Chapter 671

Third shift, 12, 17, 20. Four thousand words chapter, ask for ticket support.


"Star power upgrade, gold quality Lv. 1!"

With a message coming from his mind, Jiang Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his mouth murmured unconsciously: "um..."

You may not believe it,

Our poisonous milk king is upgraded and awakened

On one side, sitting on the ground, Han jiangxue suddenly opens her eyes and turns to look at Jiang Xiao on the single bed.

Han jiangxue quickly stood up, came to the bed, reached out and gently pressed on Jiang Xiao's forehead.

With the ice and fog in Han jiangxue's hands, Jiang Xiao feels a little cool and slowly opens his eyes.

Confused eyes gradually have focus, he finally see clearly in front of people.

"Just wake up." Han jiangxue said softly. Although she was calm, she was greatly relieved.

"How can I... Um... Yes, I changed stars into martial arts, a paper of divorce." Jiang Xiao sat up, but he was not as weak as he had imagined. The star power in his body was faintly violent, but he was very comfortable.

Han jiangxue said softly, "you have been in a coma for two days."

Jiang Xiao was confused: "ah?"

Han jiangxue smiles and pats Jiang Xiao's forehead with her cold palm. She says, "if you don't wake up again, Xia Yan will eat the bamboo bear."

Jiang Xiao looks around and finds that Xia Yan is sleeping on the floor not far away with a bamboo bear on her pillow. She also has a pile of snack bags beside her. She doesn't know whether it's her or the bear.

Jiang Xiao snorted: "she has to be able to beat bamboo bears. It's not sure who will eat."

Han jiangxue sips her mouth and smiles, sits on the cot, looks at Jiang Xiao with concern in her eyes, and says, "what happened? What's wrong with turning stars into martial arts? "

"No, no problem." Jiang Xiao shakes his head in a hurry, dispels Han jiangxue's doubts and says, "I was evacuated from Xingli, that's why. I don't have any problem with my understanding of the star map. "

Han jiangxue nodded thoughtfully: "the total amount of star power in the Milky Way period can't support you to turn stars into martial arts?"

Jiang Xiaodao said: "anyway, it's not good to use a divorce certificate. When I saw the huge shadow of the blade, I was very happy. As a result, I drained it directly."

Han jiangxue gently advised: "under normal circumstances, being hollowed out of star power won't have such a big price. You wake up after sleeping here for two days. It must be that the huge blade shadow's star power costs a lot. You'd better not use it before Xinghai."

Jiang Xiao nodded and said, "well, don't worry. I'll only summon the giant blade and use it as a weapon in the future. When the total amount of star power comes up, I'll study my moves. In fact, I still have a lot of moves I want to test, such as the 15th move, breaking the mountain and breaking the sea."

Breaking mountains and breaking sea appeared in the world cup. At that time, the Royal sea burial king from the kingdom of West Malaysia turned the green field into a "Water Cube". Jiang Xiao also came to cut tofu with a knife. The water cube completely exploded and his Royal Highness's home court was completely destroyed.

That visual effect is quite good, still circulating on the Internet.

As a matter of fact, many of Jiang Xiao's game pictures are circulating on the Internet, which is comparable to the effect of sci-fi blockbusters and has become a popular choice for young people to sign pictures.

Sand carving netizens with the picture or very Sao!

For example, after the scene of breaking mountains and sea, the moving picture behind is the picture of Batman being pressed on the wall by the sea king. Batman smiles at the sea king and says, "your house is bombed.".


Han jiangxue's heart is happy, can't help rubbing Jiang Xiao's head, angry strange way: "the head is some fancy moves."

Jiang Xiao can't help leaning away from her and nodding in his heart: my little sister's attitude towards others has never changed, but she is more and more gentle to me.

Strong, poisonous milk King~

Jiang Xiao thought in his heart, with a happy smirk on his face.

"Let's go out." Han jiangxue said softly.

Jiang Xiao: "are you hungry, too?"

Han jiangxue

Jiang Xiao pretended to sigh: "ah... Woman, how can you live without me? Sooner or later you will starve to death."

Han jiangxue:???

Jiang Xiao opened the door of the space while reading: "OK, OK, I'll find you something to eat."

Han jiangxue almost kicked over

The sister and brother wake up Xia Yan and finally walk out of the disaster shadow market. Without saying a word, the two women jump into the living room and go straight to the bathroom, one by one

Although Jiang Xiao was knocked out of Xingli and passed out two days ago, he was in a full state during the two days of coma in the disaster shadow market. The disaster shadow market is indeed a resort.

Bored waiting for the process, Jiang Xiao listen to the sound of shower in the bathroom, quietly opened the internal star map.

Just now my basic skill · star is full of energy. Has it been upgraded?

It doesn't matter. When Jiang Xiao saw his basic technology panel, he was shocked!

"What's this?" Jiang Xiao can't help murmuring.

Originally on the panel of basic technology, Jiang Xiao's Xiajia knife technique is platinum quality Lv. 1.

When he came to see "Xingli is full of energy", he found the quality of Xiajia Dao. I don't know when, he has come to platinum Lv. 4!

Three small levels!

This is not a small grade of brass quality!

It's a small grade of platinum quality! What is platinum?

Especially for the "skill" category, platinum may be a height that ordinary people can't reach in their whole life, which is promoted by three small levels

What's the situation? Did you upgrade when you fainted?

Summoning Xingwu, digging deep into his mind, sifting through the sieve again and again, and selecting carefully repeatedly, is actually feeding his own giant blade skill?

Jiang Xiao made it very clear that the crimson blade he summoned was just a piece of his mind

My mom~

Does it have such an effect?

Jiang Xiao can't help scratching his head. Then he has to call him often!

Whether it's reviewing the old and learning the new, or forcing himself to have a deeper understanding of the giant blade technique, the move of turning stars into martial arts is beneficial and harmless to Jiang Xiao!

For Jiang Xiao, as long as he doesn't use "a letter of divorce", he can only summon the crimson blade in real shape, and his star power consumption is acceptable.


Jiang Xiao, who has been in a coma for two days in the disaster and shadow market, is in a very good physical and mental state. Han jiangxue and Xia Yan are in an even better state to explode. Well, besides being a little hungry

People have been delayed for two days. When Han jiangxue finished bathing and came out, Jiang Xiao proposed to leave immediately, buy food first, and then go directly into the armory.

In the west of Daxi City, at the junction of China and Kyrgyzstan, there is a armory. Jiangbin city is not far from Daxi City, and it can be arrived in more than an hour's drive. It was also the armory that Erwei often took him to.

After getting a positive reply from the two, Xia Yan's Land Rover was requisitioned again. After the trio bought a lot of food, they rushed to the armory.

A night watchman and two pioneers suddenly arrived, which startled the guards of the armory.

When Jiang Xiao said that "it's too cold in winter, and he wants to go into the armory to get warm", the local guard was embarrassed and said something. After reporting to the superior and checking his identity, he released the weapon according to the above instructions.

Jiang Xiao doesn't think that the status of the pioneers can bring such benefits to the two women. He can get in for free, of course, because of his status as night watchman and light chaser.

It's really a pleasure to come to the armory with picturesque scenery and spring like seasons from Daxi city.

As always, it's sunny and pleasant with green grassland and deep forest, which makes people feel comfortable.

The Trio also started their training career here.

Xia Yan, in the middle of the Milky way, has begun to challenge the ape ghost King alone!

When Jiang Xiao saw that the great ape ghost king and the great star Xia Yan were fighting together, and they were flying away and fighting fiercely, the scene was really exciting.

Xia Yan is really a happy child. She drives the body of fury and Xingli all the way to the ape ghost king!

Just like a mighty giant god of war, with the help of the blade of death, the ape ghost king is often defeated by Xia Yan.

With the existence of Jiang Xiaona's platinum, calmness and bell, the negative effects brought by fury are completely eliminated, and Xia Yan will not lose her mind. With the aura of attachment and the light of counter current, Xia Yan does not have to worry about the consumption of star power

Han jiangxue found that Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan really match.

It's a good match.

The poison milk brother of her family can release Xia Yan's fighting strength to the greatest extent.

Jiang Xiao and Han jiangxue are a lot of low-key. Apart from ape ghost king and savage wizard and witch, they don't touch other alien creatures.

Those who beat ape and ghost kings are prepared for a rainy day.

Han jiangxue and Jiang Xiao both think that one day, Jiang Xiao may use the star power body as a bait.

Of course, Xingzhu, a witch who kills savages, is to upgrade Jiang Xiao's star skill. As for the wizard who kills savages, it's just to sell money.

The trio strictly implemented the 996 plan made by Han jiangxue. They practiced for 9 hours, practiced for 9 hours in the ruins of disaster and shadow, and repeatedly impacted their upper limit of star power. They took 6 hours to rest and sleep.

There are still some mistakes in the plan. Because people are in a hurry, they only buy food, but they don't buy beds, so

So what Jiang Xiao sleeps in is a small bed. Han jiangxue and Xia Yan make a shop on the floor. Every time he returns to the disaster and shadow ruins to have a rest, Jiang Xiao's mind always echoes a sentence: This is the status of a man! Who is the king of poisonous milk? You have to go to bed! Xiao jiangxue, Xiao Eryan, just spread the straw mat of Xingchong paradise and sleep on the floor. Unfortunately, Jiang Xiao can only rest on the normal pillow, and Yingying bear is regarded as a big plush doll. Han jiangxue and Xia Yan hold it left and right and fall asleep soundly. Finally, Jiang Xiao, who knew the truth, shed tears. A man is not as good as a bear? He also finally knows what is the real status... Nearly a month of hard training time soon passed, people also harvest a lot. Jiannan village's Xueyuan holy market has a naturally formed hill. The terrain is unique. Jiang Xiao can feel at ease and bravely pour star beads in it. But most of the other holy fairs are "open" and there is no way. Jiang Xiao can't be swaggering. He can only make trouble by bypassing the guard of the night guard. On the first day of entering the armory, the journey of searching for the savage witch was still difficult. As the group of three went deeper and deeper into the armory, they came to the depths of the inaccessible forest, and the situation gradually improved. Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan's Yulei star skill is a magic skill to find animals! The rain is very wide, even if there is a forest block, rain falls on the ground, you can also feel all the stars and beasts. With the help of Yu Lei, Jiang Xiaona's efficiency of brushing star beads is appalling! At this time, Jiang Xiao is no longer the one who came here with ER Wei and ran into great fortune! He and Xia Yan clearly perceive every inch of land in the armory, every figure hidden in it. Only when the savage witch hides in the cave, can she escape the "eye of magic" of Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan. With such an efficient killing, Jiang Xiao saw the dawn of hope on February 12, 2018. In the dense jungle, Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan crouch in the grass, feeling the team of savages marching in the light rain, ready to attack the grass. Jiang Xiao said quietly: "after this vote, we will go home for the new year." Xia Yan grinned and said, "it's OK to do two more tickets. It's only after Zhengda that you celebrate the new year. You should concentrate on upgrading the quality of star technology first." Jiang Xiao suddenly jumped out of the grass, almost did not shout a "demacia"... Jiang Xiao jumped directly on the face of a savage man's knife, only to see his shoulder covered with green awn, gently forward! With the sound of "ah ah ~" from near to far, the savage man's sword plunges into the deep forest, and his figure disappears without a trace... Jiang Xiao kicks out a counter current light, connects with the savage witch a few meters away, and continues: "the day after tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow is Valentine's day, Do this vote, you also hurry home, Xiaojiang snow and I have to go to the cinema, shopping or something Xia Yan has a huge blade in her hand. She's just about to hunt the evolved Witch of savage. When she hears Jiang Xiao's words, she suddenly shifts her target. The blade aims at Jiang Xiao... Bang! Xia Yan's body flashed by and one shoulder bumped Jiang Xiao out. Although her green awn is bronze, her strength is here“ Ah, ah, ah... "Jiang Xiao's fate is the same as that of the savage man Dao just now. He fell into the deep forest and disappeared“ Ah Xia Yan yells at Jiang Xiao in the direction of disappearing. She stabs the witch with a knife and says, "bah! Scum man The savage witch was stabbed in the heart with a knife. Her huge sharp claws held the unbroken blade in front of her body. In the purple demon pupil, she was full of grievances and slowly fell to the ground..... 4000 words chapter, asking for the support of the monthly ticket.