
"Poor girl... If her achievements had not been posted online, it would not have attracted so many people's attention, and even more so, it would not have indirectly caused her to commit suicide. When does cyberviolence end? Five tourists have died, two young men have committed suicide and one of them has become a murderer, these eight people all have their own families, they have had their own mishaps, it was not just the eight of them who were affected, sigh, the hateful cyberviolence, the tragedy of the Shen Nuo siblings, is only the tip of the iceberg of all the online violence, who knows how many more people are currently suffering or have been harmed by the online violence … " Yu Jingyan lamented.

(Hearing is false, seeing is not always true. Not commenting on things that you don't know is the basic skill of every netizen. Rejecting netizens, starting from you and me)

"Brother, I can't maintain this state for a long time, I have to become ethereal. As long as you wake up, I don't have any regrets, I've been wandering in this world for so long, I should enter the cycle of reincarnation again. I hope that in the next life, we will still be siblings." The woman sobbed, and Shen Nuo cried bitterly as well.

"Little sister, in the next life, I still want to be your brother. I haven't taken care of you enough, and I still haven't protected you well. In the next life, let us siblings reestablish our relationship!" Shen Nuo cried sorrowfully.

"Brother, turn yourself in." the woman said.

Shen Nuo nodded, took out his phone and called the police to confess.

After Shen Nuo called the police, the woman's figure gradually turned illusory, until she turned into a shadow.

"Sis, see you in the next life." Shen Nuo dried his eyes and muttered.

The woman had already become a mirage. Yu Jingyan could see her, but Shen Nuo could not see her.

"Mr Yu, I am sorry for the harm I caused to you before. Before, I only thought about revenge, but I ignored my sister's feelings, thinking that by killing those guests, I could help her vent her anger, and also hurt you." Shen Nuo said solemnly.

Yu Jingyan smiled slightly, he had already forgiven Shen Nuo for harming him. If Shen Nuo killed someone, the law would naturally punish him severely.

"Shen Nuo, do you still have other helpers?" Yu Jingyan asked.

Shen Nuo was startled, and asked: "What helper?"

"Crap, the black shadow that lured Silang away earlier was not on the same side as Shen Nuo. I wonder how Silang is doing right now, and why he hasn't come back even after so long …" Yu Jingyan started to worry about Silang, so he called Silang, Chen Xi and Jeb separately, but no one answered.

"Oh right, Mr Yu, there's something I need to tell you. I can see that you guys aren't really that close to Ma Jin, right?" Shen Nuo said.

Yu Jingyan nodded his head: "Yes, I met him at the bar."

Shen Nuo: "To be honest, I can't see through Ma Jin, just like how I can't see through you, Chen Xi and Silang, you guys are no ordinary people, in comparison, you are even more unfathomable than them, probably because you are a warlock. Previously, Ma Jin did lie, but I didn't see him go to the toilet, nor did I see him borrow my firelight. I don't know if he lied to get me to prove that he wasn't there when the crime was committed, or if he had some other motive. I tried to hypnotize him during the first few days of his stay, but I failed. He may be as determined as you are, and difficult to hypnotize. In short, he gives me a very dangerous feeling. "

Yu Jingyan thought: It's really him!

"Mr Yu, did you think of something?" Seeing Yu Jingyan's serious face, Shen Nuo asked.

Yu Jingyan: "You are indeed good at observation, I now have a rough idea of Ma Jin's true identity, although Loong's death has nothing to do with him, he should have killed someone before."

Without waiting for Shen Nuo to continue asking, the police car had already arrived at the Immortal Foot Island. Shen Nuo waved goodbye at Yu Jingyan and put on his headphones, quietly listening to his sister singing. At this time, Little Sister Shen Nuo's soul had also completely left this place, and was beginning a new reincarnation cycle.

"Comrade Police, where's Jeb?" The policeman who came was a little familiar. Yu Jingyan remembered that he was one of Jeb's subordinate from the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

"Brother Yu, Officer Jeb is tracking Ma Jin. Until now, we have not been able to contact him. Our colleagues are currently searching for their whereabouts." the officer said.

"What?" What happened to Ma Jin? " Yu Jingyan asked.

"Earlier, Ma Jin broke two of his fingers and was brought to the hospital for treatment. Officer Jeb personally brought some people to the hospital to take care of him, and after the operation was completed, Ma Jin, who had only taken anesthetic drugs, used a scalpel to kidnap the doctor, and then changed into the doctor's clothes, escaping from the operation room. When Officer Jeb and your friend Chen Xi discovered this, they chased after him. the policeman said, embarrassed.

From the fact that the golden cicada had shed its shell right before the eyes of the police, Ma Jin's capabilities could be seen.

"Alright, I got it. You guys take Shen Nuo away first." Yu Jingyan said anxiously.

"Brother Yu, logically speaking, you should come with us to assist with the investigation …" the officer said.

"How about this, now that Jeb and my brother's whereabouts are unknown, I have to think of a way to find them. Once I find them, I will go to the Bureau to help you guys investigate, okay?" Yu Jingyan asked.

"Mm, in that case, saving someone is more important now, so there's no need to follow the rules. Sorry to trouble you." The police officer was very understanding.

The police put away the guns on the ground, brought Shen Nuo back into the police car, and left.

, you have guts! You actually chased me all the way to Lhasa, since you dared to touch my brother, don't blame me for being too harsh on you. Yu Jingyan muttered to himself.

Although the police could not find Jeb, Chen Xi and the others, Yu Jingyan had a way.

The treasure hunt was his absolute art. Although the treasure hunt was not going well, there was no problem in finding the person.

Yu Jingyan took out a picture of Chen Xi from his bag, laid the picture on the ground, and threw out a piece of Glyph paper. The picture and the Glyph paper lit up at the same time.

"Three Purities and Four Imperial Guards, give me the ability to summon souls and seek for treasures. All shall be done!" As Yu Jingyan chanted his incantation, the needle on the compass in his hand started to spin, pointing towards the west before stopping.

When he arrived in front of Chen Xi's Wuling Carriage, Yu Jingyan lit up a fire and drove out of the Immortal Legacy Island, heading towards the west.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

He opened it and saw that it was a text message from an unfamiliar person: Yu Jingyan, Chen Xi, Silang, and Jeb are all in my hands. Within half an hour, I have already arrived at the garage of the B District in the west side of the city.

After looking through the information, Yu Jingyan sighed, although he had expected Chen Xi and the rest to be captured, he did not expect that, even Silang was captured.

"Ma Jin said that the location is in the west side of the city, which is the same as the location I came up with using the Puppet Search Method. It looks like the location is correct, Sigh, I am alone, how do I deal with Ma Jin? Even Silang is not his opponent, so maybe we can only try out the Thunder Talisman. " Yu Jingyan went alone according to the other party's request, and did not call the police.

Yu Jingyan stumbled all the way to the Ming De Garden District in the west of the city. Although his driving skills were poor and it was a complete mess at night, he was able to reach his destination within half an hour.

When they arrived at the garage of area B 107, Yu Jingyan looked around cautiously until he heard Ma Jin's voice, "Lao Yu, since you're here, why aren't you coming in?"

Just as she finished speaking, the curtain door of the garage automatically rose. Ma Jin stood behind the door and stared at Yu Jingyan expressionlessly.

Yu Jingyan entered the garage and the rolled up door closed, isolating the garage from the outside world.

This garage was very big and didn't stop. Chen Xi, Jeb and Silang were tied up with all kinds of cloth in their mouths.

"Ma Jin, what do you want?" Yu Jingyan asked.

"It's very simple. I'll kill you." Ma Jin said.

Yu Jingyan: "Oh, since that's the case, then why didn't you kill the three of them in advance and leave them alive?"

"Haha, you are indeed an interesting person. Not only do you not ask me why I want to be your enemy, you don't even care whether your friends live or die. You're even thinking for my sake, reminding me to kill them first. That's right, I have the three of them. Even if I kill them and lure you here, you will definitely come. " Ma Jin said with a smile.

"If you want to kill them, it is naturally to avenge Feng Sanyi, am I right, Feng Quan?" Yu Jingyan said with confidence.

When he said that, Chen Xi and the others who were tied up opened their eyes wide.

Ma Jin was also stunned, he turned and said: "You already knew my identity?"

Yu Jingyan: "I couldn't be sure before, but now I can be sure. You are Feng Quan, the guy who committed suicide in Chengdu by using Feng Mansion, it's just a trick of your Cicada to escape its shell."

"That's right, I am Feng Quan." Feng Quan admitted his identity.

Yu Jingyan: "Feng Quan, you captured them to help Feng Sanyi take revenge. You changed your appearance, and even your body shape has changed.

Feng Quan: "Yes, disguise technique, the Feng Quan you all saw before was very robust, much stronger than the current me. In fact, at that time I stuck something on my body to make myself look more robust, and after the Golden Cicada shed its shell, I deliberately lost weight, which made me look much thinner than before. The change in my appearance was also a part of the disguise technique, after all, I worked with the Master Feng and pinned my head on my belt everyday, so I had to leave myself with a way out. Yu Jingyan, when did you start suspecting me? "

Yu Jingyan: "What a mystical disguise technique … When I had a conflict with Loong and the others, you had used a heroic character who helped them when they saw injustice and pulled out swords. But back then, I had drunk my fill of wine and thought about other things, which was why I ignored your true identity, and mistook you for a hero who lost his love. "

"Then how did you confirm my identity?" Feng Quan asked again.

Yu Jingyan, Ma Jin, just add two drops of water from the word 'Feng' into the words' all ', change your name from Feng Quan to Ma Jin. Isn't changing your name too perfunctory, do you take me for a fool? "