
"Master, they are back." said the High Lama.

The old monk laughed as he opened his eyes. He sized up the three of them before asking, "Have the three of you found what you are looking for?"

Yu Jingyan: "How did you know?"

The old monk continued, "This little brother is carrying a treasured blade, and all three of you have a face full of satisfaction. Clearly, you have found what you were looking for."

Yu Jingyan: "I have indeed found the item, but Old Chiba, I have to ask, do you know of the tomb a few kilometers behind Cangbaron Temple?"

The old monk replied, "I've been here for decades, of course I know."

Yu Jingyan: "You should be clear that there are four loyal souls in the tomb, right?"

The old monk replied, "Little brat from the Yu clan, are you here to find this old monk to punish him? "The old monk pointed out a clear path for all of you. You found what you were looking for, but now, not only are you not grateful to me, you even want to blame me?"

Yu Jingyan scratched his head, "Old Chiba, I didn't mean it that way. I mean, at least you should give me a reminder, do you know how fierce those four loyal souls are? "If it wasn't for the fact that I, Wu Yu, am so powerful, the three of us would have been trapped in that grave."

The old monk said, "If I tell you that there is a loyal soul guarding this graveyard, would you dare to go? Can you even get a treasured blade? Don't be cheap and be good. "

"Brother Yu, aren't we fine? Stop arguing." Silang said.

Chen Xi tried to smooth things over, saying that he was too tired and needed to rest early.

Yu Jingyan stared at the old monk for a long time, he did not know where the old monk came from, but after some careful thought, Silang and the old monk started to make sense. The old monk did not intend to kill them, and before he left, the old monk had repeatedly warned them that there would be danger outside.

"No matter what, I have already obtained the treasure. Sigh, thank you. Old Chiba, good night." Yu Jingyan said.

The old monk and the monk went to rest while Yu Jingyan, Chen Xi and Silang put together the prayer mats in the hall. They formed three simple beds and lied down on the prayer mats to sleep …

They slept soundly, and when the three woke up, it was already the morning of the next day. There were a few disciples in the hall, so Yu Jingyan hurriedly went out to wash his face to make himself look less greasy.

After cleaning up properly, Yu Jingyan expressed his gratitude: "Many thanks to master for staying the night, it's just that I still don't understand, what exactly are you?"

The old monk laughed: "I am a Chiba of the Cangbaron Temple, didn't you know yesterday?"

Yu Jingyan thought about it, and believed that this old monk definitely knew many secrets, but in the end, he did not harm him, and it was as the old monk had said, if he said last night that there were four loyal souls protecting the tomb, Yu Jingyan and the others might not have had the guts to go.

On this trip, although Yu Jingyan and the rest did not manage to find the Nine eyes Heavenly Bead, Silang had after all found the treasured blade Changqing, and it could be said that he had gained a lot.

Silang was deeply grateful to the old monk, and Chen Xi also expressed his thanks. The two urged Yu Jingyan to hurry up and leave, not bothering the old monk anymore.

"I'm not pestering you, I'm just expressing my gratitude." Yu Jingyan muttered.

"The three benefactors have a buddhist destiny. I hope that in the future, you will not fall into the wrong path." Before he left, the old monk said with an enigmatic expression.

Yu Jingyan: "Master seems to have some hidden meaning."

The old monk replied, "Of course not, of course there are hidden meanings. There are many forks in the road of Lhasa this time. Don't take the wrong path."

Yu Jingyan frowned, he could not understand whether the "wrong path" was a simple fork in the road, or if there was some other deep meaning behind it.

After bidding farewell to the monks, the three of them drove back to Lhasa.

On the way, Yu Jingyan said: "Although we worked hard on this trip and were unable to find the Nine eyes Heavenly Bead, but Silang at least got the treasured blade Changqing, so it's not really a loss."

Silang was elated, the wounds on his body were still hurting, but he didn't care at all.

Chen Xi: "Lao Yu, this time, I found a suitable guy for Silang. Next time, think of a way, see if you can get me some divine weapons, I think it's not because my skills are lacking, but because the Swinging Rod in my hands are too ordinary, the power of the thing you bought on the Taobao is too weak."

Yu Jingyan nodded his head: "Let's talk about it when I get the chance. Lao Chen, the treasure knows its master, if it meets with another powerful weapon, even if the person doesn't recognize you, it would be useless."

This was the truth. A large part of the reason why Silang was able to obtain the Evergreen Saber was because it recognized Silang. It was even as the four loyal souls had said, that Silang was still alive.

Chen Xi curled his lips, lit a cigarette, and drove. Yu Jingyan could understand his thoughts: running so far with his life on the line, and not seeing the Nine eyes Heavenly Bead that he was yearning for, and getting beaten up until he felt pain all over his body …

"Lao Chen, don't be discouraged. Now that Silang has the Evergreen Saber in his possession, coupled with my Treasure Seeking Arts, it'll naturally be much easier to find the Nine eyes Heavenly Bead in the future." Yu Jingyan consoled.

Chen Xi nodded his head, he was quiet for a while, then spoke out: "Lao Yu, do you remember when we came, you asked Silang a question?"

Yu Jingyan: "I have a lot of questions, which one are you talking about?"

Chen Xi: "Ask him if he can use the Killing Wolf Saber Technique."

Yu Jingyan responded and turned to look at Silang who was in the back row. He had indeed asked, and Silang's answer at that time was — still not able to use that ultimate skill.

Silang did not seem to hear the conversation between the two and was still seriously observing the treasured blade in his arms.

"Silang?" Yu Jingyan shouted.

"Ah?" Is there something, Brother Yu? " Silang asked.

Yu Jingyan repeated the question he had asked, scratching his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Hmm, Brother Yu, Brother Chen, I really didn't lie to you guys. According to my previous experience, I was indeed unable to use that sword technique in that state, but last night when I fought that loyal soul, I did not know what happened, and really used it. At that time, I was also very surprised, but after thinking about it, I felt that if people did not force me, I really did not know where my limit was.

Regarding Silang's explanation, Chen Xi did not comment. Yu Jingyan frowned, and muttered: "Really, then it seems that your potential is still very great."

"Speaking of which, Brother Yu, do you have a Thunder Talisman with you?" Silang asked.

Yu Jingyan immediately shook his head, and said with a red face: "Of course not, if there was, I would have definitely taken it out last night."

"No, no. Why are you so excited?" Silang said.

Yu Jingyan unconsciously touched his inner pocket and thought: Could it be that Silang knows my secret?

Yu Jingyan and Silang saw Yu Jingyan's unconscious movements at the same time, but they did not continue asking.

Along the way back to Lhasa, Changqing's treasured blade became Silang's treasure. Yu Jingyan and Silang returned to the antique shop, while Chen Xi also returned to work.

That night, after Yu Jingyan and Silang finished working, they returned home. Not long later, Chen Xi roasted meat skewers, a large waist, and brought two bottles of Lofty Mountain.

"Lao Yu, Silang, our mission is considered successful, let's celebrate, we haven't had a drink in the past two or three days, and feel like we're not awake anymore." Chen Xi said.

Yu Jingyan's body was also aching, and the three of them started drinking in the room.

"Drinking wine and eating meat in big mouthfuls, this is what you call a comfortable life." Yu Jingyan said.

Silang immediately nodded his head, "Furthermore, I feel that it is extremely satisfying to drink wine and eat meat after escaping from the brink of death."

"Lao Chen, are you alright?" Yu Jingyan suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Chen Xi's expression, as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.

Chen Xi shook his head: "I don't have anything to do. It's just that when I came back to look for Cheng Dawei at noon to get fake, I felt that he wasn't in a very good condition."

"Explain it clearly." Yu Jingyan said.

Chen Xi: "I don't know if he's sick or not, but I feel like his mental state is really bad."

Yu Jingyan said with a "pui". "That damn fatty is too lustful, so his mental state is definitely not good."

Silang: "Brother Chen, he didn't make things difficult for you right?"

Chen Xi: "No, ever since Officer Jeb came out to speak for us last time, Cheng Dawei had always been very polite to me. Sigh, such a useless thing."

"Don't mention that idiot. Come, drink."

After eating their fill, everyone rested.

The next morning, Yu Jingyan and Silang came to Antique City's shop. After selling a dozen or so Heavenly Bead, the two of them were just about to study what kind of meal they should have in the afternoon when Yu Jingyan suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Damn, that thing outside is Cheng Dawei?"

The uniformed security team leader Cheng Dawei happened to pass by Yu Jingyan's shop as he came out to meet him.

"Captain Cheng, are you busy?" Yu Jingyan said.

Cheng Dawei: "It's a routine check, there's nothing wrong. Boss Yu, go busy yourself."

At this time, Cheng Dawei's footsteps were light and his eyes were cloudy, making him unable to move quickly.

After Cheng Dawei passed by Yu Jingyan's shop, he continued to patrol the Antique City.

"Brother Yu, are we going to eat chicken or pickled fish at noon?" Silang asked.

Yu Jingyan: "Don't think about what you want to eat in the afternoon, follow me and see, Cheng Dawei's situation isn't right."

After he finished, the two of them quietly followed Cheng Dawei. Behind Cheng Dawei were two other security guards who were patrolling with him.

"Strange, it has only been a few days, why is this guy's yang energy so weak?" Your eyes are dark. Did you run into a ghost? " Yu Jingyan muttered.

Silang asked in a low voice: "Brother Yu, that fatty looks really dispirited."

Yu Jingyan replied, "That's right, because his yang energy has been eroded, I'm not sure of the reason yet. Follow me, I have a bad premonition."

Just as Silang and Yu Jingyan were about to follow Cheng Dawei quietly, two big kids jumped out of a shop in Antique City. The two children were fighting in the not very wide corridor, just as Cheng Dawei was about to stop them, one of the children suddenly rushed to his side, causing the two of them to hit him squarely in the face.

Subsequently, both of them fell to the ground at the same time.

The child looked to be only a few dozen kilograms, it was understandable for him to be knocked over by Cheng Dawei. The problem was that Cheng Dawei, who was more than two hundred kilograms, had also fallen.

"Whose child is this? This is the Antique City, you're not allowed to chase after and play around!" Cheng Dawei shouted in anger.

The two security guards behind immediately helped Cheng Dawei up, and a middle-aged woman walked out of the shop. She reprimanded the two children, and then apologized to Cheng Dawei.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry. Are you alright? These two children are too naughty." the woman said, blushing.

Cheng Dawei waved his hand, and said: "I'm fine, I slipped just now, watch your child. If he were to injure someone else or destroy a treasure in their shop, then he will have a huge responsibility."

The lady led a child with one hand and left the Antique City, Silang whispered: "Why is this Cheng Dawei so weak?"

Yu Jingyan: "I'm not sure, but this damn fatty used to be very capable. He once captured a gang of thieves with his bare hands, if not this security team leader would not be able to handle him. Looks like he's in trouble, otherwise he wouldn't have been knocked over by a brat."

"But his temper is much better than before." Silang said.

Yu Jingyan snorted coldly: "Didn't you see that middle-aged woman's body was very good, and his looks were good? If it wasn't for a beautiful woman, if it wasn't for an ugly woman, Cheng Dawei would have probably gone berserk long ago."

Yu Jingyan's analysis was not wrong, even after the beautiful woman left, Cheng Dawei was still staring at her back.