Chapter 546

"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the special news of Xingwu World Cup."

"By 15 o'clock in the imperial capital time, the competitions of all the competitors in China have ended. The team competition has won all three competitions, and the individual competition has won 7-1."

"In the individual competition, Zhao Wenlong, a seeded player from Xingwu University of the imperial capital, was unexpectedly cold and lost to George Xing of the United States in the first round. He was sorry to be out."

Jiang Xiao has a mobile phone in his hand and looks dignified. Because Zhao Wenlong is competing in the afternoon, the time coincides with Han jiangxue's, so Jiang Xiao is watching Han jiangxue's game.

When Jiang Xiao went to find Zhao Wenlong's match after the team match, he found that the match was over. It took 6 minutes and 42 seconds. Zhao Wenlong, negative!

Jiang Xiaocha looked at the video list and directly opened Zhao Wenlong's related news.

"The following pictures may cause discomfort to some viewers. Please watch them as appropriate." The host's words fall, and the screen has switched to the battle between Zhao Wenlong and George star.

In the picture, the young white man with golden curly hair, with strange laughter in his mouth, is holding "pumpkin bombs" in his hands and constantly throwing them at his feet.

The pumpkin bomb is very vivid, just like a real pumpkin, and it's also similar to the ghost face pumpkin carved on Halloween. It's about the size of a volleyball. When it's thrown on the ground, it's like a high explosive grenade. The roaring sound resounded through the whole stadium.

Although Zhao Wenlong was in the dust, his shadowy Star Skill made a great contribution. He directly transferred his real body to the rear half and narrowly avoided such an explosion.

A coughing sound came from the black smoke. As the black inflammation slowly dispersed, George star held another puppet George star as a shield in front of him.

The figure is almost the same height ratio as himself, and its workmanship is extremely exquisite, comparable to the level of wax, and even makes people confused.

As the puppet George turned into a star power dissipated, George grabbed the golden curly hair in one hand, pointed to Zhao Wenlong in the distance, and laughed: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Zhao Wenlong's face was expressionless, and several figures appeared on his body again. He set up the Bureau ahead of time and made orderly progress step by step.

"Bolu?" George star suddenly took out a black hat from behind, reached inside and took out a bright knife.

"Na ~" George star a look of disgust, throw away the knife, fell on the ground of the knife into a little star, disappeared without a trace.

And George star took out a little left wheel made of star power from his high hat?

"Yo?" George star's face was strange. He looked at the pistol from left to right, and then stuffed the pistol into his waist.

George star seemed not to believe in evil. He felt his head back and forth in his hat. Suddenly, his eyes lit up: "ha

"Bolu?" A red balloon floated out of his hat. He held the string of the balloon in one hand and swung it left and right, as if he could not see Zhao Wenlong.

The high hat in his other hand also turned into stars and disappeared with the wind.

Then, the red balloon exploded in an instant, and the smoke filled the stadium.

After that, people can't see the picture completely, and the dark and foggy stadium hinders people's sight.

Then there was Zhao Wenlong's voice of "a DA, a Da", the laughter of George star, and finally there were bursts of explosions.

The bombing was so powerful that even the camera was shaking.

People anxiously waiting for the results, extremely worried, can only hear the explosion sound, as well as that only out of the fog of the golden tiger.

In a noisy sound, a shot, shock people!

"Hey, hey! Ha ha ha ha ha With the laughter of George star, the sound of the gun is coming!

The left round, which should have been single shot, had the effect of a full-automatic rifle!

Dozens of seconds later, the referee called out to stop the game.

The black fog almost disappeared in an instant, and there were big pits and tattered green fields everywhere.

Zhao Wenlong's clothes are broken, his face is gray, his body is full of bleeding gun holes, lying on the ground, and his life and death are unknown.

But George sat cross legged beside Zhao Wenlong, holding a yellow balloon in his hand, tying the balloon string to Zhao Wenlong's wrist.

"Hey, hey, hey." George star wiped his lips with one hand, and his hands were covered with a lot of blood.

With the adjustment of the camera position, people can see that George star is still spitting blood out of his mouth, the clothes on his chest have been broken, and the blood stained chest has even sunk down! The picture is extremely cruel.

But George star seems to feel no pain, while spitting blood, while still maintaining a nearly crazy smile.

"Haha, haha..." George star took local materials, and his palm sank down again. He wiped it on his broken chest, stretched out his blood stained fingers, and drew a strange bloody smile on the yellow balloon.

A stream of evil through the camera presented in front of people's screen, the appearance of extreme madness makes people shudder.

His voice is getting smaller and smaller, but his smile is getting bigger and bigger. His blood stained teeth, protruding eyeballs and twisted facial features make up an extremely twisted face.

At this moment, Jiang Xiao and the audience have the same psychological state: is this a member of the U.S. national team?

Did you run out of a mental hospital?

Just now, what happened in the thick fog???

In order to avoid any further harm to Zhao Wenlong by this madman, the medical Star Warrior pushed George star away, and the pushed George star didn't care.

He was bleeding in his mouth and didn't take the initiative to ask for treatment. He just lay on the pockmarked grass, swinging his toes from side to side, looking like he was entertaining himself.

Of course, it is impossible for medical staff to sit by and cure him in a hurry.


Jiang Xiao's eyes moved out of the mobile phone, turned his head and saw Fang Xingyun come in with a mobile phone, saying: "just got through the phone, Zhao Wenlong is OK, don't worry."

Fang Xingyun says she won't let Jiang Xiao worry, but looking at her appearance, Jiang Xiao knows that she is extremely worried.

Jiang Xiao said: "Mr. Fang, you can go to see Zhao Wenlong. Although there is no problem physically, who knows if he has been devastated spiritually. I have staff here to lead me. I can go to the competition normally tomorrow."

Fang Xingyun firmly said: "no, we have the most professional medical team. Zhao Wenlong is a strong Star Warrior. There will be no problem.

You also don't want to be disturbed by this battle. There are so many experts in the world cup. You should take warning, be nervous and face it seriously

Looking at Fang Xingyun's worried face, Jiang Xiao nodded and asked, "what's the origin of this boy?"

Fang Xingyun shook his head and said: "this is not what you should consider. It's impossible for 6 or 700 players to do their homework one by one. We can study the opponents as soon as the draw results come out."

Jiang Xiao: "er..."

Fang Xingyun continued: "this kind of level of competition, you two encounter the probability is too small.

Especially this kind of madman, his combat effectiveness fluctuates greatly, and his mood is also very unstable. If he thinks it's boring and suddenly says he won't take part, he really won't take part. "

No, I want to kill him!

He's not going to compete!?

Jiang Xiao's face is miserable. Our veteran cadres rely on drinking hot tea every day to refresh themselves. It's good to be able to play. Have you even taken out the bomb and left wheel?

You or a person?

Fang Xingyun looked at Jiang Xiao's silent appearance, stepped forward, gently rubbed his head, said: "don't think too much, have a good rest, tomorrow morning I'll send you breakfast, we'll watch the draw ceremony."

"Well." Jiang Xiao nodded and watched teacher Fang Xingyun leave. Jiang Xiao didn't listen. He sat on the sofa, quickly turned up his mobile phone and searched for relevant information about George star.

There are several star skills of George star listed sporadically on the Internet, and they are all speculated and analyzed. There is no official list of star skills of George star circulated on the Internet. It seems that the United States has done a good job in keeping its own players secret.

This character seems to have attracted a lot of people's attention, so there are many people on the Internet who are crazy about the story of George, and they don't know whether it's true or not.

Jiang Xiao searched for a long time and found a more unified statement.

It is said that before he was 16 years old and before the school organized the students to wake up the star map, George had always been a good student, often called "nerd".

The campus violence in the United States is serious, and for children who love to learn, the campus atmosphere is generally not friendly.

In China, if you are a good child who loves learning, teachers will like you, parents will praise you, and students will envy or envy you.

In essence, China still advocates culture and knowledge.

But in the United States, the situation is different.

On the day of the awakening ceremony organized by the school, George star should have accepted the judgment of fate together with his classmates.

But because he was a bookworm and boring, he was blocked in the toilet by several classmates, stripped of his clothes and tied directly to the toilet.

This kind of campus bullying, has been accompanied by George's student career, but this time, bullies play a little big.

George missed the awakening ceremony.

Not only that, in the long five hours, many children of other grades went into the toilet, but turned a deaf ear to the cry for help from George star.

They even open the toilet door, make fun of George star, or even take photos, and post them on the Internet.

No one knows how George star survived the long five hours. When the teacher came, George's face was dull, as if he had lost his soul and ignored anyone's questions.

George star's psychology has been a great trauma, and the campus, he was stripped, tied to the toilet photos are still crazy. After George came home, he didn't come back to school. Three months later, when Georges returned to public view, it was already an awakening. It was in a coffee shop. Due to his emotional instability, he came to an earth shaking explosion... 9 dead and 16 injured. It is said that when people came to rescue, George star was lying on a fragmented body in the collapsed house, smearing the blood on his face and laughing wildly... Then, 16-year-old George star was taken away, Completely disappeared in the public's field of vision, a few years no news, do not know is to go to the hospital or cell. Seven years later, Georges reappeared and was recruited into the University. As a fourth year student, Georges entered the world cup singles competition directly. Therefore, people only know Georges' individual star skills, but they don't know his specific star skill list. They can only collect intelligence through one competition after another“ Hu... "Jiang Xiao sighed deeply. I don't know whether the stories on the Internet are true or false. The United States is really a magical country. After such a thing, can he still enter the university? And this kind of person is released to participate in the world series?