Chapter 162 - Negotiation And Compromise

Trying hard to hide her excitement and agitation, she just simply nodded and replied, "Lead the way."

The man from the Vanderford Institute named Collins gave a knowing smile and led her to a nearby cafe, where his junior had been waiting after reserving a private room. 

"Again, let me properly introduce ourselves." As soon as he let Alicia sit in the cafe's private room, Collins went down straight to business. 

"My name is Collins, the personal aide of the Vanderford Institute's headmaster, Ruther Vanderford. Along with me is a junior aide, Fred."

"Alicia Michaela Cross." Alicia briefly introduced herself. 

"Pleased to meet  you, Lady Alicia. As you could already guess, we are here in Seirende's capital because something from the Farauld Magic Institute caught the attention of the officials of the Vanderford Institute." Collins explained their intent.

"The Great Inventor Eli.." Alicia mumbled with understanding. 

However, her heart couldn't help but feel sour, in the end, it's only for someone as 'conspicuous' as the Great Inventor would make the scouts of the Vanderford Institute suddenly approach her in this manner. 

"Indeed, we have been here for a few weeks already. However, we were not able to get any information and contact with the Great Inventor. That's why we have invited you to inquire about her whereabouts and other important information." 

Collins carefully explained, trying to test Alicia's attitude towards the matter.

"Do not worry, cooperating with us will also be rewarded handsomely. I knew you are from a respected aristocratic family, so you wouldn't want money as compensation. That's why we are thinking of offering you a senior educator position in the Vanderford Institute."

Hearing Collins' explanation Alicia didn't immediately show any reaction, even though she was actually surprised that they had outrightly offered a tempting position. 

Instead, she kept an aloof expression as she carefully digested Collin's words.

"Tell me, what's your intention in approaching me? Is it just to simply inquire information about her or more than that?" Alicia replied in a cold manner. 

Even if the cause of their approach was Eli, she wanted to completely understand their intention.

If it is just for inquiry, then she would be obliged to cooperate with them as long as they had a good offer. However, if their intention was to poach Eli, then...

"It's like this, we may have said that we needed information, but ultimately, what we wanted is to recruit the Great Inventor on our side. That's why we needed more information to craft a plan to entice-" Before Collins was able to finish his explanation, Alicia immediately stood and prepared to exit the room. 

She was extremely vexed. All the good mood she accumulated from her shopping trip earlier has been washed away by the coldness in her heart. 

She knew more than anything else that if she wanted to advance her career as an educator, she could only seek a higher position in another institute. 

Vanderford Institute was her target. 

But hearing that the institute she has been eyeing would like to poach Eli, she immediately became angry. 

Zeke has already dominated the Farauld Magic Institute as the youngest dean! Now these people are thinking of using her to let Eli dominate the Vanderford Institute? No way!

"Milady, please hear us out!!" Seeing Alicia's decisive move to walk away, Collins immediately panicked. 

In his heart he was deeply surprised to realize that Alicia would not bat an eye to decline cooperation, despite offering her an obviously higher position. It seemed that he miscalculated about Alicia's attitude towards this matter. 

Where did he go wrong?

Fred had a high reflex, he immediately blocked the exit to buy some time for his senior to convince the lady in front of them.

"Move!" Alicia's eyes squinted in a dangerous glint. 

Although she is an educator, she still came from a family of casters and was trained from a young age in magical combat. She would not have any problems fighting the two men with her aptitude in casting. 

"Milady, please calm down, we have no intention to detain nor harm you. Just give us a chance to hear our request and offer." Fred pleaded in a quivering tone. As he was the one who faced Alicia head on, he could feel the dangerous aura surrounding Alicia.

"If your goal is to poach the Great Inventor, then sorry, I won't compromise with this matter." She turned and threw a cold glance towards Collins. 

"Although you've done quite a good job to investigate me, you missed a crucial point. That is, my hostility towards Zeke and the people close to him." She sneered and gave a smile that seemed to be mocking the two.

"That includes that Great Inventor that you desperately liked to poach, Eli."

This time, the two representatives from Vanderford Institute were stunned. It turns out that the lady in front of them was hostile towards the person they wanted to poach.

This time they were completely caught off guard, not knowing what to do. 

Alicia didn't need to elaborate her concerns here, as the men all knew that her future move was to go to their Institute to seek a higher position. They also knew that based on her background and qualifications, she would succeed in doing that. 

That's why they completely understood why Alicia was unwilling to cooperate. She was preparing to leave for the Vanderford Institute, only to know that Eli would be there to suppress her again. 

If they were also in her place, they would do the same!

Seeing that the two didn't have any reaction, Alicia turned towards the exit after she uttered, "I hate to break it to you, but you approached the wrong person."

She had already touched the door knob when she heard Collin's anxious voice. 

"Wait a moment.. I am willing to compromise." Collins called out while gritting his teeth. 

Alicia raised her brows in curiosity, what could they compromise about this matter? She thinks both sides were in a stalemate. What is there to negotiate to?

"We may not need to physically poach her. Remember that we only need her because of knowledge." Collins immediately explained in panic. 

Alicia then skeptically went back to her seat and ordered in a domineering manner, "Speak."

Seeing that Alicia was finally willing to listen, the two heaved a sigh of relief. However, remembering that Collins had to greatly compromise on his side, he bit the bullet and stated his offer with grievance in his heart.

"Since we only need her knowledge, could we just ask you to help us smuggle the Great Inventor's published learning materials?" He said nervously.

He knew that his request was far more dangerous on both his and Alicia's side, but he simply had no other choice. They really had no time.

Actually, if Alicia immediately agreed to provide information and help them poach Eli, it would be both a safe and win-win situation for both sides. However, since Alicia was not willing to give in, he could only propose such a tricky plan. 

"You are asking me, a lady of the prestigious Cross Family, the star teacher of the Farauld Magic Institute, to steal some set of books? Are you for real?!" Alicia's explosive attitude was then again set on fire. 

Why do the people around her only want her to do so many ridiculous things just to get Eli?!

From cozying up to her, to recruiting her to even stealing from her?! 

Has the world gone crazy just because of an inventor?! Ridiculous!

"Program Head Position of the Junior Caster Division! That's my highest compromise. If you can give us the books, you no longer need to go through the senior educator position and wait until the program head selection process start next year." Collins laid out all his cards. 

Although he was technically just a personal aide to the headmaster of the Vanderford Institute, he still had some extent of authority. Choosing a program head was just an easy feat for him as the most trusted aide of the head master. 

The Farauld Institute had a flat organization consisting of a professor, junior and senior dean, vice chairman and headmaster as positions in ascending order. This made the ascension of an educator's career become slower than a turtle. 

However, the majority of the faculty members didn't mind, because the qualification for a higher position was crazily hard and almost unreachable to most of them.

Especially, knowing the headmaster, Grandmaster Reuben's high standard in selection.

However, Vanderford Institute had a tall organization, aside from the multiple level positions, it was still subsequently divided into the officials overseeing the junior students and the senior students. Therefore, they offer more career ascension opportunities which Alicia wanted. 

A higher position title is still a higher position. It's better than staying as a normal professor for the rest of her life. 

That's what Alicia was thinking at this moment. 

She needs not to deny herself and act fawningly towards a person she doesn't like. 

Although dangerous, the rewards are enticing enough for her to accept. 

"I need assurance that the position is set on stone. I still have to test your sincerity on this matter." Not immediately saying that she agreed, Alicia responded. 

It's better to be vigilant after all. She was asked to commit something out of the educator's ethics.

"This badge represents my decision for this matter." Collins took out the badge he had shown earlier, he let Alicia verify the authenticity. 

"How much time do I have?" 

"Less than two weeks." 

"Alright, I'll try my best. However, I want you to not hold me responsible for this. If I do not complete the task, I don't want any entanglements." Alicia replied, as she pushed the badge back. 

She didn't want any physical evidence that would point to her in case of a mishap.

So even though having the badge would be her greatest assurance for the reward, she could only give it back. 

They had to choose another way to finalize this matter.

Understanding her meaning, Collins nodded and replied, "Let's make an oath of mana instead then."

"Alright.." Alicia finally nodded in agreement.