking for Maito Dai and Maito Gai in Konoha. Unfortunately, Maito Dai seems To perform the task, only Maito Gai is the only one who exercises in the place where he usually practices.

Without finding Maito Dai, there was no way to make an ‘encounter’ to ask for advice. Feng Ye was not in a hurry, and returned to his residence again, picked up the chakra knife and white teeth, and walked to the back of the village.

"This time it should be almost..."

When he came to the place where he usually practiced, Feng Ye held the white teeth of the Chakra knife, and after a light breath, did not separate Shadow Clone, but directly used the body to exercise.

After the battle with Kakashi yesterday, when he returned home to continue practicing Hatake swordsmanship, he felt that he could vaguely touch the threshold of Chakra's flow!

Konoha White Fang's Hatake swordsmanship in the Ninja World has two stages.

The key core of the first stage is the flow of chakras.

The so-called chakra flow means that the chakra within the body can be attached to the weapon in a flowing manner, and the sharpness and attack of the weapon will be increased. Once this ability is mastered, the power of Hatake sword art will be once again Skyrocketed.

As for the core of the second stage, it is the advanced version of Chakra Flow, that is, the shape change of Chakra!

The flowing chakra can be solidified, and it has a sharp shape itself. With the use of Hatake swordsmanship, the power will increase further!

No matter what level of strength the cultivator himself is, as long as he masters the first stage, he must have the strength of Zhongren, and if he masters the second stage, he must have the strength of Shangren!

As for going further, it depends on personal talent.

Regardless of the ability to complete a thorough training, I feel that Hatake swordsmanship is very ordinary, but in fact, it can exceed Hatake swordsmanship, almost all of which are forbidden and mysterious, like the **** of thunder. These are simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Fengye has never relaxed the practice of Hatake swordsmanship, and it is precisely because the use of Hatake swordsmanship for Chakra itself is a very powerful means of manipulation, and Hatake swords The technique does not conflict with most physical techniques, even in the state of Eight Gate, or the fairy mode, you can use Hatake sword art normally.

laugh! laugh!

Feng Ye kept swinging his knife and slashing, and he could vaguely see a layer of white light flowing on the white teeth, and trembling constantly during the swing, leading to a trail.

This exercise lasted for several hours before Feng Ye stopped. After returning to the village for a meal, he returned to continue practicing.

Seven hours...

Eight hours...

Nine hours...

In the state of accelerating three times the time, Feng Ye continued to do the most basic practice exercises of Hatake swordsmanship, and combined the rusty chakra flow into it.

As time goes by, the roughness gradually becomes smooth, the unfamiliarity gradually becomes proficient, until at a certain moment, Feng Ye suddenly swipes a knife, feeling that the chakra flowing on the blade almost reaches the perfect slashing direction of the blade. Fit, then stopped.

"That's it!"

A ray of light flashed in Feng Ye's eyes, and he carefully understood the state just now, and then swiped forward again, still achieving a perfect slash.

After trying dozens of times in a row and confirming that her proficiency finally reached the target, Feng Ye took a long breath and relaxed a little.

The first stage of Hatake swordsmanship training is complete!

"Look at the power..."

After Feng Ye calmed down for a while, he came to a wooden stake. After his eyes flashed, he took a step forward. With a sudden wave of the Chakra knife in his hand, the white light flashed across the void.

laugh! !

Approximately he hugged the thick wooden stake, under Fengye's knife, it was like tofu, passing through without any hindrance, and half of the wood slipped silently from the right side.

"It's really amazing...With the white teeth chakra knife, when you encounter an opponent who doesn't master the flow of chakra, you should be able to cut off the opponent's suffering."

Looking at the power of this blow, Feng Ye muttered a comment.

There is no problem with White Fang's indication. By virtue of the first stage Hatake swordsmanship completed in the practice, he can indeed possess the strength of the middle ninja level, and may have an advantage against the average middle ninja.

Feng Ye's strength has long since reached the middle ninja level by virtue of ninjutsu and physique, and now he has mastered another stage of Hatake swordsmanship, even under normal conditions, he is already regarded as an elite ninja!

"Next is...the double speed state."

After Feng Ye exhaled, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

Cutting off a corner of the stake just now is a slash that is used under normal conditions. Under the state of double speed, Hatake swordsmanship can undoubtedly be more powerful!


Fengye entered a triple speed state.

If you stand not far away, you can see that Fengye at this moment seems to have entered a weird fast-forward state, and the whole person's movements, including the breathing rate, appear abnormal.

In this state, Feng Ye grasped the white teeth of the Chakra knife, and after releasing the flow of Chakra, he suddenly slashed towards the wooden stake in front.

laugh! !

This knife is already fast enough to bring up afterimages in the state of triple speed!

Almost for an instant, in the afterimage, a white arc like sword light could be seen, flashing away, directly penetrating the thick wooden stakes that hug it!


A trace of shock flashed in Feng Ye's eyes.

In the accelerated state of time, the attack range of his slash had already extended beyond the blade's edge, and he had a slash that was nearly a foot long!

This is what the second stage of Hatake can do!

Depressing the shock in his heart, Feng Ye walked around the stump to the back, clearly seeing a line from the center, dividing the stump in two, and leaving a trace on the ground.

"It should not be as powerful as the real second stage Hatake swordsmanship, but in the state of time double speed, relying on the chakra flow and Hatake swordsmanship can indeed extend the slashing range!"

After Feng Ye took a breath, she had a position on her level of strength.

Especially forbearance!

Special Shinobu who is good at speed type!

It may be hard to say for those special ninjas who are good at illusion skills and possess forbidden skills, but for ordinary ninjas and even elite ninjas, with his strong speed, it is enough to kill opponents in a very short time!

And the power of being good at speed is that he is not very afraid of one enemy and many.

A special Shangren who is generally good at illusion or forbidden skills may not be able to deal with the combination of three or four elite Zhongren, but if he is replaced by him, even if he cannot quickly kill his opponent, his speed is enough to make seven entries and seven exits, advance and retreat. freely.