CH 2

Golden Age.

The stock exchange in the capital city of Ezon was packed every day. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Wide-eyed folks plunged unhesitatingly into investments that bordered on gambling, and most noble families were no only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

One by one, families sold off their unnecessarily large castles and mansions to wealthy commoners, and ventured into gold mining and railway investments at a fraction of the cost.

There were, however, traditional conservatives who were deeply disturbed by the abandonment of dignity and the pursuit of money by the nobility.

Such as the Counts of Biché.

Administratively, its part of the city of Ezon, but in reality more of a rural fringe of the city.

In the middle of fertile land with vast vineyards stretching endlessly, the villa of the Biché family still held its place as if it were a castle.

They maintained this huge mansion perfectly at great expense for a year, just like the scale in which their ancestors lived, and the true owner of this splendid castle was none other than Katarina Biché.

The Counts and Countess of Biché were devoted parents who would give anything for their only child, whom they had conceived at a late age. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.And Katarina was a rather clever girl who knew her parents’ weaknesses better than only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

So Katarina Biché decided to use Amélie Gagnier, a maid her own age, as a ‘living doll,’ because she needed a playmate in this remote, glamorous, friendless mansion.

The Countess of Biché, already tired of her eccentric daughter’s polarising behaviour, inwardly welcomed Amélie Gagnier’s arrival and allowed her to do whatever she wanted with her.

Amélie Gagnier was summoned to the lady’s chambers every morning. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.When she arrived, she would put on the dresses Katarina had made for her, and they would drink tea together, share cookies, and play only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Amélie even received all of the liberal arts lessons that Katarina Biché was receiving. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She learned handwriting, table manners, and grooming, as well as how to play the piano and study literature and only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

The tutor in charge at the Biché residence at the time was somewhat perplexed by how much more intelligent the maid was than Katarina Biché, but she always did her best to balance the power in favour of Katarina Biché at crucial moments. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.After all, a maid of twelve is not going to pay her only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Young Amélie enjoyed everything with a willing heart. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She was incredibly happy and thrilled to be allowed to share in everything the lady had. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She was even able to endure the occasional cold glares from other only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Sometimes Katarina would put Amélie to sleep in her room instead of the maids’, whispering dreamy things like, ‘I’ve told Mom to adopt you,’ or ‘Dad is thinking about it.’

On such nights, Amélie would wiggle her fingers and toss and turn for hours.

She would stay up all night staring at the ceiling painting of the Biché family, wondering if she could see herself up there if Katarina’s words came true.

…Until one evening.

“If Amélie doesn’t go, I won’t go!”

As the time for their evening outing approached, Lady Katarina was in a frenzy. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She began to insist on taking Amélie to the opera theater in downtown only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

At twelve years old, she wasn’t very young, but this was how Katarina always embarrassed her parents.

Embarrassed by their only daughter’s tantrums, the Count and Countess of Biché eventually relented. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.As Katarina wished, they dressed Amélie in a fancy dress and placed her in the only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Amélie clutched Katarina’s hand tightly and, feeling smug, pushed her way through the rows of servants on either side of her and climbed into the fancy carriage. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She climbed gingerly onto the crimson velvet seat, clasping her hands together in her lap, the hem of her frilly dress squishing beneath her tiny only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Katarina, who had taken a seat beside her, was chattering away to my parents, when she turned to Amélie.

“Amélie, are you happy to come with me?”

“Yes, miss…”

The master and his wife, seated across from each other, watched Amélie without comment, and then began to talk in low voices as if she were not there.

The carriage ploughed on through the light spring rain. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Amélie’s eyes widened as the carriage entered the city of Ezon, passing through fields that smelled of bitter only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Despite the late hour, the streets were alive with activity: gas lamps twinkling like stars lined the boulevards, and colourful carriages whizzed by. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.People milled about in brightly lit shops and only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Gilded fountains roared with water. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.As the carriage circled the round square and came to a slow stop at the entrance to the eerie Grand Theatre, Amélie’s heart began to only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.


The valet, dressed in a handsome uniform, greeted them politely as he opened the carriage door. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.He held out his hand to Amélie in the same way he had to Katarina Biché, and smiled only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Her small enamelled shoes, borrowed from Katarina’s, stepped on the carriage’s footrests until they touched the ground.

When they had just passed through the tall, massive doors of the Grand Theatre, with Bichette and the others behind them, Amélie ceased to stare and was lost in ecstasy.

Ornate ceiling paintings, jewel-like chandeliers, and lights everywhere… The marble staircase leading up to the centre from either side of the foyer was filled with dashing gentlemen and their ladies in their finest dresses.

The sound of an orchestra tuning its instruments could be heard in the distance. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She could see well-dressed young lovers walking in hand in only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“Amélie, I’m so excited! Tonight’s play is supposed to be amazing. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.There’s a famous actress in it.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Katarina whispered, tugging on Amélie’s arm. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.And then…read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“Bye then!”

Katarina whirled round and was soon tangled up with Count Biché. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Amélie was left only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“Dad, it wasn’t boring because I came with Amélie. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Can we come again next time?”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Before she knew what was happening, Countess Biché, who glanced back at Amélie unimpressed, summoned the coachman with a jerk of her chin. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The coachman, standing awkwardly in the doorway, hesitantly strode into the only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“Jerome, I want you to take this child.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Amélie looked up at the middle-aged coachman in shock. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The scruffy-bearded coachman, seemingly self-conscious about his untidy appearance, took hold of Amélie’s hand and kept glancing at their only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

As she was led away, Amélie took one last look back into the lobby. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.A cheerful tune began, and the sound of people whistling and cheering faded behind only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Thud. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The theatre’s staff slammed the massive doors shut. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The beautiful melody that had been pounding in her ears were quickly drowned out by the soundproof only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

The theatre’s main entrance was as silent as if nothing had happened, and the expressionless occupants of each house had scattered, leaving Amélie alone with the coachman.


Clenching her teeth, Amélie’s vision blurred. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.A golden light flickered across her hot, moonlit eyes, and a tear slid down her only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“That’s not the place for you to go, my dear.”

For lack of anything else to say, the old coachman stared down at Amélie for a long moment, then sighed heavily.

“What a bunch of wretches. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Look at this child…”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

The coachman’s rough hand stroked her hair.

Amélie wanted to run away, ashamed of her foolishness, delighting in things she didn’t know a lowly maid was allowed to do. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Amélie was just her only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

From that day forward, Amélie was unhappy.

She was surrounded by pleasant indoor scents, sophisticated silk dresses, clean and soft bedding, sparkling enamel shoes, and pretty dolls…

Surrounded by all the beautiful and pretty things in the glittering world, when it was time for her to go back to the maid’s room under the roof, her breath stops.

But ever since she had been to the Grand Theatre, the cold stares and irritation of her tired colleagues had grown more and more intense, sometimes to the point of her being beaten for hours by the senior maids.

A good girl who is favoured by a lady, a peasant girl who thinks she is a noblewoman, a selfish girl who lives without water on her hands.

In her endless agony, Amélie thought over and over again. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The closer you get to the life of the aristocracy, the more the gates of hell open at the feet of a only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

* * *

“Amélie, why don’t you have pimples?”

Acne that started to pop up one by one became a seed of unhappiness. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Even as she turned 13, Amélie’s face remained as clean as porcelain, but as time passed, it even exuded a seductive only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

It was the beginning of adolescence, a time when the best friends in the world become bitter enemies. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.With her childlike innocence gone, Katarina unleashed uncontrolled emotions of jealousy and hatred on her nearest only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“Amélie Gagnier, you’re tangling my hair!”

She would sometimes slap Amélie on the cheek for brushing her hair wrong, or make her wipe the sauce off her own hands onto her uniform. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Amélie had to endure all of the lady’s whims and sudden fits of irritation without any say in the only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Once bright and cheerful, Amélie gradually became less and less talkative. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The life of a maid, with no escape, and Katarina’s violence constantly wore her only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

As time passed, Katarina also gradually mingled with her peers of the same age. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She shamelessly belittled Amélie to win the favor of new friends who willingly came to visit her at the Count Biché’s mansion on the outskirts of only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“You know, before I met the young ladies, I was alone with that girl… with that maid, in the middle of nowhere!”

“Oh, please don’t tell me you put her to bed.”

“I’m afraid it’s true. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.You see how lonely I was as a child.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Amélie listened to them like a shadow. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She diligently filled teapots and paced the room to make sure no cakes or cookies fell out. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She wore her maid’s face like a mask, hiding her anger and only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Time passed, and Amélie Gagnier, nearing adulthood, became a seasoned senior maid.

Her unusual stubbornness sometimes made her colleagues laugh, but the consensus now was that Amélie Gagnier was born to be a maid.

She always did her assigned tasks perfectly, never demanding more than what was appropriate, and claimed that the world of the servant was all she belonged to. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.That’s how she managed to live somewhat only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

But the truth is, Amélie Gagnier hadn’t been able to completely let go of her desires and her pride. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She just learnt to bury them in secret.