Chapter 442

The farther north you go, the closer you get to the holy ruins, and the denser the monsters on this route.

Jiang Xiao is very lucky to find his tenth lava ghost wizard. Different from other lava ghost witches, he not only has more than ten lava ghost brothers, but also has three lava ghost generals.

Lava ghosts will be like large lava ghosts. They are about two meters tall, huge, with broad shoulders and powerful limbs. Their skin is brighter than dark red, and they have a head similar to Western demons.

Fangs and claws are its standard, and whenever its claws are waved, it will always throw out daodaoyan arc.

That burning arc cuts through the thorns, arrogant, and even overturns the little lava ghost running around.

Lava ghost's height is only 60 ~ 80 cm, compared with the giant lava ghost about two meters, it is indeed a group of "brothers".

This large-scale battle started on the West Bank of the blazing magma lake.

The bubbles bubbling in the magma lake are very rhythmic, with the "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

This group of dark red demons is really a headache, you say they are not a threat, they always hit you with fireballs.

You say they are a threat. They are always kicked around by their own lava ghosts, like a ball, and trampled by others.

Jiang Xiao and bait Jiang Xiao have been involved in the fight. After several times of cooperation, the two "people" had a tacit understanding. Now they have a chemical reaction, and the fight has the effect of one plus one more than two.

"Gee! Gee The lava ghost wizard watched helplessly as his two love generals were killed by each other's knife. He couldn't help but scream. The white awns in his hands gathered and a medical shock wave jumped out.

After receiving the order from the leader of his family, the only remaining lava ghost will be fierce and roar up to the sky, and step on the ground with one foot!

Silver Star Technology * Yan crack!


The hot air overflowed and overturned several lava ghosts around, but Jiang Xiao himself retreated quickly and threw out in silence.


"EE ah ~" the little red demons suddenly fell, and all kinds of short and strange sounds were made in their mouths.

But the bait Jiang Xiaoqiang endured the pain, plunged into the tumbling heat wave, stabbed the smashed extremely uncomfortable lava ghost into the heart.

As Jiang Xiao retreats, the light of the counter current connects the sky, and another light of the counter current hangs on the lava ghost witch on the opposite side.

The next moment, the lava wizard's body trembles.

Decoy Jiang Xiao hovers around the lava wizard, taking its body as a cover, dodging the burning star technique thrown from all angles.

The little lava ghosts had no choice but to rush up with a strange cry, but they were stuck left and right by the bait, chopped left and right, and flew out one by one.

Outside the battlefield, Jiang Xiao incarnates as an eye, providing a broad perspective for the bait, while still waiting for the qualitative change of the lava wizard.

Finally, the lava wizard's tall body grew crazily, and the powerful star power in his body overflowed, even overturning a group of small demons who tried to rescue him.

The tall lava wizard finally became huge. His body was full of muscles, his head was big, and his hair was swinging from side to side, like a member of a heavy metal band.

Give it a rhythm, I don't know if it can get up.

In the sky,

The woman sitting on the Pegasus perfectly interprets four big words: strong bow and fine horse.

The next moment, a heavy silver bow appeared in her hand, which was the same material as her silver spear.

It's not dazzling silver, but thick and mysterious dark silver.

With her legs clamped on the horse's belly, she was full of spirituality. The wings flapping slowly stopped for a short time, and its huge body also stopped in the air for a short time.


The dark silver arrows are heavy and long, which can be compared with the huge arrows fired by ancient siege crossbows.

A touch of dark silver quickly cut the sky, star power wantonly, with the tearing sound of breaking the air.

Outside the battlefield, Jiang Xiao witnessed all this, so, of course, the bait in the battlefield, Jiang Xiao quickly dodged.

The huge and heavy arrow directly shot through the head of the lava wizard, carrying full strength, and even fell down with the huge body of the lava wizard, obliquely inserted into the ground.

Due to the excellent timing of the second tail, this poor lava wizard, who has just been promoted to the gold rank, is still in a roaring state of excitement, feeling the taste of "heaven and earth, self-respect" across the rank.

But in the next second, he was shot through the head by a heavy arrow, poking out a huge hole. Although the huge head was not shot, the ugly face was completely torn.

In the sky, the heavy bow in Er Wei's hands dissipates into stars, and Xiao Fan his wings again. The picture is very beautiful.

The bait Jiang Xiao comes forward again. As the heavy arrow turns into star power, Jiang Xiao goes in with the big head opened blood hole.

Took out a star bead stained with blood.

And next to decoy Jiang Xiao are a group of little lava ghosts.

Their current state is somewhat strange, they dare not rush up, and they do not seem willing to turn around and escape. Their brains seem to be in chaos, and they do not know what to do.

A piece of "yiyiya" sound seems to be communicating something.

Jiang Xiao knows about the characteristics of lava ghosts. Before more than half of the casualties, they are like a group of mad dogs. They are not afraid to see who bites who.

However, once their casualties exceed half of the population, they will not hesitate to turn and run away.

If they can't escape the hunter's pursuit, they will huddle together tightly for warmth, disguised as a bonfire, praying that they can cheat the hunter.

Of course, this level of camouflage can hardly deceive any hunter. It's only because the lava ghost generals and lava ghost warriors in the same scene don't care about them. Occasionally, they will be let go.

Now, the eldest lava ghost wizard is dead, and so are the three generals. However, as lava ghosts, only four or five of their population have been killed or injured, and they are still injured by lava ghosts

This situation makes ugly ugly little lava devil confused,

Should we run or not?


No more than half of the casualties? We have no reason to run?

No escape?

The boss and the lava ghost are dead. We can't beat each other?

For a moment, the picture is very strange. Bait Jiang Xiao throws the star bead far away. Looking around, he sees a group of dumb ugly little demons.

The sound of their communication is getting louder and louder, and the "eery" is even harsh.

One of the little lava ghosts seems to be arguing. He is obviously angry and stomps his feet to his friends!

The ugly faces of the companions were full of confusion, and they listened to the little devil's teaching with their heads tilted.

With the constant greeting of the little demons, they even gathered in the middle and finally formed a circle, which is very similar to the situation that basketball players formed a circle before the opening, and some people in the middle mobilized before the war.

And they belong to the hyperactive type, can stand in the same place, but the body is twisted left and right, finally, do not know what happened, they began to rotate clockwise, around the middle of the little devil, constantly babbling.

Bait Jiang Xiao also carrying a knife, curious to get up, curious to join the ranks of make-up classes, trying to understand what they are doing.

Jiang Xiao, who is nearly 1.8 meters tall, is much taller than these 6 or 70 cm kids. Leaning forward, he can see that the "lecturer" in the center is eloquent and making waves.

The most terrible thing is that the bait Jiang Xiao is perfectly integrated into the segmentation, constantly nodding his head, and "eery" communicating with the little demons.



He doesn't know what he's talking about, but he thinks it makes sense.

In the distance, Jiang Xiao takes a deep breath. In the internal view star map, the bell and seal, which used to be gold quality, have now become platinum quality!


It's a good quality to watch!

However, the description of StarTech does not seem to have changed?

Platinum · Bell: release medical light, heal targets, connect multiple targets.

Platinum · Chengyin: leave a mark on the target and guide the medical light to connect and jump.

In the sky, er Wei quietly looks at Jiang Xiao. She feels the difference this time. Compared with the star beads she absorbed before, this time, Jiang Xiao spends more time and stops longer.

Er Wei's eyes narrowed slightly. She saw Jiang Xiao frowning and thinking, or... What is he feeling?

Jiang Xiao is really feeling the magic of StarCraft.

For silver quality printing, Jiang Xiao needs to touch the target's body with his hand in order to leave a printing on the other person.

As a gold quality seal, Jiang Xiao doesn't have to wave his right hand out of thin air to leave a mark on the other person.

And the quality of platinum

Jiang Xiaoneng felt that he had been separated from the category of a single seal. He looked at the battlefield in the distance and waved it. In a moment, there were 15 little demons, plus Jiang Xiao, who joined in the fun. All of them were hung with the seal!

Jiang Xiao's five fingers spread out. On the battlefield in the distance, the seal on Jiang Xiao's body disappears instantly.

Group printing? Cancel at any time? do as one wishes?

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Surrounded by a small devil in the middle of a sudden somersault, scream up, other lava ghosts also jump with, a group of lava ghosts on one second is still dancing, the next second like crazy escape.

It's like a group of pupils rushing to the canteen after class.

Jiang Xiao threw out a bell. It was still the crisp and pleasant bell. It didn't sound as it was imagined. The sound didn't become more thick. Ordinary medical light wave hanging on the bait Jiang Xiao, the next moment, vision suddenly! From the bait body, this should jump out of a medical shock wave, but at this time, it is jumping out of the whole three! They are looking for the seal, quickly catching up with the pace of the group of lava ghosts. If the bell on Jiang Xiao's body can still be accepted, the next moment, the three medical light waves will ring together, which is really clear and pleasant, making people feel comfortable. The three rays did not bifurcate again, but each jumped five times. But even so, three medical lights quickly weave a dense net, light everywhere, each lava ghost is taken care of, the picture is gorgeous for a time! What makes Jiang Xiao even more incredible is that these ugly and ugly lava ghosts, after being cured by the bell, stop one after another, and then slowly turn around. There is no panic on the ugly little faces. Their turbid eyes even exude the color of bloodthirsty. Their faces are gloomy and their hyperactive bodies even stabilize! Put aside the timidity, panic and cowardice, these 15 lava ghosts seem to have become 15 lava ghosts! They set up their positions, and the strange "Yiyi" sound became extremely sharp. The whole army attacked! All of a sudden, their movements were uniform, their momentum was high, they strode forward, and the overwhelming explosion came. Jiang Xiao was stunned. The golden bell does have a calming effect, but the platinum bell... Is it too Calming? To turn a group of soldiers fleeing from the battlefield into a group of dare to die members who are willing to die!? This NIMA or the bell!? This is the charge number... Charge bell, right!?