Chapter 577

For the name of the nonexistent alliance leader, there will be a chapter at 8 o'clock, asking for the support of the monthly ticket.


On June 23, 2017, at 9 am, Qiuyu stadium.

With the cheers of the audience, players from both sides came out of the players' passageway.

20 minutes warm-up, two people in their respective bench each practice, but it is a lot of communication on both sides of the bench staff.

There is also a strange situation on the scene. The team members who should have been sitting on the bench of their respective teams have gathered together at this time and seem to be analyzing the possible game situation.

Host Marco: "Oh? We see the team members are wearing the Chinese national team uniform, gathered in the middle line position, this has to let us think this is a national team trials

Ye Xunyang sighed: "the coaching teams of both sides are really happy. I really hope such a picture will appear in the finals."

Marco said with a smile: "this is the same coaching team, isn't it?"

Ye Xunyang slightly helpless said: "I hope the students of both sides can play well in the competition and show their level, but I can already imagine what kind of competition it is."

"Well..." Ma kedun immediately followed Ye Xunyang's thought and said, "it's true. Xie Yan's opponents in several rounds have collapsed mentally before they are hurt enough. This is a very special phenomenon. And Jiang Xiaopi... "

Ye Xunyang then said: "Jiang Xiaopi's teardrop is not a vegetarian. It will only hurt Xie Yan."

"Ah..." Ma Ke sighed deeply, "this competition is a great test of the mental state and inner endurance of the players of both sides. I hope the two players of our country will not have any accidents!

No matter who wins, I hope the next round will not be affected. After all, at the time of the national team's internal trials, Jiang Xiaopi gave up the 4-into-2 competition after fighting with Xie Yan, and ranked fourth. "

"Dudu!" The referee's whistle rings, Jiang Xiao carrying a huge blade, and Xie Yan into the cage.

The tense and stimulating garbage talk is extremely dull. Xie Yan stands there motionless, lowering his head and arranging his black boxing belt.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiao's huge blade is deeply inserted into the ground, and his elbow is leaning on the connecting part between the blade body and the handle. He looks at Xie Yan from a distance, not knowing what he is thinking.

Xie Yan wants to have a good match. Jiang Xiao will show his real strength as he wishes. To eliminate Xie Yan is the greatest respect for him.

The voice in the audience is getting louder and louder. With the whistle of the referee, the enthusiasm of the audience finally burst out.

"Duck! Jiang Xiaopi

"Burn! What are you waiting for? Burn it


At the moment when the referee's whistle sounded, Xie Yan's body suddenly bounced to the right in front of him, with a black flame burning in his hand and a blow to the air.

However, that just burned up the black inflammation fist, is actually by a silent sanction.

The flame on Xie Yan's fist instantly annihilates. At the same time, Jiang Xiao appears behind him.


Xie Yan steel teeth clenched, body side, with the whole audience's cry, the huge blade rubbed his chest and chopped down.

Surprise and surprise, danger and danger!

In the field of silence, no one can use star technology, but Jiang Xiaoshan can't get out.

Xie Yan stepped on the broad blade and stepped down abruptly!

Only from the strength attribute, Xie Yan is undoubtedly stronger than Jiang Xiao. Without the support of special star skills, when everything returns to the purest fighting, it seems to become Xie Yan's home court.

See Xie Yan one foot on the huge blade that splits into the earth, the foot borrows strength, left foot flies directly to kick out.

Jiang Xiao quickly sidesteps to dodge. Xie Yan in the air reacts very fast. At the moment when he passes Jiang Xiao, he suddenly turns around and sweeps his right foot back.

Jiangxiao quickly squats down, Xie Yan's feet almost wipe Jiangxiao's head swept in the past.

But Xie Yan's inertia is still there. If this blow fails, he has to continue to fly back.

Jiang Xiao has been holding the handle of the huge blade in his hand. Between the lightning and flint, he pulls out the huge blade under the ground and throws it out directly!

This huge blade is extremely fast rotation, not straight out, which gives Xie Yan increased great difficulty.

After all, Xie Yan can not use the star technology, but also in the mid air nowhere to borrow.


"My God, wow!"

The audience was filled with exclamations!

See that the huge blade that revolves clockwise, was suddenly kicked by Xie Yan in handle!

Handle up, blade down, was nowhere to borrow Xie Yan, with that God general reaction to intercept down!

Xie Yan body steady landing, but it has stepped out of the scope of silence.

Jiang Xiao feels that things are not good, but he is in the field of silence and can't use star technology at all.

Under the influence of gravity, the huge blade fell vertically and penetrated into the turf, inserting into the edge of the silent field.

Xie Yan, who finally gets rid of himself, burns a dark flame again. With his iron fist waving, the dark flame spreads quickly in the cage. Also buried the huge blade in the strange black flame.

Xie Yan's "black inflammation" is a kind of star skill, which is rare and can't be purified completely. He has to hurt himself first and then others.

At this time, Xie Yan, who is in the black inflammation, has already felt the endless pain, just like tens of thousands of needles stabbing into his brain and passing it on to all four limbs.

Jiang Xiao quickly retreats and directly withdraws from the scope of the silent field. He raises his hand to Xie Yan, which is silent.

And Xie Yan's figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At the level of national team, the types of star technology will go to two extremes. On the one hand, it is extremely rare, such as xin'ai'an's special type of star technology; On the other hand, the real effective and easy-to-use StarCraft will appear on many starfighters at the same time.

Xie Yan and Zhao Wenlong, in the shadow of a series of star technology, is completely coincident.

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly, his eyes turned red quickly, and then the dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the dark clouds came from all directions.

In all directions of Jiangxiao, Xie Yan's hunting fist sound is still coming. He didn't attack Jiang Xiao directly. He's setting up his home court!

Rich black flame layer upon layer rendering, spread out.

The heavy rain of sad tears and domain tears also covers the whole scene, so that Jiang Xiao quickly finds Xie Yan hidden in the black inflammation. That is, when the rain falls on Xie Yan, Jiang Xiao completely accepts the pain from Xie Yan and feels the same.

"Bell ~" Jiang Xiao pressed the bell on himself.

"Grass Even though it was just the beginning, Jiang Xiao had already uttered a rude remark before he started.

This is a curse from the heart.

Jiang Xiao is not a swearing person, but Jiang Xiao believes that anyone suddenly feels the extreme pain and can't say anything good.

The carrier of tears is rain, which should have a certain extinguishing effect on the fire, but it seems that there is no way for the Star Skill of Heiyan series. The overwhelming fire is burning more and more vigorously, and quickly fills the green field.

Xie Yan's firepower has been fully opened. On his expressionless face, his veins are suddenly blue and his face is distorted, which is extremely frightening.

Jiang Xiao grabs his head with one hand. This kind of taste is so cool. Jiang Xiao finally knows what life is not like death.

In the dark flame, countless faint shadows were hidden and spread.

In the extreme pain and domain tears of the whole scene perception, Jiang Xiao found Xie Yan's figure, raised his hand is a silent, hit into the layers of spreading black inflammation.

But Xie Yan's movement is actually fast Jiang Xiaoyi minute, Xie Yan has the ultra strong perception and... With the home court superiority.

This has a great impact on Jiang Xiao's painful state, but Xie Yan is immersed in it all the year round, he is obviously more adapted to some.

Under the intense pain of black burning, Jiang Xiao faintly feels Xie Yan's figure shuttling rapidly. In the spreading black flame, he doesn't know how many shadows there are.

And Jiang Xiao, struggling with pain, quickly flashes to the area where he was fighting before and picks up the huge blade.

And this huge blade seems to have become a bait. At the moment of Jiang Xiao's appearance, a black dragon also came.

Jiang Xiao flashes in a hurry

"Ha... Ha... Ha..." Xie Yan's chest fluctuated violently. He could bear the pain of his body. He could bear it very much. This was the taste of his Star Warrior career. He could bear it.

However, the spirit of the attack, let Xie Yan's brain some confusion.

Tears drenched in his body, accompanied by their own production of physical pain, Xie Yan's mind emerged one after another fuzzy picture.


In the snow capped, silver covered village.

The 6-year-old child was lying in front of the window, spitting out his breath on the glass, drawing smiling faces with his young hands until the small door of the yard opened and a middle-aged couple came in.

"Mom! Mother The child ran out quickly, shouting happily.


At the entrance of the village, the 8-year-old child tugged at the woman's hand. The voice of crying made people sad: "don't go, mom and dad. You've been back for a long time..."

The couple's faces were full of guilt and remorse. The man's nose was slightly sour and he couldn't help turning his head.


It's a year of snow, it's a year of lights.

9-year-old boy, in the same position, painted the same smiling face, aimed at the courtyard door, the small door open, came into a figure.

"Daddy The boy ran out quickly, with endless joy on his face, "Dad's back! Where's mom? " The man's eyes slightly darkened, but he forced a smile, squatted down and hugged the child“ Where's mom? Where did mom go and why didn't she come back? " A voice of questioning, from joy to doubt, from doubt to crying..... The 14-year-old boy, with his father, knelt down in front of a mountain bag, looking at the photos and names on the tombstone, whistling past with gusts of cold wind On the slightly tattered wooden table, several cold dishes, plastic bottles containing baijiu. The man's face, full of vicissitudes, showed a smile from the heart, holding a small wine cup on the table, Ziliu: "there are successors in the Xie family, there are successors! The old man wept bitterly. "Thank you for your attention." "the old man has come to the awakening." "Xiao Yan has been working, and he must have a great future. He must be in heaven to protect you." under the cup of Baijiu, he cried with joy and tears. On the other side of the shabby wooden table, the 16-year-old boy was speechless, with a trace of impatience on his face, looking bored at his father, who was crying and laughing in front of him Bang! The door of the ward was pushed open, and the 22-year-old burst in with anger on his face, as if his emotion burst out in an instant: "what's the matter with you?" The man smiles awkwardly at the patients in the beds around him. He props up and waves to the young man: "Xiao Yan is coming. I'm fine. You're very busy at school. Don't come to see me specially."“ I'll find a classmate to cure you! " Said the young man angrily. Man: "Xiaoyan..." "how many times have I told you! Old age! I've been lame! Don't do heavy work! When are you going to worry me? " With that, the young man turned and slammed the door. The huge door rang, accompanied by the man's embarrassed face, and the stiff palm in the air, the picture stopped The 23 year old fell to his knees, with snowflakes falling down, and a plastic bottle in his hand, filled with Baijiu and trembling on the wine cup. In front of the youth are two tombstones standing side by side. He looked up, spicy wine like fire, along the tongue spread to his chest, his body trembled slightly, already sobbing. Sorry, that was the last word I said to you“ Ah A roar, resounding through the sky. From the forever quiet Xie Yan, from a guilty Xingwu. He hit the sky, and the black flame exploded. The picture in my mind, fixed at the age of 16, opposite the wooden table, is my father's tearful face with a wine cup in his hand“ Xiaoyan is promising. You must bless Xiaoyan in the sky... "