Chapter 098

Unfortunately, when Jiang Xiao walked out of the cave with ER Wei, there was a strong wind again in the snow.

Strong wind blowing snow all over the sky, hindering Jiang Xiao's action.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiao had already put on his clothes. He changed into a mercenary suit and put on a black headgear.

"Now that we have formed a temporary team, I should be familiar with your star skills." Jiang Xiao is playing small nine nine nine.

"Yours." Two tail's hoarse words are simple and clear. Looking at Jiang Xiao, who is struggling behind him, he reaches out and drags him up the slope.

Jiang Xiao stepped on the boulder, accompanied by the whistling wind, said in a loud voice: "you know, three stars six skills, green awn, patience, blessing, bait, bell, Chengyin."

Without any indication, erhei continued to walk through the thick snow.

Jiang Xiao:???

Did I get stuck in the routine?

My routine, my own?

Are you afraid?

Jiang Xiao: "you..."

"Shh." Two tails suddenly bow down and move forward quickly.

Jiang Xiaoshun followed the snow mark she had been through and quickly followed.


Almost at the same time, there was a shot in the distance.

The sound of the gun seemed to be a signal, and then came the sound of one after another. No matter how heavy the snow was, it could not resist the penetrating sound.

They followed the sound of gunfire and walked forward for dozens of seconds. After that, Jiang Xiao heard a roar in his ear.

Jiang Xiao hides behind Er Wei and looks forward carefully.

"Eh?" Jiangxiao a light call, but was two tail after the collar picked up, directly to her side of the snow lying.

Jiang Xiao: please treat me as a person

"Look carefully." Two tail one hand on Jiang Xiao's head, debugging his head angle, two people quietly lying in the snow, see the distant chaos of the battlefield.

There are not only mercenaries and night watchmen, but also many Chinese soldiers in camouflage clothes.

Jiang Xiao also saw a mercenary hiding behind a mud wall, and several small holes were made in the mud wall for him to observe the front.

One, two, three, eight enemies, two teams.

"The two mercenaries who use mud wall Star Technology in the rear are our primary targets." Er Wei continued.

Jiang Xiao carefully observed the formation. There were three men in a triangle position, at the last side of the mercenary team. Two of them were flashing stars, building mud walls and cutting off the battlefield.

Behind them, a mercenary was on guard and didn't move. He seemed to know what his duty was.

Under their star skill, the mud wall rose very quickly. They seemed to create a labyrinth to isolate the bullets of the Chinese soldiers and surround the night watchmen.

The other three mercenaries are in the front of the maze, hiding behind the mud wall, observing along the holes left by their companions, and using remote star technology, mud snakes are constantly tearing at the guards on the Chinese side.

There are two mercenaries fighting in front of the two night watchmen.

This is an unfair battle. The two mercenaries fighting separately are not fighting alone. All kinds of clay hands and spikes will suddenly appear on the mud wall to disturb and even strangle the night watchman.

"Give orders." Jiang Xiao said in a hurry. While Er Wei was talking, he saw two Chinese soldiers who were pierced by mud snakes in the snow and stabbed high in the air. Such a cruel picture made Jiang Xiao very angry.

"I'm not sure what kind of guy is guarding behind the two French mercenaries. Usually, he may be the strongest one in the team." Two tail is not anxious, hoarse voice slow, seems to consciously give Jiang Xiao teaching.

"What do you want me to do?" Jiang Xiao asked quickly.

"I will tear up the iron triangle and look at me. When I do it, I need your blessing." Er Wei stood up slowly.

Jiang Xiao turned quickly in his heart and said, "to the last guard of the team?"

"Good." Two tail light said, seems to Jiang Xiao's understanding ability is very satisfied.

Her huge body stood up and walked forward step by step, as if deliberately attracting the enemy's attention. Her pace was slow and faltering, and she swayed left and right in the cold wind, as if seriously injured.

Jiang Xiao lies on the snow slope and looks down in secret.

But see two tail step disorderly, body a slant, directly fell down, body along the snow slope constantly rolling, until under the snow slope, this stopped turning body, lying on his back in the snow, half a day no movement.

“%¥#@#!” The next moment, a mud snake sprang out from the foot of her two tails, rolled up her ankles, and dragged her to the middle of the mud wall maze.

Really beat her not to go, scold her not to go. As soon as I drag it, I'll go... Da! Da! Da! The bullets poured over the snow beside Er Wei. Jiang Xiao was so frightened that he forgot that there was such a risk. No, it seems that the shoulder of Er Wei has been shot!? She's shot!? What makes Jiang Xiao's heart palpitation even more is that Er Wei seems to have really fainted without making any screams. This man is cruel enough! Be cruel to the enemy, even harder to yourself. Jiang Xiao doesn't know how to describe Er Wei. At this time, he only has full respect for this strange and cunning woman. In the rain of bullets, the mud snake dragged faster, and quickly dragged two huge bodies into the mud wall. Jiang Xiao also knows that Er Wei can't speak. She can find such a suitable mercenary suit, which means that there are people of this size in the mercenary. However, it is estimated that there is no such woman in the mercenary. The mud wall is like a wild animal. The hard wall abruptly separates to both sides, opens its mouth, engulfs the two tails, and finally drags her into the safe area. What makes Jiang Xiao's heart suddenly mention is that a night watchman, regardless of his life and death, braved the bullets of his companions and the mud snakes and spurs of the enemy, followed his two tails into the maze and fell into it. Shua! The mud snake's speed suddenly speeded up and yanked its two tails. Also at this moment, two tail lie flat body, right foot arch, hard trample on the ground. Boom... The flames burst into the sky, and bursts of explosions directly submerged the body of Er Wei, smashing the mud snake on her left ankle and the mud walls on her side. The next moment, a huge figure rushed out of the sky. It's like a ghost floating in the dark. The huge figure is extremely flexible and flashes rapidly. It takes two mercenaries from the legal system. Yes, her position is close enough. Besides, she can't pretend any more. After all, the night watchman who bumps into her behind may kill her. I saw Er Wei's huge body wandering in the middle of the maze, climbing over the wall and over the ditch like walking on the ground, tearing from the inside of the enemy, and in a twinkling of an eye, he came to the iron triangle in front of the rear. The two mercenaries of the legal system were shocked. They yelled loudly and used Star Technology crazily, almost blinding Jiang Xiao. In the last moment when Fang's guard mercenary started, a beam of light was precisely set on him. Silver Star Technology * blessing! The ghost figure of Er Wei wanders in the night, suddenly curls up his legs, and points his toes on the mud snake passing by. With the help of his power, his huge body shuttles quickly and goes straight to the key. The two hands are claw shaped. In the star map, a silver star slot looms. When the legal system is close to the close combat, the consequences can be imagined. In Jiang Xiao's sight, her figure flashed past the two mercenaries, and her two heads flew up in an instant, while the headless bodies of the two mercenaries were still standing on the snow“ Skirmish kill, skill point + 5. "“ Skirmish kill, skill point + 5. " Jiang Xiao is a little confused... But the attack of Er Wei is not over. She turns over in mid air and turns from forward to back. Her long legs are sent out. One foot steps on her face and the other on her chest. She tramples the mercenary who is trapped in the blessing beam to the ground. Because of the momentum, she took the mercenary as a "skateboard" and skated forward on his body. I saw her left foot steadily stepping on the mercenary's chest, her right foot slightly raised, heavily stepping on the mercenary's face, the stars on her body flickered, and bursts of explosions at her feet hit again! The skateboard burst into flames, and the heat was surging under its feet“ WOW Jiang Xiao widened his eyes and murmured, "this is our friend... Little Nezha?"