Chapter 1199

In a barbecue shop, in a single room.

Sanwei sat quietly on the chair, the black ink on his face, hands and body had disappeared.

In fact, Jiang Xiao has always been very curious about this star technology. When he understands it, he also knows that the ink flower of Sanwei is a star technology, which comes from the Far East region of the Russian Federation.

The star, beast and Star Technology in Mo marsh is mainly based on control.

And the three tail star map is infinite fit with this kind of star technology, which also makes her after the second star into martial arts, when using ink to spend a series of star technology, she can almost achieve the effect at will, it's just like to get rid of the star technology effect and become a school of her own.

Just crying all over the ink of her, at this time where there are traces of dirty?

She returned to her normal state. After her excitement, she became the cold, non cannibal woman.

In the small single room, Jiang Xiaohe and Sanwei sat face to face, while on one side, there was an old aunt who was embarrassed.

A few minutes ago, when we just met, the old aunt was still very excited, but at this time, her face was very complicated, and her mood was even more complicated.

It seems that the old aunt wants to say something to Sanwei, maybe to ask, maybe to be concerned, but in any case, the old aunt can't say anything, just looking at Sanwei all the time.

Jiang Xiao is shocked to find that Aunt Yu has more feelings about Sanwei than reunion or blame, which is likely to be guilt

Guilt? Sorry?

What happened in the end will make an old mother over 50 years old have such a strong sense of guilt for her children.

Is it because the previous three tails were too obedient and clever, which made the parents make more efforts and let the daughter live according to her own will?

To be honest, this kind of situation is not uncommon in Chinese society.

However, different from others, the outbreak of Sanwei is too hysterical, and the consequences of a family of three are too heavy.

"Come... Qiu... Jiang boy." Uncle Yu came up with a pot of tripe. He looked embarrassed, just like aunt Yu.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaocai realized that the unusual reunion was not a one-sided apology, but a two-way forgiveness and forgiveness.

Jiang Xiao quickly straightened the induction cooker and took over the pot, but the voice of the diner outside the door came to his ear: "boss! Boss, your kebab is slow, but you should bring up the beer first... "

"Ah! Ah Uncle Yu answered and went out in a hurry.

Jiang Xiao knows that uncle Yu is not "dedicated", but he can't stay here and is very uncomfortable.

"Auntie, sit down. I'll help uncle." Jiang Xiao said, about to get up.

But the three tails, which were as motionless as statues, suddenly reached out and pressed on Jiang Xiao's palm.

She didn't speak, and her face was expressionless. Her eyes, which had no pupils and white eyes, couldn't convey any emotion.

The only way to understand her message is through her actions, that is... Don't go.

As the diners outside yelled, aunt Yu grabbed the apron in front of her, rubbed her hands and said, "you two, first, sit down, I'll go... Um."

"No, auntie. I'll do it." With that, Jiang Xiao's right hand was pressed on the table by three tails, but his left hand was waved.

In the space door, came out a tall beautiful young woman: Jiang Keli.

The next second, Jiang Keli's appearance changed into a short one. Her young white face also climbed up some wrinkles. Her long black hair turned into short curly white hair.

Jiang Keli adjusted again and again, and gradually became aunt Yu. She bent slightly, opened the door and walked out of the single room.

Aunt Yu watched the other one go out, but she didn't come back for a long time.

Jiang Xiao is also a little uncomfortable. He is a god of war in the starry sky. He even wants to disguise himself and go out to serve people wine and food

It seems that the recruitment of guards has to be put on the agenda. Do you still need to do it yourself?

Why don't you go to the star army now, catch some soldiers and bake kebabs for people?

If you know what your officers think at this time, you will probably vomit blood

Well, it's really inappropriate, but... Jiang Xiaozhen can make a camp to bake kebabs

No one dares to make trouble here

"Auntie? Auntie

"Ah Aunt Yu came back and seemed to be in a trance.

Jiang Xiao hurriedly said: "this is a little trick of some Xingwu people. Don't worry, Yu Qiuci is true. You can't believe me, and you can't believe Hongying. Sit down quickly... "

Aunt Yu sat on the chair next to Jiang Xiao and looked at three tails carefully, for fear that it would be an empty joy.

Jiang Xiao sees that his mother and daughter haven't made progress for a long time. He doesn't want to be a light bulb, but Sanwei won't let him go... This makes Jiang Xiao a little restless.

Sanwei pressed his hand, which was regarded as "physics" prevention. If Jiang Xiao forced her to leave, once she opened a few flowers, she would have a lot of fun.

Jiang Xiao turned his head and saw aunt Yu sitting beside him. He said with a smile, "by the way, aunt Yu, do you know about the formation of the Star Army in our country?"

Aunt Yu looked at Jiang Xiao with a confused face and said, "Xinglin... Army?"

Jiang Xiao: "it's a newly formed army. Yu Qiuci and I are both in this team and also hold important positions. Qiuci is not a small soldier now. His career is flourishing and he is a senior general in the army."

"Good, good." Smell speech, in aunt repeatedly nodded, embarrassed expression, finally showed a smile, but soon, the smile on her face disappeared.

She was afraid of arousing her daughter's antipathy.

Before, although her daughter had been going to study, join the army and enter the army according to their wishes, she told them many times that she didn't want to live like this, but every time, the old couple tried to persuade each other.

The army is good, the army is good... Parents have no great ability, can't take care of you for a lifetime, I wanted to wait for you to graduate, to be a national public official, to have an iron rice bowl.

But now, since you are in the University by the army, then take advantage of the opportunity.

Parents are getting older and can't take care of you all the time, but the country can, the army can. In this way, we can rest assured after we leave.

This idea is pure, pure and a little bit hurtful.

After all, there are only a few Xingwu people. If you just drag an ordinary person to ask them about their impression of Xingwu group, most of them will say one word: powerful.

Xingwu criminals can be found everywhere, and there are countless children with unbalanced mentality after awakening. In the news, we often see some news of awakeners and Xingwu people making trouble.

In the old couple's mind, the daughter is a star warrior, but also very obedient, in the state organs, or in the army, someone constraints, discipline, will not go astray.

But I didn't expect that, under the "discipline", Yu Qiuci's fork road was a little big, and he directly connected with a different ball... He went there for several years.

When Sanwei left the team, the night guard sent someone to inform his family, although there was no specific reason for Qiuci to leave, indicating that everything was still under investigation.

But knowing that his son is not like his father, the old couple also remembered that their daughter had discussed with them again and again, saying that they didn't want to stay in the snow plain and the three northern provinces all their lives.

Yu Qiuci always said that the outside world is very big.

The old couple always said that being down-to-earth and eating steadily is the greatest happiness.

It seems meaningless to discuss right and wrong now.

Jiang Xiao pondered for a long time, leaned forward and said cautiously: "that... Er Wei has wanted to eat roasted COD for a long time. I'll pick her up. Do you think it's ok?"

Jiang Xiao, the deputy head of the Department, has done a good job, asking for instructions from his own guards

There is nothing else. Jiang Xiao's style of conduct highlights two words:? Easy going!

With that, Jiang Xiao draws his hand, but Sanwei holds it tightly. They pull their hands back half an inch on the table. Sanwei releases his hand after all.

Aunt Yu quickly stood up and said, "I'll ask the old man to bake her cod."

"Oh, no! Auntie, don't go out! " Jiang Xiao grabbed aunt Yu's arm in a hurry, "as soon as you go out, there are two of you outside. Customers are confused when they see you!

What's more, if Uncle Yu sees two of you, he'll have to burn them! "

Aunt Yu

Across the table, a faint smile appeared on Sanwei's expressionless face.

Sanwei may be a little annoyed. Feeling that Jiang Xiao finds her smile, she stares at Jiang Xiao immediately.

For a pure black ink eyeball, you can still see it by staring. After all, her eyes are a little wider

"I'll come as soon as I go." Jiang Xiao picked up a meat kebab on the table and quickly left.

After leaving the shop, Jiang Xiao was relieved.

He really didn't want to be a light bulb. He thought that if he sent Sanwei to a place, it would be a picture of crying and family reunion.

But I didn't expect that every family has its own difficult classics, and the contradiction between them is much more complicated than Jiang Xiao imagined.

Jiang Xiao returned to the imperial capital, Xinglin military region compound, and returned to the two-story building in the second tail.

In the meeting room, it was dark. Er Wei and Yi Zhizhong had already left.

Jiang Xiao stepped out of the conference room and looked around. In the heart, she again had two love make complaints about her. She didn't like to turn on the lights.

Jiang Xiao opens the door of space again. Marta comes out, feels it with her eyes closed, and then turns to return to the disaster world.

According to Marta's perception, Jiang Xiao comes to the largest office in the middle of the second floor, pushes the door and goes in.

In the dark room, two tails are sitting behind the desk in a posture that has not changed for thousands of years, with a pair of long legs on the desk, looking out of the window silently“ Bang Jiang Xiao turned on the light and said, "waiting for supper?" Then he stepped forward and came to the table. He looked out of the window with two tails' eyes, but he saw a piece of lush trees. Er Wei came back and looked at Jiang Xiao's hand vaguely. He seemed disappointed. He didn't see what she wanted and said, "what's the matter?" Jiang Xiao half buttocks sitting on the desk, said: "I take you to eat supper ah, authentic Beijiang original." Who says you can't taste your hometown in other places? You don't need to look for Beijiang restaurant in the capital of the emperor. The difference between you and your hometown's cuisine is just a Jiang Xiao... Two tails lie on the seat and close their eyes: "not hungry." Jiang Xiao opens the transmission door again. From the space door, Jiang Shou's hand comes out with a mutton kebab in his hand“ Smell ~ "Er Wei's nose stirred for a moment, suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at the portal. Jiang Shou's face came out from behind the door. He ate all the mutton kebabs, so he almost got angry