Chapter 384

"What? It's more than 40 degrees, and you have to wear training clothes." Sun Xiaosheng read it in pieces. It's really cute when he's cute, and it's really broken when he's broken

She tied her short hair into a small braid and pulled it out of her mouth behind the training hat.

As expected, the group of four was the first to arrive. Bald Hu didn't follow sun Xiaosheng's direction. They were both local people. No one wanted to scare anyone.

Dear teapot teacher didn't even follow the route given by the navigation. The speed of arriving at the experience point is called fast.

At this time, they were on a hill outside the Imperial City, in a military camp.

The space of heiyanshan is obviously highly developed. From the perspective of external facilities construction, this is the most perfect experience point Jiang Xiao has seen.

The so-called barracks are not simple tents, but buildings that rise one by one, just like a small military base.

They changed their special light colored training clothes, wore protective glasses, wore special thick soled army boots, carried marching bags, filled with water and some medicine, and lined up in front of a building.

Only from the perspective of living resources, water reserves, as long as you save a little to drink, are still sufficient. But make complaints about food resources. This is also one of the Tucao points of all the imperial students in the past years.

Under normal circumstances, these children can survive even if they are hungry for seven days. But under high-intensity training, hunger is really deadly. The key is that they need to be ready to fight, so energy supplement is necessary.

So... The students may need to eat the meat of the black hot ghost and the black hot devil.

As for the meat of big fire mud and small fire mud... Er, people don't have meat. If you are really hungry, you can only eat one mouthful of mud... And it's still hot mud.

This is also one of the downfall of the imperial capital Xingwu. I always remind students that you are not here for vacation or training.

Bald Hu also changed his equipment. With a training hat, his bright big bald head is no longer conspicuous.

Under the leadership of bareheaded Hu, the group of four went to the experience point building.

The heiyanshan training site obviously has a long-term cooperative relationship with the imperial capital Xingwu. The soldiers' examination procedure for teachers and students is relatively simple, and the four person group is released soon.

Led by the soldiers, a group of five people walked through the layers of guards and finally came to a very open room, surrounded by soldiers on full alert. In the middle of the room was the overlapping space gate.

Bareheaded Hu rolled up his sleeve, with an electronic watch on his wrist, and pressed the seven day countdown.

Such a move makes the students feel happy. Although they come early, they also leave early.

"Go Bareheaded Hu waved his hand and took the lead to enter the space door.

Jiang Xiao, as a student who is ready to be a team leader, has been at the front of the team.

One foot into the door of space, a heat wave came.

what the fuck......

Although the earth's climate is abnormal now, and the high temperature of more than 40 degrees is common in some cities in summer, Jiang Xiao feels a little sad when he thinks that he is going to live here for seven days, and that he has to fight and train all the time.

Air conditioning is indeed a great invention of mankind.

The first sense is the heat wave, the second sense is the huge sun in the sky.

It's similar to the sun seen in the earth, but this star is bigger. It's cloudless here. The sun is burning. With the black rocks all over the ground, will it burn your feet after standing for a long time?

This environment is strange, and the taste of exposure, who knows.

The three little guys behind also came in and felt the downfall from the imperial capital Xingwu.

Jiang Xiao has already observed all around. After his goggles, his eyes are finally fixed on the high flying Red Star flag in the distance.

Yes, in the experience of opening to the outside world, which one has no Chinese soldiers?

No matter what the internal conditions of the houses in the supply point are, whether they are really better or not, Jiang Xiao and others are only here for seven days, but these soldiers may guard here for a lifetime.

They have no surname, in order to pave the way for the next generation of Chinese, protect the peace, and let the new generation have experience and grow up.

Generation after generation, continuous and endless.

Perhaps in the future, the students of Xingwu middle school, the capital of the emperor, will join such a queue and embark on the road of the predecessors, from the so-called "son of heaven" to the true backbone of the nation.

The Guard Corps is here. Although the night Corps is secretive and invisible, Jiang Xiao knows that they are also here, and the Flying Red Star flag will always stand here.

Jiang Xiao looks up at the high flying Red Star flag. He can't help feeling proud. He is a night watchman. After he leaves the army, these soldiers are his comrades in arms.

Bareheaded Hu's voice came: "the first task: arrive at the No. 1 supply point, line up at the door."

The group of four didn't hesitate, and the No. 1 training point in front of them was not far away. Although it is relatively safe around the supply point and the road is relatively close, Jiang Xiao still started his command career: "1-2-1, I'm in the front, Cai Yao's palace is in the back, Yue Yue and Xiao Sheng are in the middle." The students were obviously stunned. Compared with the actual combat, the greater significance of this command lies in the ownership of the command of the team. Bareheaded Hu Rao looked at all this with interest. It is not uncommon for his fellow teachers and brothers of the same occupation to seize command during their trips. But the group of four is extremely harmonious, no one said anything, but directly formed a formation, quickly forward. The question of the ownership of command will either arise on the day of formation, or break out in the first battle in Heiyan mountain, or even some teams will not be separated until the end. As expected and reasonable, this team is very harmonious. Be famous before it's too late. If Jiang Xiao doesn't have a series of auras, he should at least prove himself in battle and speak with strength. Now, because of the National League, he doesn't have to prove anything. In fact, when the team met for the first time yesterday and introduced herself, Cai Yao, one of the top four in the country, expressed her attitude very clearly. What she said was: "I will help you with the poisonous milk." That Yue is even more modest, saying that he will help others. Sun Xiaosheng is also a mouthful of a "skin God" called, so there is such a situation, it is normal. What is really difficult is the Department of war, the war Academy. Because of the fighting style and personality, quite a lot of teams will have all kinds of problems. They came to the gate of No. 1 supply point and looked at the houses in front of them, as well as the soldiers standing on the guard tower and around the supply point. "According to their standard, stand in a military position facing the sun for one hour," Hu said The face of the group of four was bitter, but the heart was even bitter. All the soldiers on guard were soaked with sweat. Bareheaded Hu finished the task, then turned into the house, and did not look at the students, it seems to completely see the students' consciousness. OK, now that we're here, there's no reason for everyone to be frustrated in the first subject. Jiang Xiao stepped to a soldier's side not far away, covered the knife with star power and thrust it into the black rock. In other words, it's an honor to stand with the soldier for a while, even for a short hour. In the experience point house, bareheaded Hu took the certificate of Xingwu, the capital of the emperor, and handed it to the soldiers for inspection. Then he came to the window and looked out. The look in Jiang Xiao's eyes is more and more surprised and appreciated. The child was the first to act and the first to stand beside the soldiers. He didn't complain, he didn't make a fuss, he didn't act as a thorn. Tutor Hu Hu seemed to see what a real star warrior should look like for the first time. As a student of the highest University in China, I deserve better resources to receive higher quality training. Why should I stand in a military position with these ordinary soldiers? Although this view is very funny, but in the hearts of these arrogant students, there are not few people who have such an idea. Not everyone can put down their achievements. Although the achievements may not be worth mentioning at all for the teachers in the imperial capital Xingwu, they are a kind of so-called capital for a young man“ Good captain, it's been seven days. " Bareheaded Hu mouth murmured, leisurely off the hat, revealing a bright big bald head, comfortable sitting in the chair. One after another, a team of shield fighters who got on the bus first arrived at Heiyan mountain. When they came, the four assistants were already sweating like the soldiers, and they were even soaked with sweat. The shield fighters obviously received the same task and stepped forward. Suddenly, a huge figure stood in front of Jiang Xiao, back to Jiang Xiao, standing in a military posture. The huge figure is silent, but this person's shadow covers Jiang Xiao's figure and covers the scorching sun for him. The same training suit, from head to toe, is no different from all the other students, and only gives Jiang Xiao a back, but Jiang Xiao knows who he is. Gu Shian.