Chapter 581

Hou Mingming holds Jiang Xiao's collar and her palm trembles slightly. After more than ten seconds, she finally releases Jiang Xiao and turns to look out of the window again.

Jiang Xiaoli straightened his collar and said, "can you afford to lose?"

After that, Mingming squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "I can afford to lose."

Jiang Xiao asked again, "but you can't afford to win now. You should be the one who shoots an arrow through the heart of the enemy, but you still place your next battle on the bombing arrows and give your destiny to destiny."

After clearly pursed his lips, speechless.

Jiang Xiao continued: "let's just talk about Zhao Wenlong. When you give your victory to fate to see who fate favors, for yourself, you have already lost. "

After Mingming hands on the windowsill, lowered his head, this time, can be called "hair".

Jiang Xiao: "four years of University, including the national team trials. Maybe Zhao Wenlong loses every time, but you never win him. "

"What are you going to say?" Later, he inquired word by word.

Jiang Xiao: "what I want to say is that there are many, many, many better people than you in this world. You can win 10000 games in a row. The important thing is how to face the defeat in 101st

Jiang Xiao continued: "Zhao Wenlong is too used to you. If you fail earlier, maybe your strength is more than that, at least your mentality is not so. Of course, there are also my reasons. Maybe I should find a chance to fight with you early. "


After that, the knuckles became white, and the window sill made of marble was broken directly.

Jiang Xiao grinned, leaned his back against the window sill, propped up with both hands, and leaped slightly. He sat up, leaned his back against the window, and looked at the long black hair.

I can't help it. Captain pea, it's long hair covering his face. If you're wearing a white skirt, you can go to the horror movie.

Jiang Xiao said: "you have a strong desire to win, people want to win, but your desire to win is obviously more than others. You like to taste the taste of victory, like to conquer your opponent, this is understandable

Jiang Xiao continued: "in fact, such a paranoid attitude has made you who you are. If you are a girl with ordinary character, you may not be able to get to today's position, become the king of the imperial capital Xingwu, and become the captain of China.

Distance is your double-edged sword, so is character. You are arrogant and paranoid from the bottom of your heart. I don't believe you will be depressed. "

Hou Mingming whispered, "what's the purpose of these words?"

Jiang Xiao shrugged: "there are many people worried about you, such as your teacher Fang Xingyun. She even went to the doctor in a hurry. She asked me to comfort you and enlighten you. "

"Hum." After clearly cold hum a, slowly stand straight body.

"Tell me, after the world cup, where are you going? You are about to graduate. Where are you going to find the taste of victory? Don't tell me about entertainment events. " Jiang Xiao inquired.

After the bright light slightly confused, looking out of the window that brightly lit street, said in a deep voice: "never thought, I only thought about the world cup champion."

Jiang Xiaodao said: "with your strength, you should have been invited by many troops, or by Xingwu universities, teachers of practical training courses, and many organizations?"

After that, Mingming gave a gentle "um".

Jiang Xiao said, "young man! Join the army! You'll find that there's nothing like competition, far from battlefield stimulation

Hou Mingming snorted coldly and said, "open up wasteland? To deal with those monsters of different dimensions? "

Jiang Xiao: "Er, your style belongs to the type of strong attack. It's really suitable for the pioneers

Hou Mingming: "it should be the army of reclaiming wasteland, or the army of breaking mountains and rivers.". This is probably the highest level of battlefield I can touch. "

Jiang Xiao doubts a way: "that school recruits to open up wasteland apprentice, how did you not attend?"

Hou Mingming turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiao and said, "I said that my goal was to win the world cup. And I don't need to reserve a position in advance. Many troops have reserved a position for me. "

Jiang Xiao silently stares at Hou Mingming and says: "you will win the next qualifying match."

Hou Mingming: "of course."

Jiang Xiao continued: "crisp win."

Hou Mingming said in a deep voice: "when! Yes

Jiang Xiao nodded, calculated, said: "let's think about the best situation, you ranked 12th in the world cup individual competition, um, quite brilliant results."

In this world, I'm afraid anyone who wants to be the 12th in the individual world cup will happily accept it, but Hou Mingming seems to hear words of shame.

But that's the truth. Hou Mingming stares at Jiang Xiao and doesn't speak.

Jiang Xiao said: "with such achievements, plus your performance in the series, you should be able to move some people."

Hou Mingming: "what do you want to say?"

Jiang Xiao: "I'll make a final confirmation. Do you really want to join the wasteland reclamation and mountain breaking army?"

Hou Mingming nodded and said, "of course. Do you think I'll stay in college and be a teacher? Or go to the office? "

Jiang Xiao: "Oh, just confirm it again."

Hou Mingming: "how?"

Jiang Xiao leaned back, sat on the windowsill, leaned back against the window, looked at Hou Mingming and said, "remember when I was called to leave in the national team trials?"

Hou Mingming frowned slightly: "did you give up the time of 4 into 2?"

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "I went out to carry out the task and killed a female criminal leader in Xinghai period. I feel very good."

The pupil of hindsight is tiny a shrink: "what do you say?"

Jiang Xiao said: "you should have heard what the leaders of the team said when they said goodbye to me?"

After thinking for a moment, he repeated: "comrades in arms, come back alive?"

Jiang Xiao shrugs his shoulders, which is self-evident.

Hou Mingming: "are you a pioneer?"

Jiang Xiao shook his head and said, "watch the night. Catch the light."

Later Ming Ming's face was dignified, and he said, "who is chasing the light?"

Jiang Xiao took out a certificate from his shorts pocket, threw it in front of Hou Mingming and put it on the window sill with broken lines.

Later Mingming picked up the Night Guard officer card, turned it slightly, and narrowed his eyes: "Northwest night guard, Zhuguang regiment, Weiyu team."

Murmuring softly in her mouth, she also turned her head to look at Jiang Xiao and said: "the light chasing team with a serial number."

"Oh, sister pea knows the goods very well." Jiang Xiao, smile.

Hou Mingming: "I've brought all the officers' certificates. It seems that you have made a plan."

Jiang Xiaodao said: "the premise is that you should join the team at the level of the wasteland reclamation army, otherwise, I will not be bright, let alone say such words."

Hou Mingming: "can you represent the northwest night guard?"

"I can't represent, but I have a friend with a bad voice who can represent." Jiang Xiao curled his mouth. "My friend is a good thief. You can be turned into a clever kitten in three days when you are under her hand."

After picking eyebrows slightly: "are you sure?"

"Ha ha." Jiang Xiao raised his head, put the back of his head against the glass window and laughed, "see me? I was forced out. "

Hou Mingming

Well, I didn't see you either. Where are you going?

Jiang Xiaodao said: "but you have to be an apprentice first. Even if you come with a aura, you have to lie down, whether it's a dragon or a tiger, and it's not certain that our captain can see you.

It's OK for you to be a light chaser. I don't know if you can be promoted to a special team. If you are going to be a night watchman, you may not be qualified

Hou Mingming's answer is very serious: "night watchmen are not suitable for me, and pioneers are always on standby. According to the current global situation, the mountain breaking army should be more busy and fight more intensively."

Jiang Xiao grinned: "who knows, you think about it yourself. If you are interested, contact me. If you are not interested, forget it. I will never force you to poison someone."

Hou Mingming

Jiang Xiao pushed his back hard and sat up straight with the rebound of the glass window. He said, "you didn't attend the post match meeting tonight. Remember to arrive on time tomorrow morning. You still have qualifying and have to analyze your opponents."

After that, he said "well" and didn't speak.

Jiang Xiao opened his mouth and said, "I'll leave. I'll go to bed early."

Jiang Xiao's body just disappeared.

Hou Mingming frowned slightly. Next to the place where Jiang Xiao disappeared, there were two egg yolk pies.

Later, Mingming subconsciously picked up the egg yolk pie and came to the garbage can. He was about to throw it away, but the action was a little.

After a few seconds, Hou Mingming put the egg yolk pie on the tea table. He didn't throw it, but he didn't eat it.

She turned around and came to the windowsill again, silently looking at the brightly lit city below.


Jiang Xiao directly flashed back to his room, after all, the two rooms are not far apart.

What surprised Jiang Xiao was that there was a man sitting in the room?

At this time, Fang Xingyun is sitting on the sofa watching TV news. When did she come?

Fang Xingyun only felt a flower in front of him. Seeing Jiang Xiao, he asked with concern, "how about it? How is she in shape? Will you be able to attend the meeting normally tomorrow? "

Jiang Xiao nodded: "no problem, don't worry."

Fang Xingyun looked happy and said, "how do you persuade her?"

Jiang Xiaodao said: "she lost, and she has realized the fact that many people are better than her. It's just the lack of a person to tell her face to face, so that she can once again, clearly recognize themselves

Fang Xingyun was obviously stunned. Did the boy add fuel to the fire? Or is it a strategy of fighting poison with poison? Fang Xingyun worried: "this..." Jiang Xiao said: "don't worry, Miss Fang. She doesn't need comfort." Fang Xingyun: "what kind of person is she?" Jiang Xiao sat down on the sofa and said, "she's the kind of person who can't stop. Like a ship, she needs the other side all the time. Berthing is only temporary." Fang Xingyun: "eh?" Jiang Xiaodao said: "you just need to give her a goal when she is lost and confused. If she approves of the goal, she will start immediately." Fang Xingyun was completely stunned this time. No matter what, Jiang Xiao would say something like this. Looking at Fang Xingyun's expression, Jiang Xiao couldn't help laughing and said: "most people who pursue the extreme have such common problems. Most of the star fighters who are selected at all levels and enter the national team are in pursuit of perfection, but the expression of the so-called "perfection" is different. Zhao Wenlong's leisure elders are rare. " Fang Xingyun nodded thoughtfully and said: "Xiao PI, when I am interviewed in the future, I will show such a calm and orderly side." This time it's Jiang Xiao's turn. A few seconds later, Jiang Xiao suddenly looked at Fang Xingyun and said, "Mr. Fang, you don't know. You picked me up just now. It's so frightening..." Fang Xingyun: "I don't know