Chapter 516

For IAG_ Kaishen alliance leader Jiageng.


With the end of the last game, the national top 16 has been decided.

However, the promoted students were asked to wait in place and were not allowed to leave.

The defeated students and their teachers left the people's Stadium one after another under the guidance of the team members.

The number of people in the auditorium was less than 50. All of a sudden, the stadium was even more empty.

Competition, ranking, it's really cruel.

The winner and the loser are decided on the same field. The winner and the loser will even pass by in the audience to meet different fates and lead different lives.

When two completely opposite emotional states of loss, depression, joy and celebration appear in the same picture, such extreme contrast is really dazzling.

Since ancient times, there is nothing to say.

But if you were the client, would you be so generous and let go immediately?

Jiang Xiao looks at a leading teacher comforting the depressed students, holding the shoulders of the students and leaving the scene slowly. Their lonely figure makes Jiang Xiao sigh.

Jiang Xiao felt that there were fewer teachers in the imperial capital Xingwu. This time, all three of them were promoted, so no one left. But what if one of them failed and two of them succeeded?

With the character of teacher Fang Xingyun, we should comfort the failed student and go back to the hotel with the loser, right?

Jiang Xiao silently watched the group of people leave, disappeared in the player channel.

But after the auditorium was emptied half, in the bottom of the auditorium, there was the voice of the staff: "top 16 players!"

Said, the staff also clapped hands, attracted everyone's attention.

The staff said loudly: "you have two hours of rest. During this period, you are not allowed to leave the seat. If there is any situation, you can ask us. We will try our best to meet the reasonable requirements."

"In a moment, we will provide lunch for you. The dining place is here. You can have a rest after the meal. You can also warm up in the company of the staff, but no fighting of any kind is allowed."

Jiang Xiao Leng for a moment, what does this mean?

16 into 8? In two hours?

As the race side has been keeping it secret, we don't know how to arrange the time. Only one thing is certain, that is, the national team trials are in strict accordance with the world cup standards for the 1v1 knockout.

But in Jiang Xiao's mind, at least tomorrow is 16 into 8.

Staff: "anyone! It is not allowed to disclose any information of the competition to the outside world in any form. With that in mind, I don't think you've come here and you don't want to be kicked out of the national team for violating discipline

"Everyone, if you feel unwell, or you are injured in the battle just now, please report to us immediately. We have the most professional team, and we will ensure your next game state."

While the staff were still notifying, several staff members had already pushed the dining car in.

For a moment, the participants looked at each other.

Is it so difficult to go to the canteen? You have to eat in the audience?

Can't you go to the dressing room and get some sleep? Do you have to rest here?

However, Jiang Xiao didn't feel much about it. I believe all the students here are not people of gold. After all, they are all people who have been trained in the bad space of different dimensions. Such a degree of "living in the open" is nothing at all.

It's just that we don't understand such a request.

Staff member: "the draw ceremony will start on time in 2 hours, and then the promotion will start directly, and the winner will be directly selected into the national team list.

Losers should not be discouraged. Among the eight players in the loser group, two of them will be qualified as substitutes. Under certain conditions, substitutes can replace the top eight starters. "

That's what I said, but we're not interested.

According to the list of members of the national team in the past, the so-called substitutes are no different from mascots. They are not qualified to play at all. Only if the starter has an accident before the world cup, they can automatically fill the place.

Such a situation is rare, especially in the top treatment team accompanied by the possibility of the first withdrawal is very small.

But even so, if you give the eight losers a chance to advance to the big list, I believe these star fighters will strive for it.

Even if the national team list is put aside, the star fighters will not allow themselves to be perfunctory and give up in any ordinary game.

At least all of you are trained by the state. Under the ideological education of "training for war and living for victory", some ideas are deeply rooted.

"Oh, two meat and two vegetables." Jiang Xiao turns over the lunch box and finds that the dishes are almost the same. He takes out a box and a chicken leg

He couldn't help licking his lips. He was really hungry.

Just as Jiang Xiao was about to start with chopsticks, he felt that the atmosphere was different.

Jiang Xiao looked around and found that the students were looking this way, while the staff below also stopped and looked helplessly at Jiang Xiao's direction.

Fang Xingyun comes over in a hurry, grabs Jiang Xiao's chopsticks and raises his hand to the staff apologetically.

Staff: "good luck to you all."

"Don't eat too much, it will affect the state of the game." After the staff finished talking, Zhao Wenlong said, "it's already one o'clock in the afternoon. After dinner, maybe you will feel sleepy."

Jiang Xiao tore a chicken leg directly: "sleepy just sleep, how did you take a cup of tea?"

Zhao Wenlong looked serious and said in a deep voice, "hunger keeps me fighting."

Jiang Xiao was silent for a long time, holding out a sentence: "hunger makes me lose my mind."

Zhao Wenlong

The players have all kinds of habits. Some of them refuse to eat like Zhao Wenlong. Of course, some of them eat like Jiang Xiao. For example, Wang Xingyan, the southwest singleton!

The bald man was eating hot. The more he looked, the more he had an appetite. He ate two boxed meals. As for the bald man, he ate five portions.

To tell you the truth, Jiang Xiao can always get in touch with competitions, but such "group recess activities" give Jiang Xiao a fresh feeling.

Many students shut their eyes in their seats. One hour before the start of the competition, they asked the staff one after another to go to the next stage for preparation activities to ensure their fighting status.

There is no doubt that there will be at least eight games in a while. The players in the last few games may sit in the stands for some time. Maybe the students really need activities.

Because there is no mobile phone, Jiang Xiao specially told teacher Fang to wake himself up 20 minutes before the draw.

With the help of an artificial alarm clock, Jiang Xiao had a good sleep. After washing his face in the bathroom with the staff, he became more energetic and quickly returned to the field to exercise.

In the market of disaster and shadow, Jiuwei has never had a rest. He thinks that he should bring a clock next time he goes here to replenish goods. In this way, he doesn't need to trouble Mr. Fang to be an artificial alarm. Jiuwei can wake up Jiang Xiao in his mind.

It's just that Jiuwei is a little lonely without the master. He has been sitting cross legged on the ground for a long time. He has carefully digested and absorbed the knife skill from synaesthesia. His absolutely unexpected use method has opened the door to a new world for him.

It's a pity that Jiuwei doesn't have Qingmang. Although his skill level is enough to support him to complete any form of "knife flick", if Qingmang can help him, it will undoubtedly be like a tiger.

Ah... When can I have a star map for my trumpet?

Time flies,

In the twinkling of an eye, the staff invited the six-year-old again.

Obviously, the freshness of the child has passed. It seems that he is tired of playing such games and is not as happy as he was in the morning. He pursed his little mouth and grabbed the ball one by one.

"Scene one, 77!"

Xie Yan stood up and raised his right fist with a black bandage.

Some students pray secretly in their hearts, but don't encounter this evil spirit.

"Fight... 12!" Along with the sound of the staff, Jiang Xiao even heard some long breath.

No. 12 is a middle-sized male student, but he didn't show anything. He raised his hand to show that he had no objection.

"Scene two, 58!" On hearing this number, all the students in the hall were changed again.

Come to the top 16, everyone is a big God, but there are also high and low between the big God and the big God.

Obviously, as No. 58, he is the last student most people want to meet.

"Fight... 61!" The staff unscrewed the table tennis ball from the children and showed the cross section.

"My day..." a young man involuntarily raised his hands, but not to confirm no objection, nor to surrender, but the kind of very helpless, subconscious body movements.

Some people are secretly happy, some people are secretly laughing, but others are secretly regretful.

Hou Mingming is the one who is secretly pitiful. Reason makes her unable to challenge Jiang Xiao outside the court. But for Hou Mingming, the sooner she has a fight with Jiang Xiaozhen, the sooner she can fulfill her wish!

To tell you the truth, in terms of Mingming's character and past performance, she has really been able to bear it, and she can't wait.

"Scene three, 81!" The staff yelled. In the audience, Xing Yan, a bald man, suddenly stood up, raised his arm, turned around and looked at the audience.

The overwhelming pressure swept over, and Xing Yan was majestic, domineering and fierce. A total of only a dozen people, his wild eyes, easy to see which is a coward, which is the opponent. It's obvious that he has taken the lead and overpowered the crowd. At least some of the players have dodged his gaze“ "Fight..." the staff took the table tennis ball, twisted it open and said in a loud voice, "57!" For a moment, everyone looked to the left rear. Jiang Xiao raised his right hand to show that he had no objection. When Xing Yan saw that his opponent was Jiang Xiao, he was stunned... His fierce expression turned into a gape. He rubbed his big bald head with one hand and muttered: "Ge Laozi's..." how could it be this boy!? This kid is so special... He's just a crook! Toxic