Chapter 426

Take a break for a few days, and write as many words as you can. I hope you'll have a good time. It's 8 pm.


The people of the reclamation army and the triumphal army left, and Qin Wangchuan secretly left contact information for his sister and brother.

Qin Wangchuan repeatedly urged that no matter whether he chose to join the wasteland reclamation army or not, he should not have any psychological burden, and indicated that since he had been transferred to the wasteland reclamation army of the imperial capital, his sister and brother could call him no matter what difficulties they encountered in their future study and life.

Once again, Jiang Xiao was sheltered by his parents, whom he had never met.

Before that, Qin Wangchuan made it very clear that when he joined the wasteland reclamation army, he was taken care of by the Han family for many times. Now that the Han family is gone, Qin Wangchuan wants to do his best to help the Han family's children.

The soldiers of both sides have gone, and Mr. Fang

She hastily prepared the meal, mended her makeup and left with her bag.

Looking at her hurry, Jiang Xiao guessed that she might go on a blind date again.

Of course, it's her private affair. It has nothing to do with Jiang Xiao and others. The key is that in order to help the two brothers and sisters, the teacher not only turned the meeting place of the soldiers into her home, but also accompanied them until the end of the meeting.

Not only that, she also made a meal before leaving the door, it is estimated that the appointment should be late for a long time.

Mr. Fang's cooking skills are very good. He Fried Cauliflower, fried sliced mushroom meat, mixed cold dishes for the three kids. Maybe he even made three delicacies for them to take care of their taste.

Before the meal was cooked, she went out in a hurry as soon as the four courses were put on the table.

This makes the trio feel even more guilty. Even Han jiangxue tells Jiang Xiao that if Miss Fang's appointment fails because she is late, Jiang Xiao can try to be a matchmaker and contact Hai Tianqing.

At this time, the three little guys are sitting in the kitchen, waiting for the rice in the electric cooker to be cooked, praying for the success of Miss Fang's blind date.

With the blessing of Beijiang poisonous milk,

Can teacher Fang succeed this time?

Anyway, Jiang Xiao doesn't hope at all. He directly asks Xia Yan for her mobile phone and starts to contact Hai Tianqing

Xia Yan sits in front of the dining table, her eyes staring at the white rice cooker, one hand leaning on her chin, and asks: "are you two OK? They just ask you about the inflammatory sentence?"

Han jiangxue has been in a trance, smell speech, she returned to God, thought about it, said: "both sides have thrown out olive branch for me, hope I can join their team."

Xia Yan blinked: "eh? But you are still a student. You have to attend classes and participate in the selection of the world cup. How can you have time to work with them? "

Han jiangxue nodded and said, "the triumphal army wants me to consider their team after graduation, while the wasteland Army... Well, they are more sincere."

Xia Yan: "what's the matter?"

Han jiangxue sighed and said: "the wasteland reclamation army should set up posts in schools. On the one hand, it should deal with the reoccurrence of the 923 incident. On the other hand, these soldiers on duty are also required to take apprentices, so the pioneers want me to become an apprentice. "

Xia Yan: "Wow! They are good at calculating

Han jiangxue looked at Jiang Xiao who was sending wechat and said, "Jiang Xiao, have you received the invitation?"

Xia Yan murmurs discontentedly: "Jiang Xiao? Not even leather? That's enough... "

"Well." Jiang Xiao replied casually.

Han jiangxue said, "what do you think?"

Jiang Xiao shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter what I think, but what matters is what you think."

Han jiangxue: "well..."

Jiang Xiao looked up at Han jiangxue and said, "do you want to join the army? Or, what is your life plan? What fields do you want to set foot in after graduation? Join the army? Teaching? Or do you want to further develop your studies? Or... You don't want to work, you want to be free? "

With Han jiangxue's current ability, even if she doesn't work, she is more than enough to support herself. She just sells star beads and goes to any other dimension space casually, which is enough for her to live a rich life.

Of course, in other words, her strength is so strong and her potential is so great that it is difficult for her to live a free and unrestrained life.

"I..." unexpectedly, a clear goal of Han jiangxue, this time even some hesitation, "I don't know."

This sentence completely does not conform to Han jiangxue's character, Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan are stunned.

Han jiangxue hesitated and said, "our profession is special, and our unique way of training makes us highly purposeful people. In high school, the provincial League, the second reclamation, the National League, one after another short-term goals make my life very full, I know what I want

Jiang Xiaoruo nodded thoughtfully: "well."

Han jiangxue continued: "then there is the college entrance examination, which is the goal throughout my high school career. I hope my parents can see my efforts and my success. With your help, I won the national championship and finally entered the imperial capital Xingwu."

Xia Yan finally turns her gaze at the rice cooker and looks at Han jiangxue with a serious face.

Han jiangxue sighed: "I have been fighting for the first place, want to have better results, I also dream of the best university in the country, hope to make my parents happy, I did, we did, but... After?"

For the first time, Jiang Xiao saw confusion on Han jiangxue's face.

Yeah, after that?

Pushed by time?

To take a typical example, Han jiangxue's participation in the world cup is typically pushed by "external forces". In her life goal, she did not want to participate in the world cup.

It was president Yang's encouragement and song Chunxi's request that made Han jiangxue find a new direction to work hard.

Han jiangxue: "I'm not as far sighted as you think. The imperial capital Xingwu has always been my ultimate goal. Now it's finished. I haven't thought about where to go after graduation. "

Jiang Xiao gently comforted: "don't worry, give yourself some time. You have four years to think about your future life. College is the time to make your mind more mature and your personality more independent. When you are a junior or senior, maybe you will know what you want to do. What if I don't know? Why do you have to force yourself... "

Han jiangxue suddenly interrupted Jiang Xiao and said, "maybe, deep in my heart... I want to be a pioneer and walk the road they once walked."

Jiang Xiao's words stopped suddenly.

Han jiangxue's eyes are still confused, looking at Jiang Xiao, said: "maybe, I should seize this rare opportunity, the wasteland army can meet our requirements for Xingzhu, but also can exercise our comprehensive quality."

Han jiangxue pursed her lips and said in a soft voice: "after Qin Wangchuan said that, I found that I didn't find a new goal, but... It seems that I have been longing for it in my heart."

Xia Yan asks curiously: "following the steps of aunts and uncles? "The son inherits the father's business?"

Han jiangxue reluctantly smiles and says, "or, I just want to go to the Dragon Cave."

"Ah Xia Yan looked worried and said, "I've asked Xia Shanhai about that place countless times. It's extremely dangerous there. Even for the wasteland reclamation army and the night guard army, they don't go in and out casually!

Want to go in, strength is not your biggest requirement, you have to have quite high-level approval! Those people are not in the same world with us. We may not be able to touch them in our lifetime. "

"Du ~ Du ~ Du ~" a few light sound, rice has been cooked.

Jiang Xiao stood up and went to the rice cooker. As he filled the rice, he said, "do you remember how you encouraged me?"

Han jiangxue turned to look at Jiang Xiao and said, "hmm?"

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "when I just lost my way and turned around, you didn't say to me," let my parents be proud. "You just said to me," you should strive to be strong. One day, you can go to the Dragon Cave and give them an account. "

Han jiangxue: "well..."

Jiang Xiao came back with a few bowls of rice and said, "I don't want to turn you into a villain. When you say this, you absolutely don't mean to impose demands on me.

I didn't show my full potential at that time. You just thought that I was a minion in the nine star slot, so you knew that it would never happen. You just wanted to encourage me to continue to walk on the right road and keep a positive heart.

But... "

Jiang Xiao changed his words and said: "this also proves that your inner demand for yourself is your ultimate goal. Don't be confused any more."

Jiang Xiao handed a bowl of rice to Han jiangxue and said, "kx1100001, this number is mine."

Han jiangxue looks up at smiling Jiang Xiao and understands his meaning.

This is not a simple number. It should be the identity number of the first batch of apprentices in the national pilot sites.

This represents that Jiang Xiao wants to join her as a pioneer apprentice, and it also represents that Jiang Xiao supports her decision, even... When she is confused, he has made a choice in advance before she makes a decision.

Han jiangxue's heart is very complex, whispered: "you have chosen to join?"

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, I just told Qin Wangchuan to keep the number for me. I'll go back to see Xiaojiang Xue's choice. If I join, number one must be me. Do you know what happened to him? He almost looked for a pen and paper on the spot to write me a number and hang it around my neck... "

Han jiangxue's heart is full of moving: "you..."

Jiang Xiao smiles and pats Han jiangxue's head, saying: "work hard together, go to the place where my parents have gone."

Xia Yan suddenly said, "who is number 0?"

Jiang Xiao was suddenly stunned. The incomparably warm scene was suddenly broken.

what the fuck?

Wrong number?

Yes, there's No. 0?

Xia Yan took a bowl of rice from the table and said, "No.0 is me." Jiang Xiao's face turned black. He was careless! No, no zero is allowed for this pioneer apprentice. Even if there is, I have to mix it up! Xia Yan? Ha ha, you go to 2! It's up to you! Jiang Xiao looks at Xia Yan viciously, and Xia Yan also looks at Jiang Xiao viciously. She takes a bite of rice and chews rice, but it seems that she is chewing Jiang Xiao's meat. Han jiangxue was moved, but she didn't know how to say: "you two, don't use this..." suddenly, the star map on Jiang Xiao's body lit up. For a while, the light was bright. Jiang Xiao looked at the stunned two people and said, "needless to think, there is also a very strict selection ceremony for the pioneers. Although we are determined internally, it is inevitable that we have to go through the process. I try not to light the star map, but if it has to be, now we have to prepare ahead of time. " Xia Yan put a piece of mushroom in her mouth and said, "what do you want to hide? What can you hide? " Jiang Xiaodao: "bait, resentment, earthlight, xingni, Vice Prime Minister, ruins of disaster and shadow can be hidden." Jiang Xiao transformed the first star slot into silver color and said: "blessing." The second slot, turned into a golden color: "green awn, patience." Jiang Xiao specially explained: "haitianqing knows that my Qingmang is gold. I also told him that the golden white ghost star bead was picked up by my parents from the upper dimensions." Han jiangxue: "the silver color of the third three star trough:" bell, printing. " The fourth slot silver color: "attachment, dawn." The silver color of the fifth trough: "the light of counter current." The sixth slot gold color: "the voice of silence." The seventh slot platinum color: "the gap between time and space."“ I'll see the eighth slot again. " Xia Yan said, "are you going to show people one star and two skills?" Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Xiaojiang Xue's star chart is white fireworks, right. Your chart is two handed Epee, which fits the combat system. My star map is a strange spoon. It's very friendly to the auxiliary system. It's a normal thing. Everyone's star map is very special. Who knows what special effect the spoon has. When I say "pro" and "auxiliary", it's compatible with "auxiliary" Xia Yan curled her lips and said, "Nine Star troughs, absorbing so many good things, and one star and two skills." Jiang Xiao responded: "the lowest qualification in the world is 15 star troughs, but I only have 9. God deprived me of my star troughs, but gave me a special star map, which made me particularly friendly to auxiliary star technology, and also made me understand auxiliary star technology more thoroughly and use it more skillfully. As long as the two core issues are not exposed, 1. The quality of the satellite slot can be upgraded without exposure, and 2. The satellite technology can be absorbed from the human brain without exposure. Everything else doesn't matter. And the slot is almost full, and the space to rise has reached the upper limit. That's what it is“ Of course. " Jiang Xiaodao said, "if Qin Wangchuan is here, and we are still special, I may not have to go to the light for the time being, just in case. After all, I've made up my mind to participate in the world cup. When I select for the world cup, I will definitely have a star map. Now I'll make it clear. I'll also use this star map for the world cup selection Han jiangxue said, "yes, I know." Xia Yan is eating mushroom, contain to say mistily: "mm-hmm, know, know."