Chapter 076

In this world, as an awakened student, culture class is still to be tested.

Language, number, English, arts and science.

As an awakened person, the learning time has been compressed again and again, but the requirements of the college entrance examination for cultural courses are still very strict, which is really helpless.

Three major subjects language, mathematics, English, each score of 150 points, is required.

Moreover, if you choose to take the exam as an awakened person, you will no longer have the so-called "liberal arts and science division".

That is to say, "politics, history, geography, materialization and life" should be tested, with a score of 100 points for each subject.

However, it is worth noting that although every subject has to be tested, the final result is 3 out of 6.

After the scores of these six subjects come out, you will choose the three subjects with the highest scores as your comprehensive scores. Some students give up 2 or 3 of them early to specialize in the subjects they are good at.

The full score of culture course is 750.

At the same time, the awakened one needs to take another exam, the star exam.

Listen to the name. When Jiang Xiao first heard this professional term, he felt like he was going to be a Taoist after the exam

How to put it?

It's a bit rustic

Star test is also divided into several subjects, the first is the professional course - Star learning.

Astrology is not astrology, but the world's general ranking of the awakened.

The written test score of Xingxue is 100.

Although the score is not high, but the scope is too wide.

For example, which area of China has common heterogeneous space, and which special and unique space.

Each space internal geography landform, monster profile.

In which year, month and day is a space of different dimensions developed and completed by which team.

Simple as the star power level sorting, difficult as a star technology hidden effect.

Apart from other things, just the various monster illustrated books are enough for Jiang Xiao to recite.

Not only Huaxia, the paper will also examine the different dimensional spatial distribution of different countries in the world, including the habits of different dimensional creatures, combat effectiveness, star beads, including Star Technology and so on.

Fortunately, it's only 100 points.

However, although this subject covers all things, but the annual examination focus is still very clear, it can let students rest assured.

The first subject of star test is star study written test, and the second is human body self test.

In subject 2, there are two hard indexes: physical examination and Xingli examination.

If your physical indicators are not qualified, some colleges and universities are not admitted. The final result of physical examination test does not calculate the score, but it is a hard index.

If your star power level does not reach a certain standard, some colleges and universities will not be admitted.

According to the final result of Xingli grade assessment, the full score is 100.

According to the assessment standards of the first three years, as long as you reach the middle stage of Stardust, you will have a passing score of 60. That is to say, as long as your qualification is not too bad and you work hard a little, you can pass.

The third subject of the star exam is team assessment, with a full score of 300.

The proportion of this score has shown that Huaxia has no spare effort to instill the word "team" into the candidates.

The written examination professional course 100 points and Xingli cultivation 100 points, you can control, but there are 300 points, but it depends on your performance in the team.

The official will set the basic score according to the opponent you choose, and judge by the overall performance of the team.

Everyone knows that the examiner has a very detailed and strict scoring scheme in his hand, but over the years, opinions vary, and the online scoring rules are numerous, and I don't know how real they are.

However, the truth will not change, on a purpose: team first!

There are many examples to tell you, to integrate into the team, don't always think about their own brilliant, finally those powerful "lone wolf" won the enemy, but lost the exam score.

It's also a key factor to choose the right person to fight. How to fight when the four gods choose to fight against a white ghost? Rolling? Sneaking around? Show the tacit understanding of the team?

It's true that the examination should have the element of performance. A little acting is OK, but don't go too far. The examiner is not a fool.

If you choose the white ghost as your fighting target, your score will be set at the lowest level. The basic score is not high. In addition, the examiner who should cooperate with your performance will turn a blind eye to you. Go back and reread

One person can reread, four people can reread together?

Countless bloody lessons, so that children do not dare to have special ideas.

There are too many things to talk about in this exam. Jiang Xiao is going to study them in the future.

In the year of senior three, there will be bonus points for participating in several competitions. They are: Beijiang high school league, Beijiang second wasteland competition, and the national high school league. For Jiang Xiao, this year is a year of struggle Some awakened students exercise very hard every day, and they really don't have much energy to study. They feel that they need to cross the line of cultural course scores in college enrollment, which is very uncomfortable. But after all, this is to go to the University for further study. According to the national regulations, if you want to come, you should follow my examination standards. Want to be human? It's going to be hard. The talent of literature and martial arts is called "Star". The only thing to be thankful for is that the exam difficulty of the awakened students is lower than that of the normal students. Jiang Xiao is particularly interested in "astrology". Since he came to this world, he has been training and rolling in the snow. Now, with such an opportunity to systematically cultivate his understanding of this strange world, it's too late for Jiang Xiao to steal music. To Jiang Xiao's annoyance, Han jiangxue is going to manage him strictly. She seems to have forgotten the conditions for Jiang Xiao to repeat her grade, and has planned to make up for Jiang Xiao. If it is a single-minded focus on learning, then the exam is not difficult. The problem is that the awakened students often take part in practice classes, and spend a considerable part of their time on physical training every day. At the age of 17 or 8, it is the age of explosive growth of physical fitness. Xingli level grows very fast at this stage, so we must take this opportunity to rise. Too many people miss the golden age of Xingli's growth. They are too old to repent. Countless awakeners are stuck in a certain Xingli level and can't be promoted all their lives. These are all bloody lessons. Every morning morning exercise, morning culture class, afternoon combat training class, four evening classes, leaving little time for culture class. In the morning, Jiang Xiao had a general understanding of his future academic life. The afternoon is the practice class, and Jiang Xiao is looking forward to his practice teacher. It's worth mentioning that at noon when school was about to end, Su Rou's little sister at the front desk was called away by the teacher. In the early class, ye banren talked to Su Rou with a friendly face and cared about her illness. Now she is blowing her beard and staring at her eyes, and has no good face. I don't know what happened to surou. She's "sick" like this. What can she do to hurt the world? Jiang Xiao wanted to go to the canteen with Han jiangxue for a meal, but he didn't want to. He was stopped by dashai Bi Li only and invited the group to have lunch, saying that he would welcome Jiang Xiao to join. Of course, Jiang Xiao is willing to go. Han jiangxue's final achievements are not only her own, but also her team members. Harmonious team can create good results. To Jiang Xiaowan's surprise, Li's only food is delicacies, but it tastes like "dog food". The four took a taxi and went to a private restaurant on the outskirts of the city. As soon as Jiang Xiaogang got out of the car, he saw a tall, beautiful girl with long hair and shawl waving to the four: "Hi! Here The girl is wearing a long white shirt and grey... Autumn trousers? Well, Jiang Xiao doesn't quite understand women's clothes. For pants he doesn't know, they are all treated as autumn pants. She was wearing sandals, white feet and a small bag on her shoulder. She looked very fashionable. In addition to her sweet smile, a youthful and lively breath came to her face. Li only welcomed him with a smile on his face. As soon as the couple met, they immediately fed Jiang Xiao a meal. But the question is, why such a beautiful young fashion girl, standing beside Li only, Jiang Xiao still thinks Li only has a better image? Um... Li's only self-made scroll with that handsome face can really make his debut“ They are childhood sweethearts, and we are only envious. " Xia Yan leans her elbow on Jiang Xiao's shoulder. Xia Yan fingers to play with his soft lips, a female rogue look, up and down looking at the girl not far away: "this is your brother Li's girlfriend, Li Qingmei." Jiang Xiao: "Li what Mei?"“ Li Qingmei. " Jiang Xiao: "what green plum?" Xia Yan slaps Jiang Xiao on the back of the head... Jiang Xiao is startled. NIMA and Han jiangxue slap me and fan me back. Don't slap me again