Chapter 501

Ten days later, the top of the ancient pagoda is the seventh floor of the different dimensional space.

Bursts of shouts and laughs echoed on the top of the seven story pagoda.

The seventh floor, which is the top of the ancient pagoda, where the team faces countless grimace monks.

From the first floor to the sixth floor, the height of each floor is about 6 meters, and to the seventh floor, the height is directly raised to more than 20 meters.

And just above the center of the seven storey stone pillar, a huge space portal is shining with strange light, dark and mixed, and the overlapping space appears and disappears, in which a large number of grimace monks come out.

If you want to distinguish grimace monks, the most direct way is through their coir raincoats.

The grimace monks were all wearing hats and coir raincoats, but on the ragged clothes and hats, there would be different colors of silk threads flashing.

Grass is light green silk, silver is dark silver silk.

The golden partner is the golden yellow silk thread, the clothing partner is the golden red silk thread.

And among the many grimace monks, the monk in clothes is relatively high-profile.

Because of its special star skill, it hardly wears a ragged coir raincoat. Most of the time when it comes to the top of the ancient pagoda, it has put on a golden and red cassock. Any other grimace monk who attacks them will be directly blown away.

The existence of the team of four makes the grimace monks have a common goal, so the pictures of fighting each other are less.

In particular, Jiang Xiao's huge blade is really attracting bees and butterflies!

I don't know what the charm of this sword is. When these grimace monks saw it, they came up one after another just like hungry wolves seeing fat.

But one or two grimaces can still stand in line to fight alone. How can such a large group of grimaces monks fight alone?

Jiang Xiao chooses a group alone?

Naturally, it evolved into a group of grimace monks besieging Jiang Xiao's team.

This actually fulfilled teacher Fang Xingyun's wish. What she wanted to see was such a situation.

At this time, the squadron nebula is covered by an ice blue mask with a radius of about three meters.

This is a special magical star skill. In the mask of teacher Fang, she is the only one. Outside the mask, there are groups of grimace monks crowding together, beating the mask madly, making a dull sound of "Dong Dong".

But no matter how hard the grimace monks tried, there was not even a crack in the mask from beginning to end. Teacher Fang stood in it leisurely, watching the battle of Jiang Xiao's team from afar.

As the mask is surrounded by grimace monks and heavy shadows, teacher Fang floats at the top of the mask as if the Dharma God had come into the world and is a qualified "supervisor".

Jiang Xiao and others over there are very hard pressed. There are enemies everywhere!

There is a huge difference between these grimace monks and the white ghost group. The grimace monks have really good intelligence and know how to cooperate.

Zhao Wenlong's originally white boxing belt has been stained by the dark blood, while Jiang Xiao's bright giant blade is also filled with black blood, which is quite cool.

Two people keep turning circle, just like two loyal guards, guarding their own cruel pea shooter.

Sister pea's output is absolutely impossible to say, because it is necessary to take care of the two "melee". After all, she did not shoot the black arrow again. After all, the arrow would burst into black mist, which is not conducive to the play of Zhao Wenlong and Jiang Xiao.

At this time, the arrow in Hou Mingming's hand turned out to be an illusory feather arrow.

The illusory feather arrow with only lines retreated with the enemy's body every time it hit the enemy.

This arrow is not only full of lethality, but also has a repulsive effect!

The three of them stepped on the aura of nostalgia, and the more they killed, the more they rose!

She has to admit that Jiang Xiao is not a conventional assistant, but an alternative and fierce assistant!

crooked ways?

This damned assistant doesn't have the Star Skill of simply restoring star power. It can only add star power and vitality by killing enemies.

In the future, Mingming's output level, consumption of star power and replenishment of star power are almost the same, she felt the feeling of unbridled.

One word: cool!

It's a bit too much!

She can shoot any arrow unscrupulously, and her star power will be supplemented by the aura of attachment.

But problems arise. The aura of attachment is not only a supplement to the star power, but also vitality.

So at this time after clearly has a bit of head, that kind of blood spray feeling, she has not felt for a long time.

But it's not a big problem. The three members of the team have been here for ten days. Of course, they have found a solution.

"I'm going to explode, attack me!" Zhao Wenlong suddenly roared.

Zhao Wenlong and Hou Mingming are faced with the same situation. The endurance of poisonous milk surprised them, benefited them, and made them painful and happy.

Zhao Wenlong wants to explode?

what do you mean?

It means that there are too many grimace monks coming around. He is going to launch a large-scale killing star technique, but it is inevitable that his vitality will be full and even overflow if this blow goes on!

It's a great taste, but it's very easy to get on.

When Hou Mingming heard the speech, he raised his hand and saw an arrow with red light rushing into the sky.

Ten meters above the heads of the people, the red arrow suddenly gave off a dazzling light, hung in the air, and even lit up a large area of the top of the ancient pagoda.

Then, the red arrow suddenly rotated a circle, turned into a red arrow, the next moment, the arrow like rain.

Zhao Wenlong said in an angry voice: "I'll explode! I didn't let you explode! "

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "just get bombed!"


The arrow is raining.

The red arrow is a kind of explosive arrow. The area where Jiang Xiao and others are located has directly become a bombing area!

No difference attack!

Jiang Xiao held his head high and looked up at the arrows shot down quickly. He let the arrows pierce his body, making a "Ding Ding" sound, and then exploded, consuming his vitality.

After looking at Jiang Xiao's eyes have been shining, she likes his attitude too much.

Tough! Free and easy!

Confidence comes from strength!

Then Mingming and Zhao Wenlong kept a low profile. They had to protect their vital parts. Even houmingming did the same. She needed to be bombed and her extra vitality was taken away by arrows, but she didn't want to be shot in the head by her own arrows.

Zhao Wenlong's surroundings were filled with strong moisture, which slowed down the damage caused by the fire explosion. His previous attack is not as unscrupulous as houmingming's, he needs to be consumed vitality, but absolutely does not need such intensity of consumption.

In the distance, the ghostly faced monks who besieged the Xingli shield of fangxingyun stopped one after another and looked at the range of arrow rain in amazement. They looked on guard one by one for fear that they would be affected.

And floating in the square nebula, a pair of eyes in the twinkling bursts of splendor.

A weak little boy may make a woman's maternal love overflow, and lead to care and even charity. But a man who is really confident and strong will attract women's appreciation and favor.

For example, Xiao Yuancun, who was bathed in the rain of explosive arrows, spread out his arms and looked like a crucifixion.

If Fang Xingyun didn't know the power of Jiang Xiao's gold products, she would have thought that the boy would face life and death calmly.

However, teacher Fang thinks too much, Jin pin is patient?

Let Jiang Xiao so confident and natural, but the diamond level of great patience ah!

As for the two great export gods over there, although they are not so desperate, the gap is not too obvious compared with Jiang Xiao

Hou Mingming has tasted the bad result. It's undeniable that Jiang Xiao's sentimental aura should be the culprit. In the dizzy state of Hou Mingming's blood and vitality, she exerted too much force

As a result, she and Zhao Wenlong had to resist one after another in the explosion of arrows, and they no longer had the expert demeanor they had just had.

On the other hand, little poisonous milk is very comfortable.

"Xia family's Sabre technique has been upgraded! Gold quality Lv. 8! "

Progress again? Master companion, I praise you!

Huh? If you don't pay attention, it looks like your clothes are going to be blown up?

Under the nebula, it is difficult for the awakened to cover their whole body with star power and protect their clothes under the attack of the enemy.

Just as Jiang Xiaogang just entered high school, Gao Junwei's whole body was full of flames in the battle with him. It was his own flame, which could ensure that his clothes would not be burned. However, after he was attacked by Irene's explosion, his clothes were also blown to pieces.

In short, the awakening category, its own flame, can be controlled. The fire of the enemy is hard to resist.

On the river of stars, star fighters can skillfully use star power to cover their bodies and protect themselves from the enemy's attack. No matter it's your own flame or the enemy's flame, as long as you have a good defense, you won't burn your own clothes.

Although Jiang Xiao is a novice in nebula, he has a good command of star power. In addition, the star power is far more abundant than that of awakeners in normal Nebula period, so Jiang Xiao can barely leave a relatively complete clothing in such an explosion.

In the rain of exploding arrows, Jiang Xiao has always been attached to the star power to escort his clothes. However, he has just received the information from the internal view star map, and he has a little slipped away

"Wow! Abdominal muscles! I can't imagine that little poisonous milk is in stock? " A female voice came, the voice is very penetrating, through the bombardment of the arrow rain, into the public's ears.

As the arrow rain dispersed, people turned to look, but saw a petite "Spider Man".

Um... To be exact, it's a girl with short hair. She is climbing on the wall more than ten meters high in spider man's posture, and a pair of apricot eyes are carefully looking at the battle group below. The seventh floor of the ancient pagoda is just below the holy ruins. After the battlefield of the trio was temporarily bombed, there was a short rest time, but soon the grimace monks came up again. Jiang Xiao swung the sword, the blade of the sword appeared, and all living beings fled! Then, looking up at the "gecko", said: "don't look! It's a charge“ Cut, I also have, you see go back not to have The girl said, originally climbed on the wall, the body to the side of a roll, into lying on the wall. Then... Then she lifted up the hem of her clothes and revealed her four abdominal muscles. Then her hands loosened quickly and her clothes were put down instantly, blocking the proud belly. My mother, Jiang Xiao, cried out: "are the abdominal muscles so beautiful? It's the same as my shashiqi? Name it Eh? Wait, did I expose something... "Let's go, it's time." Fang Xingyun suddenly said, "three minutes, clear up the star beads and go down the tower."“ Hee hee, teacher Fang is so strict. " The girl high above the wall, said with a smile. Fang Xingyun also gave each other a white look with a smile and said: "little girl, have you finally got the quota? Is Xiangnan military academy fun? " The girl said a Beijing accent: "it's good everywhere, but the management is too strict. It seems that I haven't been out of school for four years..." Fang Xingyun said angrily: "I've asked you to come to the imperial capital Xingwu for a long time, so you have to run so far." The girl curled her lips: "I don't care. I like brother Bing." Speaking of this, the girl turned her eyes and said, "I've brought two soldiers with me. They're all very powerful!" Jiang Xiao swung a silver partner and said, "where? Why didn't I see it? " "The girl snorted:" northwest corner, back-to-back is playing happy, I climb around, inquire about the enemy The word "climb" is very vivid... Fang Xingyun smiles and urges, "are you ready? Let's go down the tower." Looking at the figure of several people in a hurry, the girl said, "I'll see you in three days, Mr. Fang. I'll be merciful then." Interestingly, neither Xingwu, the imperial capital, nor Xiangnan military academy, the top military power, talked about the alliance. Jiang Xiao and others have harvested a lot of star beads. They are very satisfied with the training, and also full of confidence in the upcoming trials. We'll see you in three days!